Budget Amendment and

Personnel Report Preparation

Departmental Financial Systems

Phone: 542-6763

Fax: 583-0077


Website: www.webdfs.uga.edu



Overview 3

Types of Documents 4

Setting Browser Options 5

Starting WebDFS 7

Main Menu 8

Sequence Number Maintenance 9

Budget Amendment Only Document Header 10

Personnel Document Header 11

Personnel Header – List of Employees 12

Employee Information 13

Filled Position 14

Pay Authorization 15

Vacant Position 17

Reason Codes 18

Personnel Remarks 19

Budget Amendment 20

Validate 21

Electronic Approval 22

View/Print the HTML Forms 24

List of Documents 25

WebDFS Reports 26



§  Is a web-based system for preparing and printing budget amendment and personnel documents

§  May be routed electronically (if your unit has been set up for Electronic Approval) or you may prepares paper forms for signature and manual routing

Web-based means…

§  The only software required is a web browser and a plug-in

§  No application upgrades, maintenance or backups are required by the user

§  Can run on Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, ME, 2003, etc.

§  Browsers supported:

o  Internet Explorer 5.0and above

o  Netscape 8 and above

WebDFS will grow and change

§  New enhancements and features being added constantly

§  Departmental Cost-Center application available

§  Budget Development application available

§  Electronic approval of Budget Amendment/Personnels available on a limited basis

§  Accounting package in early development

Data in WebDFS

§  is pulled from completed WebDFS documents and from the mainframe

o  includes Applicant Tracking data by social security number

§  is pulled in only for positions or accounts to which the user is authorized

§  must be reviewed by the user for accuracy

§  comes from a shared resource (mainframe) so WebDFS will be affected by high use periods such as drop/add, but with continued upgrades to the mainframe, things are improving

Types of Documents

When users are creating documents in WebDFS, they must choose whether to create a Budget Amendment Only Document or a Personnel Document. A Budget Amendment Only Document is used to create a Budget Amendment form. A Personnel Document can be used to generate a Personnel Report with Budget Amendment or simply a Personnel Report. Following are some guidelines for choosing which type of document to create:

Transactions requiring a Budget Amendment Only Document:

§  Establish a budget amount or change the amount budgeted for non-personal services expenditures, eg. Travel, equipment, operating supplies, holdback, indirect overhead, etc.

§  Establish a budget amount or change the amount budgeted for anticipated income for the fiscal year

§  Establish or change the amount budgeted for a vacant position

§  Establish a budget amount or change the amount budgeted for personal services lump sum positions

Transactions Requiring a Personnel Document:

§  Change in Position Job Title and/or Job Classification Code for non-faculty positions

§  Change of name

§  Correction of Social Security Number

§  Employee changing from one position to another

§  Terminating employee from a line item position

§  Change in the amount budgeted for any portion of a position

§  Change from salaried bi-weekly position to monthly position

Refer to Budget Amendment Instructions for additional information

Menu choices for each type of created document:

§  Document Header
§  Employee Information
§  Filled Position
§  Vacant Position
§  Reason Codes
§  Personnel Remarks
§  County Information
§  Budget Amendment
§  Budget Amendment Remarks
§  View/Print Crystal Forms
§  View/Print HTML Forms
/ Budget Amendment Only:
§  Document Header
§  Vacant Position
§  Budget Amendment
§  Budget Amendment Remarks
§  View/Print Crystal Forms
§  View/Print HTML Forms

Setting Browser Options

Before using WebDFS for the first time, users are advised to set their Internet Explorer options for optimal performance. Users do this by following the steps outlined below:

1. Start Internet Explorer by going to the Start button and selecting Programs then select Internet Explorer.

2. Select Tools from Internet Explorer menu at the top, then select the last item in the list: Internet Options.

3. Click the button labeled “Settings” in the middle section of the box.

4. Choose the option “Every visit to the page” and Click OK.

5. Click OK again to close the Internet Options window.

Starting WebDFS

1.  Start Internet Explorer

  1. In the browser address bar type www.webdfs.uga.edu (or go to www.dfs.uga.edu and click on the link for the Budget Amendment system).
  2. On the logon page type your TSO/IMS userid and password and click on the ‘Logon’ button.

  1. The following page is used to provide the user with helpful notices and coming events. Click on the Continue button when you are ready to proceed.

Main Menu

Click the arrow next to “Select one of the following.” to select where you would like to begin.

§  List of Documents – contains a list of documents that the user has created or that contain accounts to which the user is authorized

§  Add a New Budget Amendment Only Document – create a document that does not require a Personnel Report

§  Add a New Personnel Document – create a document with a Personnel Report and Budget Amendment

§  Sequence Number Maintenance – set the last sequence number that was used for a fiscal year and department; also used to set default department phone

§  WebDFS Reports – generate reports based on the documents you do in WebDFS and including mainframe Budget data.

(Note: All other options are for Electronic Approval users)

NOTE: If a user begins a Budget Amendment Only Document and decides that a Personnel Report is required, the user will need to purge the Budget Amendment Only Document and begin a new Personnel Document.

Sequence Number Maintenance

§  Use this page to set the last sequence number that was used for your department and fiscal year and to set your department phone number.

§  Users will usually go to this page the first time they use WebDFS.

§  To see if information already exists for a fiscal year and department, complete the fiscal year and department fields and click Read.

§  To add or modify information, enter the information and click Save.

Budget Amendment Only Document Header

·  This will create a document that does NOT include a Personnel Report

·  If a user determines that a Personnel Report is required, the user must purge the Budget Amendment Only document and create a Personnel document

·  Fiscal Year, Dept., and Source are required

·  Sequence Number will be generated by the program if this field is left blank

·  Complete the required fields and click the Create button to create a new document

·  View the System Messages to confirm that the document was successfully created

Personnel Document Header

§  All non-gray fields must be completed except:

o  Seq – WebDFS will assign a number if this is left blank

o  Dept/Project – WebDFS gets the description based on the dept. number

§  Users can leave Dept. Phone blank if a phone number was saved on the Sequence Number page.

§  Grayed out fields are completed by the application

§  The Social Security Number label is a link to a "popup" page of employees to which the user is authorized (see next page)

·  Complete the required fields and click the Create button to create a new document

§  View the System Messages to confirm that the document was successfully created

The Social Security Number (SSN) and Position cannot be changed after the document has been created. If the user typed the incorrect SSN or position and the document was created, the user would need to purge the document and begin a new document with the correct information.
Personnel Document Header - Popup List of Employees

Users can search the list by last name or use the Next button at the bottom of the page to move page-by- page through the list.

Click the radio button next to the SSN to cause this window to close and the SSN of the selected person to be filled in on the Personnel Document Header page.

Employee Information

§  Contains employee data that was added when the document was created

§  Document Information section shows doc number and employee

§  Users must verify that the data is complete and accurate

§  Users can make any necessary changes and click Modify

§  If employee data was not found in the system, the user must complete all the fields and click Modify

Filled Position

§  Entry List section contains positions that have been added to the document

§  Entry Detail section is used to add new positions or modify data from the Entry List

§  To modify data, click the round radio button in the Entry List section to copy that row’s data from the Entry List to the Entry Detail

§  Additional existing positions can be added to the document by typing the position in the Entry Detail and clicking the Add button. Then click the radio button in the Entry List to copy the data to the Entry Detail, make changes, and click Modify.

Pay Authorization

To get to the Pay Authorization page, select the PayAuth link from the Entry List section of the Filled Position page.

§  Document Information includes position and salary data for use in calculating Revised EFT and Revised Budget.

§  Entry List contains pay authorization information for the position that is being modified

§  To modify pay authorization data, click the radio button in the Entry List next to the account that is to be modified. Make changes in the Entry Detail section and click Modify.

§  Only one account can be modified at a time. If a position is paid off multiple accounts, the user must perform the steps for modifying data for each account that requires changes.

§  To have the system calculate Revised Budget and Revised EFT, the user would use “System” in the drop-down list under Calc RevBud/RevEFT. If a user wants to manually calculate Revised Budget and Revised EFT “Manual” must be selected in this drop down list.

Vacant Position

Use this page to create a new vacant or lump sum position or to modify information for an existing vacant or lump sum position.

Type the position information in the Entry Detail and click Add to add the position to your document.

Reason Codes

·  The Entry List section displays reason codes that have been added to the document

·  To add a reason code to your document:

o  In the Reason Code box in the Entry Detail section, click the arrow next to the words “Select from the following”. Scroll down the list to select the reason code that applies to your situation.

o  If additional information is required on the Personnel form, the appropriate section in the detail area is highlighted

o  Key in any additional data that is required and click Add

§  If a user has added an incorrect reason code to the document, he/she will need to delete the incorrect one and add the correct code. Users cannot Modify the reason code; only the additional information that goes with it.

Personnel Remarks

Type in remarks for your document and click Save. The first three input boxes make up the first line on the form and the next three input boxes make up the second line.

Budget Amendment

·  On Personnel Documents, there may be one or more entries in the Entry List section that do not have a radio button next to them. Based on the information that is contained in the Pay Authorization page these entries were created by the program.

·  Entries created by the program cannot be modified. The user must modify the Pay Authorization data to cause the automatic Budget Amendment entries to change.

·  The user will need to add entries to the document to balance the automatic entries to zero.

·  To add new entries, type in the information in the detail section and click Add

·  No entries are created automatically for a Budget Amendment Only document

·  Funding source entries are also added on this page. The WebDFS program will determine if an entry is a budget amendment entry or a funding source entry

·  Entries in the Entry List will be in the following order:

o  Automatically created entries

o  Budget Amendment entries

o  Funding source entries

·  Total Change EFT and Total Change Amount are listed below the Entry List section


Printed documents will contain the word “Draft” across the signature lines until the document has been successfully validated and marked as Finished.

·  The Validate button is located next to the Document Information section on almost every page of the WebDFS application.

·  When the user clicks the Validate button, a separate browser window opens and the results of the Validation process are displayed to the user.

·  The Validation process checks the entire document for completeness and accuracy.

·  Any errors detected during the Validation process must be corrected before the document can be marked Finished

·  To correct errors:

o  Click the button marked “Edit Document” to return to the main WebDFS application.

o  Select the necessary page from the dropdown menu and click GoTo.

o  Make the necessary change or changes and click Modify

o  Repeat as many times as necessary to correct all errors

o  Perform the Validation process again in order to mark the document Finished

·  If users select “Mark Personnel as Finished” the word draft will be removed from the Personnel Report but will remain on the Budget Amendment form

Electronic Approval

If all departments are the document are eligible for electronic approval, then the user will receive the option of submitting their document electronically.

Using rules established by the Budget Office and by the Divisions represented in the document, the system determines the userids that need to sign this document. The document is removed from the Budget Amendment system and placed into the Electronic side of the system. The first signer is notified, if they opted to receive email notifications. The document appears in their “List of Documents Awaiting Approval.”