BSIR Abstract Submission Information 2018

Important notes:
1, Neither the authors nor the submitting centre(s) must be identified by name, in order to allow unbiased anonymous review.
2, Please adhere to the word count, do not attempt to cheat by omitting spaces or adding underscores.

Non-anonymous submissions or abstracts exceeding the word count are likely to be disqualified.

Scientific presentations

These may be submitted for oral or poster presentation (to be decided by the review committee) or for poster presentation only.

Abstracts (max. 250 words) need to be structured under the following headings:

·  Aims

·  Materials and Methods

·  Results

·  Conclusion

Available categories for submission are:

·  Aortic, Visceral & Major Venous Intervention

·  Interventional oncology

·  Embolisation

·  Peripheral vascular intervention

·  GI / HPB / GU intervention

·  Miscellaneous

The submission will be scored on

·  Quality of scientific methods and conclusion

·  Clinical relevance to BSIR

·  Study design – randomised controlled trials will score higher than prospective trials or retrospective case series

Please identify whether patient consent and institutional review board approval were granted. If no statement is made, it will be assumed that this has not been sought or given.

Off-label use of any devices needs to be declared.

Please submit all audit, management and service review as a scientific submission.

Educational posters

Submissions are invited for poster presentations illustrating important features of a certain condition, a procedure or a clinical pathway.

Abstracts (max. 250 words) need to be structured into three paragraphs, headed:

·  Background

·  Description of Findings / Procedure

·  Conclusion

·  In addition 3-5 learning points will need to be submitted.

Available categories are:

·  Aortic Visceral & Major Venous Intervention

·  Interventional oncology

·  Embolisation

·  Peripheral vascular intervention

·  GI / HPB / GU intervention

·  Miscellaneous

Please submit all audit, management and service review as a scientific submission.

Details of Prizes

·  Best presentation by a BSIR junior member (IR registrar in training): Grant to attend CIRSE 2019

·  Best presentation by a radiology registrar in training: Grant to attend an IR meeting 2019

·  Best overall presentation: Grant to attend an IR meeting 2019

·  Best student / foundation year trainee: Grant to attend BSIR 2019

·  Best presentation by AHP: Grant to attend BSIR 2019

·  Best Scientific Poster: Grant to attend BSIR 2019

·  Best Educational Poster: Grant to attend BSIR 2019

Case studies

Scoring criteria are

·  Quality of the construction of the case

·  Content

·  Relevance to BSIR

·  Quality of images

·  Quality of reflection


Student essays will be scored on

·  Quality of the construction of the case

·  Content

·  Relevance to BSIR