Broughton-Milton Keynes, February the 9th 2013.

To who it may concern.

Reference: Tzeposioannis, Greek (EU) Citzen, born in Sao Vicente-BR on February the 23th 1979.STATEMENT.

Me and Emma first meet on Arpil the 17th 2011 in Paris-France. We got together after 2 weeks seeing each other in between our break times at work.

Just after we let that job and move to London-UK, in September 2011.

Emma Louise Chapman, born in Milton Keynes-UK on April the 14th 1988, claims that her grandfather sexual abuse her when she was a child.

That 2 boys sexual abuse her when she was at school time, swimming at the river.

That a boy put a knife at her trought at school.

That her mother’s boyfriend pointed a knife to her mother and used to shout on her when she was a child.

That she is crazy.

That she have brain problem.

That her other’s dog have brain problem.

That her last boyfriend abused of her and was cruel to her.

That we got together to fast.

That I do not let her see her father, mother or her sister Donna.

That I control her life.

That I shout on her at all times.

That I am the father of her son.

That she is a bad person.

That she is not a good mother.

That she is afraid of me.

Her relatives tells me that she have dispraksia and that her brain is 4 (four) years behind.


She puxed me away and the baby fell on the floor.

She punsh her head on the floor afterwords.

She cry at all time.

She shout on me.

She punched me 3 times.

She run away at alltimes convenient.

Her mother shout on me inside my houseand took my son from my hands. Giving me orders and trying to make me feel afraid of EVERYONE.

Her mother discriminates me just because I am not English.

No one on Emma’s circle approve me as her boyfriend.

I have no right to seek help from Emma’s relatives or friends because none of them approve me as her boyfriend.

I feel discriminated and used.

She took my son and run away from me, today 09/02/13.

She creates an reason to argue and never step down.

She use her relatives and friends to make me feel afraid of them.

She did not notice that she was pregnant until I say that she was.

She never told me that she stoped to take contraception pils.

She was really drunk at the time we conceive our son. Otherwise she would not have sex with me.

She is treating me the seame way she treated her ex-boyfriends.

She havealucinations.

She try to be close to her friends and let me alone.

She crys telling me that she wants my help.

She crys telling me that she want go away from England and live with me elsewhere.

She crys telling me that no one likes her and that is better kill herself.

I have most of those allegations on text message.

She needs a medical treatmentIF she REALLYhave some disfunction.

At ALL times I seek help from Emma’s relatives or friends, EVERYONE tells me to let her alone.

My FEAR now is what will happen with Alexandros Moses Tzepos, my son!!!

Her relatives want to take him from me. Overtaking my Father rights and responsabilities.

