Bryon Hansen+ Easter VigilApril 4, 2015
The Great Vigil of Easter + April 4, 2015
One of the distinctive features of the Vigil at PRLC is the water procession. I’ve been looking forward to it all week long. You have this wonderful tradition of asking folks to bring a favorite vessel to hold the water to be poured into the baptismal pool and I’ve been thinking for quite a while now, what vessel I should bring for the pouring of the water.
What vessel do I have at home that is a symbol of my story? What has personal meaning for me? What will be my vessel?
I thought about the red plastic thing we use to water plants at home, but, upon further reflection that didn’t sound very interesting. Then I thought about drinking vessels. First I wondered about the beer glass that was a gift from Britt. She ordered it from “Old” It has a picture of Luther on it and below it says “Sin boldly.” Well, on the very night we renounce sin, I didn’t think that was very appropriate. I also wondered about Britt’s collection of Tea Pots. One is Noah’s ark. Well, that’s certainly appropriate, but the teapot belongs to Britt, not me.
Finally, I decided upon the coffee mug. A have number of those. A couple of them are emblems of cities in which I have lived or spent some time. I have a big Portland mug that holds memories of serving a parish there for 9 years, building a great cadre of friends, and theplacewhere I was introduced to Britt. I also use the Chicago mug where I spent a few weeks for three consecutive summers to learn more about preaching. Both a part of my story …. Finally, it all cametogether and I was led to purchase a new mug that will become near and dear to me – it says SEATTLE.
It is my new favorite place to live - home of the Mariners, the Seahawks, Starbucks, the Space Needle and hundreds of other interesting places and people. Most of all it is the place we now gladly call home and it is the city where you find a blessed community called Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church.
So, it’s a cup of gratitude and a way for me to join my story to your story. So, I gladlyjoin your water procession where each of us places our personal stories with the stories of our sisters and brothers that make up Phinney and even more wondrous is that our story is gathered by God into the great story of God’s love and God’s great work of making the world new.
It’s a great story. An ancient story, A new story … and it encompasses the story of Noah and his family who survived the flood, the story of water creating walls and making a pathway for God’s people to run to freedom, the story of the prophet Jonah who found himself in and out of the water in his mission to tell a rebellious city about the mercy of God. It’s the story of Jesus’ baptism and his very death and resurrection.
Soon Rogue, Kamren and Ruby will become part of this story. It will be their story. It is the story we share with them. It is who we are. And soon several adults in our midst – each of them called by name by the Risen Christ, will renew their baptismal promises. Not just them. All of us tonight are gathered around these storied waters.
This is who we are …. this is our identity … we belong to this God and we are set free to live from this story and so know the joy of proclaim to all the world that God’s dream has come true in Jesus Christ who is risen. Risen indeed!
All you who thirst,
come to the waters.
You that have no money, come buy and eat.
Come buy win and milk without money and without price.
Come to the waters! Amen.