Burbank Classroom Management Plan / 2013-2014
Plan For Receiving Students
1.  Be at door
2.  Greet students TLC: Threshold
3.  Check for dress code
4.  TLC Entry Routine/Do now / Plan for Materials Distribution/Collection
1.  Students sharpen pencils, take out flash drive, finish copying objective/today’s assignment
2.  5 min early, save/turn-in assignment
3.  One (1) student picks up handouts…
Plan for Engagement
1.  TCL: Cold Call
2.  STAAR Strategy
3.  Teach on your feet / Plan for Students Leaving Classroom and Exiting Students
1.  Hall pass with date and time.
2.  No students released 10 minutes after/before bells.
Plan for Student Success
1.  Incomplete assignments: Students will be given time before or after school to make up missing or incomplete assignments.
2.  Make-Up Work: Students will be given an opportunity to complete assignment within specified time
3.  Low Quiz/Test Grades: Students will have an opportunity to drop the lowest grade / Plan for Positive Learning Environment
1.  TLC: Post It
2.  Academic Word Wall
3.  Bulletin Boards
4.  Maintain a clean/organized environment.
5.  Plan for Substitute/Teacher Absences
Plans For Level 1 Infractions Prior to Administration Referral
Infractions and Teacher Interventions/Consequences
*Tardies (Tardy Log with student sign in; Tardy Policy)
1.  Verbal warning (2 offenses)
2.  3rd offense, call parent
3.  4th offense, Discipline Referral
*Dress Code Violations
1.  Verbal warning (2 offenses)
2.  3rd offense, call parent
3.  4th offense, Discipline Referral
*Failure to Bring Assignment to Class
1.  Verbal reminder (turn-in next class period)
2.  Consistent failure to submit homework, call parent
3.  Discipline Referral
*Excessive Absences
1.  Verbal reminder (3 absences)
2.  Call parent
3.  Notify administrator / *Lack of Materials
1.  Student will be given temporary materials for
three days
2.  4th day, lack of materials, call parent
*Disruption/Talking During Class
1.  Verbal reminder (3 times)
2.  Call parent
3.  Discipline Referral
*Failure to Attend Tutorials
1.  N/A
*Parent Contact
1.  Parents will be contacted as
2.  needed, to report adverse behavior, and for questions and concerns