(Regd. Under I.T.U Act 1926, Regn. No.-16/2010)
Circle President Iqbal Singh Dhillon , General Secretary : Com. Baljinder Singh
#1638, C/o Krishan Lal , H No 45, Ward No.05, Prince Avenue, Azad Road, chheherta VPO-Ghanour, Tehsil –
Distt:- Amritsar 13105 Distt:- Patiala-140702
Cell No.: 9417010110 Cell No.: 94178-10529
Ref No: BSNL C&C LABOUR UNION /2016-18/12 Dated at ldh : 04-12-2017.
Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central),
Kendriye Sadan, Sector-09-A,
Chandigarh -160036.
Sub: - Non-Payment to the contract labour in Punjab circle.
We would like to bring to your kind notice that BSNL Punjab circle is hiring contract labour through the contractors in whole Punjab. More than 1000 workers are working in Punjab Circle. The workers are not paid wages since last four months in all the district of Punjab. As per the gazette notification dated 19-01-2017, the payment to the contract labour is to be made by 7th day of each month. Our district level leaders have approached the concerned the contractors several times but to no avail. The simple reply of the contractor is that there bills are not being cleared by the BSNL authority. This is the gross violation of labour law prevailing in the country. Hence, you are kind intervention is utmost requires in the case. So you are requested intervene in this matter so that justice is giving to the labourer. We also request you issue suitable instructions to the BSNL authority for making monthly payment to the labourer.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
(Baljinder Singh)
Circle Secretary.
Copy to:-
1. Chief General Manager Telecom BSNL, Sanchar Sadan, Sector 34-A, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh for
2. Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU
3. Com. Animesh Mittra, General Secretary, BSNL Casual Contract Workers federation CHQ at New Delhi.
4. All the Circle/District bearers of BSNLCCWU, Punjab.