DECEMBER 2, 2015 – 4:00 PM - DEPUTY 301A
1. Are any faculty members currently under investigation? Nature of investigation (no name needed).
*One faculty member, potential 1B1
2. Have any investigations been completed? Results?
*One investigation has been completed
1. Facilities update – Decker and Memorial continue to be worked on. Looking at Dec. 18th completion for Decker. Also looking for Dec. 18th for Memorial completion. Holding contractors to the Dec 18th date. Air quality results for Memorial came back with no issues. On Dec 21stthere will be a presentation to MnSCU representatives on the Hagg Sauer redesign.
2. Positions update – Hiring calendar was discussed by HR (see agenda item #10).
3. Budget update – In January, costs and expenses for various academic programs will be provided.
4. Campaign update – Received a seven figure gift today. Anticipated that in June the campaign will be near $40 million.
5. Enrollment update- Around 900 degree seeking students registered for fall, but not yet registered for spring. Distance Mn staff will be calling non-registered students. High School visits coming to an end.Admissions will be shifting over to focus on follow-up with interested students. Admissions is developing work plan on recruitment and retention. Number of online students looking for business and economics courseson waitlists. Business is pursuing different avenues to find additional faculty to teach courses on waitlists (contacting retired faculty, etc.)
1. Adjunct / data requests Carry over from 11-4-15 Randy
Request made to Doug Olney for fixed term adjunct overload list data. Reports only accurate after load sheets completed. May be available for next M&C later in December.
2. Interdisciplinary Studies / Lib Ed position Carry over from 11-4-15 Randy
Update provided on the position description.
3. International Studies response Carry over from 11-4-15 Jeff
Will be reported on at next Faculty Senate.
4. Prior consideration & searches Carry over from 11-4-15 Martin
Discussed in Agenda item #9.
5. Response to budget request Carry over from 11-4-15 Karen
Karen will provide information.
6. Gardner training Attachment 1 Deb Peterson
BSU part of open pathway model. University will be working on a quality initiative as part of the HLC open pathway. Enhancing student retention and completion has been selected as the quality initiative. Currently evaluating the opportunity to work with the Gardner Institute on the project. Faculty invited to participate in discussion with Gardner representatives Bridgeman Room 301 Jan 6th (10:30 -11:30am) regarding the quality initiative. The anticipated costs vary depending on number of courses involved with the study
7. Duty days for summer searches Attachment 2 Martin
Provost Tadlock asked for comments to the proposed attachment by next meeting. Grievance response dated Oct. 13, 2015 was reviewed. Questions related to mutual agreement language between the faculty member and administration for summer duty days was discussed. Concern related to specific language related to specifying “two duty” days was raised. The proposed draft attachment will be revised eliminating “two duty day” language and provided again to the IFO.
8. Guidelines for University Scholars Attachment 3 Martin
Faculty member proposed a draft process to recognize University Scholars. The draft was revised by Deans Council and latest draft was shared with the IFO. It will be brought to Faculty Senate for discussion and input.
9. Hiring checklist for 2015-2016 Attachment 4 Randy
Skype interviews may be avoided if only two qualified candidates in hiring pool. Prior consideration as specified in the contract still needs to be followed. New version of checklist addresses a number of concerns previously raised. Question related to checklist items 1 or 2 discussed.
10. Hiring Calendar Plan for 2015-2016 - update Attachment 5 Martin / Randy / Megan
Positions brought forward in Sept. and October are posted; November positions will post on Dec 7th (7 positions); December positions will post in December. Two positions hired last summer not eligible for prior consideration. Question asked about when new replacements to settle adjunct grievance will be hired. Currently, no funding available for hiring of new faculty. A financial recovery plan is required by Jan. 4th and will need to encompass overall financial planning for the University including discussion on positions. Hiring calendar will help organize future searches.
11. Financial Recovery Plan Karen
Reviewed Board Policy 7.3. MnSCU has established review of financial stability of institutions. If an institution has two consecutive years of negative net operating revenue it must complete a financial recovery plan. Both BSU and NTC, separately and combined, have had two consecutive years of negative net operating revenue. Karen Snorek shared financial data that was reviewed by system office. Projections for FY16 and FY17 need to be completed. Plan is due to system on January 4th and update the plan in May and also September, 2016. This covers all revenue funds for the University funds. This will be an on-going discussion. A number of other MnSCU institutions are also being asked to complete a financial recovery plan. The BSU CFI is okay. Tuition freeze, reduced enrollment have negatively impacted the net operating revenue.
12. Information request: Jeff
a. Enrollment report with incoming student data broken down by credits transferred intoeach MTC Goal area
Students are bringing in numerous transfer credits through PSEO, concurrent enrollment, etc.
b. Specifics on amount of carry-forwards withheld by department / unit
What is happening with carry-forwards? Requested an update
13. What is the status of community’s contribution to Athletics? Jeff
Approx. $630,000 was generated from community before Sanford Center was built. Beaver Pride (football alumni) also contribute to support athletics. Coaches cost approx. 22% of athletic budgets so other athletic costs also need to be addressed.
14. Update on President’s survey, results? Jeff
Over 200 survey responses have been submitted.
15. English Graduate Curriculum discussion Jeff
Meeting is scheduled to discuss the matter.
16. Checklist of IFO information requests Jeff
Organize a running list of IFO serving on University committees, search committees, evaluation of RFP’s, etc. Can we find a work space within BSU portal to track rosters and share information?
17. MMB / BSU respectful workplace proposals Jeff
A local policy is not being developed by BSU. Waiting on the MMB policy to be evaluated and expanded to apply to MnSCU bargaining units. How will the MMB policy be applied to provide a more respective workplace? MSUAASF also considering developing a policy. Jeff will visit with MSUAASF
18. Action Items
Any ideas related to reorganization of University please forward to Academic Affairs.
4 PM – DEPUTY 301A
December 16, 2015
January 6, 2016 – ALTERNATE
January 20, 2016
February 3, 2016 – ALTERNATE
February 24, 2016
March 2, 2016 – ALTERNATE
March 30, 2016
April 6, 2016 – ALTERNATE
April 27, 2016
May 4, 2016 - ALTERNATE