August 1, 2010

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 18:6-9; Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19;

Luke 12:32-48 [117C]

Our Holy Father St. Dominic

Meditation for the Feast of St. Dominic

It was a very rare thing indeed, in the 13th century, to have one's own books, but from what we know of St. Dominic from what Blessed Jordan of Saxony (his first successor as Master of the Order of Preachers) tells us, St. Dominic had his own copies of the Gospel of St. Matthew and the Letters of St. Paul. Blessed Jordan tells us that our Holy Father St. Dominic carried these texts with him wherever he went, and that he knew them word for word, backwards and forwards.

You see, St. Dominic knew all-too-well that the time had already come that St. Paul spoke about in the following verses, the time when people would not tolerate sound doctrine, when they would stop listening to the truth and go wandering after fables. That's why he was in southern France in the early years of the 13th century, why he had not returned to his comfortable cathedral chapter in Osma, Spain, where he was from. The people were wandering off in droves, being led astray by the fables of the Albigensians, the Catharists. And St. Dominic knew, with a stomach-churning certainty, as he pondered these words of St. Paul to a young St. Timothy, that this task of preaching was his, that he was the instrument God had chosen to preach the Truth to the hearts of His people, to rescue the straying lambs and bring them safely back into the one fold. Faced with the enormity of the task, our holy father must have been a little frightened, indeed!
…And so, as he set about his task of preaching, he began to win hearts and minds over to the Truth, hearts and minds that were attracted by his authenticity, his spirit of poverty, by the joy that radiated from his eyes and face as he spoke lovingly, eloquently of the God who had captured his heart.

And other priests joined St. Dominic in his mission; men converts also asked to join him on the road, and soon enough, St. Dominic had gathered a band of brothers, an order of friars, Friars Preachers.
Eight centuries later, as sons and daughters of St. Dominic in the 21st century, our basic task remains the same. Each member of the family of St. Dominic, in the way that is proper

to his or her state in life, is called first of all to the contemplation of the saving Mysteries of our Faith, to the contemplation of the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to call down from heaven the graces necessary to win the hearts of men and women to a love of the Truth, to a love of Him who is the Truth. We don't need more strategic plans, more pastoral planning processes, more blueprints for success. We need, the world needs, the Church needs, our Lord needs hearts set aflame, hearts immersed in the Word of God, hearts united with the Heart of Christ, for the salvation of souls, first our own and then those of the whole world.

(Excerpted from a posting by Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P.

on his 8/08/2009 blog in the newsletter of the

Provincial of St. Dominic of St. Joseph)

Solemnity of Saint Dominic
Sunday, August 8
Dear Friends,
Since our parish is now served by Dominican Friars, we will be celebrating the Solemnity of the Order’s founder, St. Dominic at all the masses today.
The Dominican Friars invite you to celebrate the day with a cookout on the rectory roof following the 11:30 Sunday Mass.
A special thanks to all of you who have increased your summer giving and, also, contributed to the cost of repairing our air conditionning system. The floor adjacent to our new baptismal font (under the back pews) is being repaired and new marble is being installed in the area. The work is taking longer than predicted requiring us to be patisent.
Fr. John McGuire, O.P.
The collection for August 1st was $4,929. We appreciate your generosity. We hope you will continue to support St Joseph’s during the summer when many of our parishioners are out-of-town.
We encourage you to enroll via the ParishPay website Select the St Joseph West Village link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry.

TODAY @ 2:30

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorial event at St. Joseph’s

Sunday, August 8th @ 2:30PM in Casserly Hall

“In Catholic teaching, the task is not to make the world safer through the threat of nuclear weapons, but rather to make the world safer from nuclear weapons through mutual and verifiable nuclear disarmament…. The moral end is clear: a world free of the threat of nuclear weapons” (Most Rev. Archbishop Edwin O’Brien).

In faithfulness to Catholic teaching and in memory of the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Pax Christi Metro New York invites you to a Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorial event, which will include an exhibit of photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, prayer, discussion, and a silent procession around Washington Square Park. Sr. Jean Fallon, a Maryknoll sister who spent over 20 years in Japan; Sr. Kathie Uhler of Franciscans International; and Allison Pytlak of Religions for Peace will lead the discussion. This event begins on Sunday, August 8th, at 2:30 PM in Casserly Hall below St. Joseph’s Greenwich Village Church, Washington Place and Sixth Avenue.

Contact PCMNY for further details: 212-420-0250, , or

The Academy of St. Joseph has only 1 spot left in our Kindergarten class. If you know of a family looking for a school, call 212 929-0534. We will be offering an adult Spanish class for beginners on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM beginning September 14th. The fee is $250.00 for the semester. (14 classes). We are also offering an adult Yoga class on Wednesday from 3:15-4:15p.m. The fee for this class is $225.00 for the semester. (15 classes) If interested please call the school office or email .
111 Washington Place, NY, NY10014 212-929-0534

Please call the Rectory and inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, feeling the effects of old age or is ill and not able to attend mass. We will be happy to visit them on a regular basis and provide them with the sacraments at home. Call 212 741-1274

Please note that we have a new listing of Parish Activities. Please visit our website for the latest news on the NYU Catholic Center, St. Joseph’s Parish, and links to other Catholic organizations and interests.
Please send your announcements and events to be included in the bulletin and web:



SATURDAY, August 7 St. Sixtus II, pope, martyr, & his companions, martyrs

Hb 1:12—2:4/Mt 17:14-20

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Catherine Martin

SUNDAY, August 8 Feast of St. Dominic

9:00 AM Antoni Cieszynski

11:30 AM Carmela De Lucia

6:00 PM

MONDAY, August 9 St.Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, virgin, martyr

Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c/Mt 17:22-27

12:10 PM Mary McGeady (living)

5:30 PM Margaret Havens

TUESDAY, August 10 St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr

2 Cor 9:6-10/Jn 12:24-26

12:10 PM Virginia Clarke

5:30 PM Lino Bonomi

WEDNESDAY, August 11 St. Clarie, virgin

Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22/Mt 18:15-20

12:10 PM Catherine Martin

5:30 PM Peggy Milus (living)

THURSDAY, August 12 St. Jane Frances de Chantal, religious

Ez 12:1-12/Mt 18:21—19:1

12:10 PM Theresa Moran

5:30 PM Elsie Caticamo

FRIDAY, August 13 St. Pontian, pope, martyr, St. Hippolytus, priest, martyr

Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63/Mt 19:3-12

12:10 PM Joseph Imperato

5:30 PM Anne Van Steenberg

SATURDAY, August 4 St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest, martyr

Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32/Mt 19:13-15

12:10 PM Rosemary Masal

5:30 PM Catherine Martin


10:00 AM (resume in Sept) / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM
(resume in Sept) / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM
(resume in Sept) / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
7:00 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM
(resume in Sept) / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM
(resume in Sept) / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCMNY
7:00 PM
(resume in Sept) / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart / Church
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Casserly