Thursday9thth ofOctober2014@7:00pm
Apologies for absence: Stuart Hulse, Christine Caruthers, Marj Thorburn,Jeanette Hughes, Edd Snell, Sarah Temple, David Temple, Sue Lorimerand Peter Conner
Present: Terry O’Neil,Stuart Hulse, Christine Caruthers, Rob Mackenzie, and Betty Grieve
Minutes of last meeting:Held on 18thSept. 2014– Confirmed with date corrections
Matters arising from last meeting: None
Draft Plan discussion
Terry reminded the group that for the final document, there may be a need to recruit or hire an expert with graphic design and publishing skills. Terry has approached the High School and Chester University and Lancashire Universities
The group re viewed each section of the draft plan that have been amended and circulated to the group by Rob Via email:
As Sarah noted that a preface would be useful to help clarify the process and purpose of the NP – Rob has inserted introductory text
Section 1 Remove the map of landscape character – Terry hasn’t moved this but may use this in another section
The group reviewed each of the draft policy document amendments:
Sport and Leisure:
Rob noted that the existing green belt boundary may be problematic in light of the recent planning application for land on the old playing at the Helsby Community Sports Club. Rob hasincluded an alternative green belt policy, as it does not seem possible to keep the old green belt boundary running across the new development.
The Environment:
Rob has included a paragraph on heritage assets and the view to review the local list at the earliest possible date. The current local list referenced in the appendices. Sue’s letter to home owners, to be put on hold for the time being.
Policy HNP Env. 4 Green Spaces:Still needs to designate local green spaces – list Jeanette
Policy HNP Env. 8Wind turbines: As Rob had advised the group that in light of the recent court decision involving Milton Keynes and advice given to Malpasour policy in wind turbines might need to be revised. Wording to be changed , to read that our policy will be in line with current National Policy.
Employment Transport and shopping:
The Group agreed the Ince recovery park and re-opening of the Halton Curve will be a major employment incentive and that Helsby will be a catchment area for employment which will require sustainable transport (cycle-path upgrades, rail links). Rob has included a “shopping list” of what the village would want from developers in regards to infrastructure upgrades.
Policy HNP ETS1 Business development: Again the group debated employment land the additional comment was agreed to add detail about existing employment - “Areas currently in employment use, shall remain in that use. If further brownfield sites become available these should be used to maintain the balance of housing and business use (which could a lever for the development of affordable housing and mixed business which may entice a developer).
Housing and infrastructure:
Background and Key issues: Robs review of the provision of affordable housing needed, resulted in the need for10 affordable housing units to be built a year for the next five years.
Policy HNP H2: The group agreed that it should be clear the developers must build its’ allotted affordable housing in Helsby not elsewhere i.e. Ellesmere Port. Such housing must also be blended to the existing character of the village in accordance with CWaC polices. It is also unclear where these homes could be built
Policy HNP H9 Residential Parking: Grass verges where again debated, Rob advised that it unfeasible to have blanket policy concerning verges.
Plan Publishing- Consultation time table and the booking of venues.
Timetable: We are aiming for a completed Draft Document in time for consultations in the January/February timeframe.
To accomplish this
-Draft plan will be minute’d for presentation at the December 8th meeting of the Parish council
-Rob will send CWaC the policy chapters to be checked for compliance and to determine if there is a need for environmental assessment. This could take up to six weeks.
-Printing must be completed in December
Consultation Methods
The group agreed that combination of invitations to groups and set presentations would be the best.
The group agreed that it would not deliver the full draft document to all house-holds. An 8 page leaflet could be circulated via the spring addition of Helsby News.
A letter to residents from the Parish council with link to website where the full document could be viewed ad well as locations in the village for viewing.
The group agreed the consultation should include the widest range of parties
Ranging from all groups, business and residents targeted in the questionnaire was well the Statuary Bodies and local land and business interests.
Consultation materials
-Power point presentation
-Memory sticks
-Poster boards and maps
Maps and Copyrights
Jeanette to confirm with CWaC our right as a Parish to the use and reproduction of CWaC’s mapping resources. Still need to sign up with the Public sector mapping agreement.
Other Matters Arising
Terry shared with group the CWaC Local Plan - Part Two
-Land allocations and detailed polices sites and services survey
-Designed to provide intelligence or provide additional development sites that could be considered in the allocation of services or facilities
Next meeting:
Date and time of next meeting:
Thursday 6th, November @ 7:00 - Helsby Community Centre Meeting Room
Apologies for Absence