Curriculum Statement 2017-2018

‘Broad, Balanced, Relevant, Differentiated’.

·  Is broad and balanced

All students have the opportunity to follow a range of courses ‘that comply with legislation and provide a wide range of subjects, preparing pupils for later life.’ (Ofsted School Inspection Handbook, July 2014 p42)

·  Provides enjoyment, boosts self-esteem, raises aspirations and enables maximum progress, achievement and attainment.

The curriculum motivates all students to want to learn ’promoting high levels of achievement and good behaviour’ and clearly links all assessment together enabling pupils to understand what they need to do and when.

·  Promotes fundamental British values

All students develop as rounded citizens through the totality of their educational experience understanding particularly the concepts of ‘democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. ‘

·  Focus on the priorities within Literacy and Numeracy

All students are enabled to ‘make excellent progress in reading, writing and mathematics’

·  Prepares young people for the future

The curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities successfully ‘prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life in Modern Britain. ‘It also promotes tolerance and respect. The curriculum also offers general and bespoke guidance opportunities for all students. (for example group and individual advice relating to careers and/or medical issues and also personalised mentoring programmes)

·  Develops pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Through a wide range of opportunities – enrichment days, assemblies, extra curricular activities, tutor time, PSHE and discrete learning days, the curriculum provides all students with the opportunities to clearly understand a sense of what is right and wrong.

The Curriculum at Warblington School enables all students regardless of gender, faith, disability, special educational need the opportunity to achieve and attain their potential whilst enjoying school. We believe all our students are entitled to a curriculum that challenges their individual abilities; is relevant to their experience and present needs; is inclusive and has application and value in the world outside the school. The recognition of students as individuals demands appropriate teaching methods and learning tasks that will engage all our young people, including those with special educational needs.

The curriculum follows a two week timetable which consists of five one hour lessons each day, with the exception of Tuesday which is a shortened day and consists of four lessons. Curriculum Maps for each year group are available on our website and identify the breakdown of the curriculum blocks and amount of lessons delivered across the two week cycle. Our broad and balanced curriculum permits students to experience, practice and develop a wide range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding. All students will have a comprehensive education that will allow them to develop personal strengths and talents as well as meet new and existing statutory requirements. Throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, our personal development programme focuses upon key issues salient to living in a multi-cultural community, as well as supporting individuals in their learning. This incorporates Enrichment Days, Careers Education, Work Experience and PSHE. Opportunities also exist for students to extend their learning through a wide range of extra-curricular activities and educational visits. We enrich and enhance the taught curriculum through collaborative working with community partners. Throughout, we have a strong commitment to the development of our students’ numeracy, literacy and ICT capabilities. We also provide a range of opportunities across the curriculum to facilitate the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our students.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7 & 8)

The curriculum is designed to provide students with the experiences they need to progress seamlessly from KS2 with a clear focus on English, Maths and Science which all receive 7 periods per cycle. In Year 7 and 8, students are taught in two parallel cohorts, with setting for English; Maths and Science. This enables each subject to set students according to their talent in each respective core area. All other subjects teach in mixed ability groups. More able students have the opportunity to study Spanish alongside French, whilst the remaining students just study French. Alongside this, students are taught in mixed ability groups for Art, Drama, Music, and RE. We have recently established a ‘nurture/literacy’ support group which enables our weakest students (identified prior to transition) to focus on a literacy based curriculum, improving general literacy and social skills enabling all individuals to integrate fully into life at secondary school as happy, confident young students.

Key Stage 4 (Year 9, 10 and 11)

Core Lessons

Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 study GCSE English, Maths, Science as GCSE Subjects. Students study English, Maths and Science for eight lessons a fortnight in years 9 and 10 and seven for year 11. Students in year 9 and 10 also study PE or Dance and RE (Year 9 only) as part of the core curriculum. Year 9 students have the opportunity to study PE or dance as KS4 examinations.

Key Stage 4 Options

In Years 9, 10 and 11 students have the opportunity to study GCSE Art, Design and Technology, French, Geography, History, Music, RE, Photography, Creative iMedia, PE and Spanish alongside GCSE equivalent courses in BTEC Dance.

Option subjects are planned carefully to meet the English Ebacc for the majority of our students, ensuring English Language and Literature, Maths and either Science or Triple Science are supported by either History or Geography and Spanish or French. All students are encouraged to complete a minimum of eight subjects and the majority complete higher.

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