Biology I /
DATE: / August 14-18,2017TOPIC/CONCEPTS TO BE
TO THE TOPIC: / 2.Describe the biochemical basis of life and explain how energy flows within and between the living systems.c. Classify solutions as acidic, basic, or neutral and relate the significance of the
pH scale to the organism’s survival (DOK 2)
d. Compare and contrast the structure, properties, and principle functions of
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in living organisms (DOK 2)
e. Examine the life processes to conclude the role enzymes play in regulating biochemical reactions. (DOK 2)
(checked) / O Audiovisual
O Discussion
O Interactive / O Large Group
O Lecture
O Reading/Comprehension / O Small Group
O Kinesthetic
O Other______
TEXTBOOK REFERENCE: / SATP2 Review Guide: Section 1 (pages 31-58)
(TEST) / Quiz: Friday, August 18, 2017
Assessment: Tuesday, August 22, 2017
MONDAY: / A.) Bellringer (Students will have 10 minutes to work bellringer; bellringer will be discussed
upon completion).
B.) .)Students will be introduced to the characteristics of living things to begin
biochemical studies (PPT Notes).
C.) Reivew: Students will be given time to begin fill-in-the-blank terms sheet.
D.) Closure: Students will complete exit ticket to provide feedback and synthesize content.
TUESDAY: / A.) Bellringer (Students will have 10 minutes to work bellringer; bellringer will be discussed
upon completion).
B.)Review: Students will be given 10-15 minutes to record Biochem Terms on flashcards
C.) Introduction: Students will be introduced to atomic structure
D.) Practice: Students will complete INB handout to reiterate the common characteristics of
all living things.
E.) Closure: Students will complete exit ticket to provide feedback and synthesize content
WEDNESDAY: / A.) Bellringer (Students will have 10 minutes to work bellringer; bellringer will be discussed
upon completion).
B.) Review: Students will be given 10 minutes to work in pairs to complete inquiry flashcards.
C.)Introduction: Students will be introduced to the properties of water; PPT
D.) Students will be given instructions to complete the Model of An Atom foldable.
THURSDAY: / A.)Bellringer (Students will have 10 minutes to work bellringer; bellringer will be discussed
upon completion).
B) Students will be introduced to macromolecules, focusing on the structure, properties, and primary use of each; PPT.
C.)Students will complete handout emphasizing atomic structure and will be given the opportunity to display understanding of calculating the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
D.)Students will work in pairs to review Biochem Terms.
FRIDAY: / A.)Bellringer (Students will have 10 minutes to work bellringer; bellringer will be discussed
upon completion).
B.) Students will be given 10 minutes to review flashcards and notes and will engage in a
game of Around-the-world in preparation for Biochem assessment.
C.) Biochemassessment will be administered.
D.) Assessment questions and responses will be discussed upon completion.
MATERIALS: / Pencils, paper, worksheet/handouts, pens, markers, poster, dry erase markers, Promethean, swatters and terms wall for game, and flashcards with unit questions for Around-the-World.
DURATION: / This portion of the unit will require 5 instructional days consisting of 100 minute sessions each day.
CLOSURE: / At the end of each class session, students and teacher will briefly overview material that has been covered in the day’s lesson to bring the lesson to a conclusion.
SPECIAL NEEDS ACCOMMODATIONS: / A.)Students with IEP will be placed close to the teacher for monitoring purposes.
B.)Students will be clued to stay on task.
C.)Students will be allowed to have assessments read aloud per IEP recommendation.
D.)Lesson plans, notes and assignments will be modified to accommodate IEP provisions.
HOMEWORK: / Homework will be assigned at the discretion of the teacher. All students are expected to review notes each night. In addition, all assignments left incomplete in class will be assigned as homework.