Yosola Adelakun and Oluwagbogo Joledo
Written by
Ms Bukky Oke
Created as part of the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme – Silver Level
Section A: Our Business DetailsBusiness Name / VEGGIECRAFT
Business Activity / Urban farming, Arts and Craft Making and Selling using new and recycled materials.
No. of students involved in business idea activities (including writing this Business Idea) / 4 Boys / 6 Girls / Total 10
Section B: Our School
1. To help you understand our school business better, we will briefly describe our school (e.g. age of the students; location; environment).
BICS is in a satellite town alongside the entrance to the main Abuja city. We are an early years and elementary school. We are surrounded by residential houses, other schools, communities and small villages. We have a business club in our school and the members are actively involved in Business. Some of the members of our business club are in the Afterschool.
Section C: Our School Business Experience
2. Here is a brief description of the school business we ran before/are currently running, including the products/services we sold/are selling.
We have sampled several businesses since 2015. We started by recycling old cereal containers and using African fabrics to cover them to make piggy banks, table decorations, pencil cases, storage bowls, etc. We organized a mini market and sold some of our work. One of us earned his first dollar. We also raised some fund equivalent to N5400 then. We put in about N7000 then so we ran at a loss then. By the next year, more marketing was put into it and we have some customers already.
This year, we looked at our environment and figured we had a small empty plot of land opposite the school where some farmers grow corn. We decided to ask for permission to use it to grow vegetables, we grew Spinach and Okra which sold out. We had to buy from a parent who is a farmer to meet the demand. Our teacher also engaged us in loads of craft like learning to sew skirts and shorts, knitting, quilt making, designing footwear, using recycled materials for a fashion show, etc. This opened up our minds as we now sell our products at every school event.
Section D: Our Resources
3. Considering our school’s physical resources, skills and location, these are the resources available at our school we can use to develop our business:
BICS has an empty piece of land across the school owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria. We also have very creative staff and students. Even the guard, Mr Clement helps us with craft. We also have a lot of waste materials people bring like empty bottles, cans, cereal containers, old clothes, shoes, etc. We also have most of our mums doing business so can help us market our products.
Section E: Brainstorming Business Ideas
4. a) These are the fivebusiness ideas wethought of when brainstorminga new idea or a way of diversifying or growing the existing one:
Selling Artworks, Singing for events, Babysitting, Car Wash and Farming
b) The business we chose for our Silver Award is: ___Veggiecraft______
And these are 3 reasons why we chose this idea:
1. Most mums like fresh farm vegetables.
2. We have a lot of waste materials around.
3. The whole vegetable farming thing sounds like fun.
5. Our final Business Idea will be sustainable and have a positive impact on the environment and our community because:
Our Business idea is diverse. It is not boring and even when we leave the school, BICS staff can easily pass it on to the next set by identifying artistic students.
Food is one of the basic needs of man so as long as you are eating, we are selling.
Section F: Financing our growth and development
6. Here is a description of how we are planning to finance our business, including how we are going to raise the money needed for our school business.
We organized a Yard Sale to raise finance to start the business year, we didn’t make much from that then we took a loan from our School Head, Mrs Odjobo. The loan has been repaid. We now are looking for partners to join us to invest some capital into our business.
We also intend to seek more collaboration with other agencies.
Yard Sale
Section G: Appendix
Please find in this space our completed Resource Assessment template, our Feasibility Study template and3 photos (when possible) that clearly show our involvement as students in business idea activities.
CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! Submit NOW!
Remember to submit your completed business idea to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at:
SILVER Business Idea Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish