Buchan Pony Club Inc.
Buchan Easter Horse Trials
Saturday 23rd April 2011– 8.00am Startat the Buchan Recreation Reserve
The event will be conducted under the PCAV General Rules for Horse Trials. All Dressage Tests will be taken from PCAV Dressage Book 2006 Edition. This is an accredited course and is a qualifying round for the PCAV Championships. First Aid will be in attendance. – No Card No Ride
- SECTION 1:PC Grade 1 – Dressage HT2
- SECTION 2:PC Grade 2 – Dressage HT2
- SECTION 3:PC Grade 3 – Dressage Test 3B (Arena 60 x 20)
- SECTION 4:PC Grade 4 – Dressage Test 4B
- SECTION 5:PC Grade 5 – Dressage Test 5B
- SECTION 6:PC Combined Training for rider 8 years & under Dressage Test 5A
- SECTION 7:Training Grade 2 – Dressage HT2 – Option to Jump Grade 1 Nominate on Entry Form
- SECTION 8:Training Grade 3 – Dressage Test 3B (Arena 60 x 20)
- SECTION 9:Training Grade 4 – Dressage Test 4B
- SECTION 10:Training Grade 5 - Dressage Test 5B (Must be over 35 years old)
Entry Fees:Section 1 to 5$30.00
Section 6$20.00
Section 7 to 10$35.00 ($5.00 Day attendance inclusive – form to be completed and signed with entry)
Pony Club Grades 1 to 5 and equivalent for Open Sections
Horse Trials and Show jumping; maximum heights and spreads at max height in metres
Grades / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Max Height / 1.05 / 0.90 / 0.75 / 0.60 / 0.45
Max Spread / 1.20 / 0.90 / 0.65 / 0.50 / 0.45
All entries must be accompanied by the correct fee. No late or telephone entries will be accepted. All Cheques to be made payable to Buchan Pony Club Inc. No Refunds after closing date except with Vet or Medical Certificate. Entry fees and a stamped self addressed envelope or email to be included for the return of Dressage times.
Please Note: Entries Close Tuesday 12thApril 2011 (two weeks prior to event)
Send all entries to:Buchan Pony Club IncEnquiries Phone Julie-ann Mraz 51 559357
Internal Box B, Peter Favaloro 51575286 Post Office,
Buchan . Vic. 3885
Conditions of Entry: Entry is conditional upon acceptance of these conditions
- All horses must be registered on the HORSE EVENT/ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION DECLARATION (No form No Entry)
- All competitors, they being Pony Club or Training Riders, must wear approved PCAV Medical Armbands when competing in all phases Armbands must be inscribed with competitors’ medical details and will be a gear check requirement.
- ASA Approved Helmets and boots must be worn by all competitors
- Training Competitors must complete day attendance form with application
- Full Pony Club uniform must be worn by PC Members. Training Competitors – jackets or HRCAV Uniform for dressage and showjumping phases of the competition
- The organisers reserve the right to divide or cancel any class, alter advertised starting times or refuse entry without stating a reason
- Entering this competition constitutes acknowledgment that PCAV rules apply and acceptance of these rules.
- PCAV Members may ride in either the PC section or Open section (not both) providing attendance and grading eligibility is proven in PCAV club member card in accordance with the PCAV Handbook of By-Laws.
- PCAV Training competitors under 16 years must have combination graded by NCAS Level One (or higher) Instructor.
- Riders under 8yrs of age may not compete in Horse Trials (Combined Training Only).
- Horses must be four years of age. No stallions, colts or rigs.
- Competitors may ride more than one horse competitively in Grades 1, 2 and 3 subject to a ballot of entries. Preferences will be based on listed order on entry form.
- If an ambulance is called the Bush Nurse will attend. There may be a charge for this and is responsibility of the individual.
All Sections –Sashes for 1st place to 6th place. All Sections – Best Dressage. In the event of equal scores the placing will be decided in accordance with PCAV By-Law 35.2. Equal placings will be awarded in Combined Training.
Please Note: Strictly no horses are to be ridden by any person, at any time, other than when actually competing in the Horse Trials, on the Caves Reserve land across the river, or on the property of Rogers. Competitors, or related competitors, will be eliminated from all competition as a consequence. If camping, we have limited space so please use minimal space for horses.
DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES - Neither the PCAV nor the Buchan Pony Club Inc accept any responsibility for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, spectators or any other person r property whatsoever.
Buchan Pony Club Inc. Horse Trials / Gymkhana 2010
Horse Event / Activity Participation Declaration
Buchan Recreation Reserve
(No Form No Entry: Return with Entry Form)
1. Registered Name of the Horse and / or name as officially entered …………………………………………………………………………………
Address or P/C Number of property or which the horse will be moved to the event…………………………………………………………………..
Address or P/C Number of property to where the horse will move after the event ……………………………………………………………………
Attending 2011 Horse Trials / Attending 2011 Gymkhana2. Registered Name of the Horse and / or name as officially entered …………………………………………………………………………………
Address or P/C Number of property from which the horse will be moved to the event ……………………………………………………………….
Address or P/C Number of property to where the horse will move after the event ……………………………………………………………………
Attending 2011 Horse Trials / Attending 2011 Gymkhana3. Registered Name of the Horse and / or name as officially entered ………………………………………………………………………………..
Address or P/C Number of property from which the horse will be moved to the event ………………………………………………………………
Address or P/C Number of property to where the horse will move after the event ……………………………………………………………………
Attending 2011 Horse Trials / Attending 2011 Gymkhana4. Registered Name of the Horse and / or name as officially entered ………………………………………………………………………………..
Address or P/C Number of property from which the horse will be moved to the event ………………………………………………………………
Address or P/C Number of property to where the horse will move after the event …………………………………………………………………..
Attending 2011 Horse Trials / Attending 2011 GymkhanaHealth of Horse(s)
I declare that the horse named above will be in good health, eating normally and not showing signs of respiratory disease during the last 3 days leading up to this event. I give my authorization for the Event Secretary to call for veterinary inspection of the horse(s) named above and in my care should they be showing signs of a respiratory illness at any time during the course of the event. I agree to pay any veterinary fees incurred as a result of this veterinary examination.
Horse Event Declaration Waiver I understand that due to diseases such as equine influenza, the Victorian Department of Primary Industries, or other State or Commonwealth government body, may restrict or prevent the movement of horses, vehicles and personnel for a period of time (“standstill”). I acknowledge and agree that a Standstill is a risk of competing at this event and I agree to pay all costs or expenses as a result of a Standstill.
Biosecurity Guidelines I have read and understand the PCAV Biosecurity Guidelines as read on the website and I will act in accordance with these guidelines.
Refund Policy I understand that the Buchan Pony Club will refund all entry fees if the event is cancelled prior to 1 April 2009 (eg 48 hours) before the event. If the event is cancelled within 48 hours 1 April or during the event, the organizing committee will refund less the value of already incurred expenses.
Rider’s signature………………………………………………..Dated………………………………..……………………2011
Rider’s signature………………………………………………..Dated……………………………………………………..2011
Guardian’s signature……………………………………………Dated……………………………………………………..2011
Buchan Pony Club Inc Horse Trials
/Gymkhana 2010
Entry Form
Please return this page to Buchan Pony Club – Internal Box B – Buchan Vic 3885along with:
- Cheque or money order payable to Buchan Pony Club
- Stamped Self Addressed Envelope or Email Address for return of your dressage times
- Signed Horse Event Participation Declaration(No form, No entry)
- Complete nominated helper section below – Buchan is a very small club please indicate preference by completing below table
Nominated Event Helper
Nominated Mobile/Phone Number (Compulsory)
CC Steward
Nominate Two Grades / Dressage/Gymkhana Penciller / Gear Check / Show Jump Junior / Show Jump Senior
PC and Training Horse Trials Entries –
All training entries must complete PCAV Day Attendance Application
Limited yards are available. These need to be booked by telephone to Peter Favaloro 03 5157 5286 and a fee of $10.00 for the weekend must accompany the entry
Camping Fees – must be paid with entry. Cost is $2.00 per person per night. Please specify if camping Friday night only. Receipts will be issued and must be displayed at Campsite.
Gymkhana General Pre Entry Fee
The fee for each rider is $15.00to ride in as many classes as s / he wishes. There will be no ticket sales. Gear check is compulsory, before riding when riders will be given identification for entry. Training entries must complete PCAV Day Attendance Application and pay $5 with pre entry. Tiny Tots entry is $10.00
Day Attendance Fee: Gymkhana $5 payable with pre entry / $
Payment Summary
Entry Fees / $
Yards (Must be pre booked Peter Favaloro 03 5157 5286 and a fee of $10.00) / $
Camping - $2.00 Per Person Per Night – Please specify if camping Friday night only / $
Day Attendance Application (To be forwarded with entry)
Day attendance entitles you to be covered under the Pony Club’s Equine Liability Insurance Policy. This means if you become legally liable to pay damages arising out of accidental bodily injury to any person and/or accidental property damage, the Insurer will indemnify you subject to the Limit of Indemnity specified in the Schedule, subject to the policy terms and conditions.
Event Details
Competition/Activity/Name/DateBUCHAN HORSE TRIALS 23 April 2011
Competition/Activity/Name/DateBUCHAN GYMKHANA 25 April 2011
Attendee Details
Full Name (Participant)______
Full Name (Parent Guardian______
If under 18 years)
Date of Birth______Age______
Phone (H)______Phone (W)______
Phone (M)______Fax______
Horse’s Name______
Horse’s Name______
Horse’s Name______
Vehicle/Float Reg No.______Vehicle Type______
I/We hereby agree to abide by the Pony Club rules, policies and codes whilst
Attending the Pony Club event/activity.
Attendee/Guardian Signature______Date______