Barclays Prospective Supplier Registration Form
Company InformationCompany name*
Parent name (if different)
Address Details*
Mailing address details (if different)
D-U-N-S #* This is a 9 digit number.For more information on how to obtain your D-U-N-S number,please access
Website address
Please give a brief overview of your company (300 words max)*
Corporate (parent company) annual revenue (indicate currency)*
How many permanent employees do you have?*
Geographies served
Company qualifies as a diverse supplier? Yes/No
A diverse supplier for Barclays is either or both
A. Size Diverse - meets small business standards in headquarters country for operating company (or parent company, if a subsidiary) and/or
B. Ownership Diverse – a company majority owned, controlled and operated by local -country socio-economic disadvantaged groups
If one or both, please specify how the company qualifies as diverse. If company is certified as a diverse, please upload certificate for operating company, or parent, if a subsidiary.
Are you currently a customer of Barclays Bank? Yes/No
Primary Contact Information
Contact Name*
Contact name*
Contact telephone number*
Contact email address*
Certifications & Capability Information
ISO Certification (Please attach certificate if applicable)
QS Certification (Please attach certificate if applicable)
Briefly describe your company’s proposition for Barclays (300 words max)*
Barclays History
Are you currently or have you in the past supplied goods or services to Barclays?*
Yes – past/Yes – current/No
If yes, please provide the full name of your Barclays contact
If yes, please indicate the name of the Barclays business area you did/do business with
If yes, please provide details of the products or services you provide / provided
Do you consent to the Barclays supplier registration terms and conditions outlined below?* / Yes / No
Additional Comments
Any other comments
*Mandatory fileds
Completing the supplier registration process does not guarantee your company will receive a request to bid or a contract from Barclays PLC, nor does it imply that your company has any type of procurement relationship with Barclays PLC or its affiliates (the 'Bank'), either now or in the future.
You consent to our sharing information and data concerning you company and its affiliates (and their employees and contractors) with associates and contractors of the Bank wherever located (including countries in which you may not have operations) for the purpose of evaluating and undertaking transactions between the Bank and your company. You confirm that your company is able, where required and where relevant, to lawfully provide us with the personal information relating to your employees and/ or subcontractors.
Restricted - External