F.A.O. BUCS Staff Member:______

Please Pay (Print Name):

Volunteer’s Name (if different to above):

Institution / Organisation:

Address: Post Code:

Tel No.: E-mail:

Venue: Date of Event:


Rail Fares (single / return)

From: To:

From: To:

Car Travel (Please insert postal codes for start & destination)

From: To:

Miles travelled in total: @ 37p per mile

From: To:

Miles travelled in total: @ 37p per mile

Other transport (single / return)

From: To:

From: To:

Subsistence allowance (Breakfast = £5, Lunch = £10, Dinner = £15 - see over for clarification)

Other expenses (please specify – normally subject to authorisation)



BUCS pays expenses via BACS - Please provide your bank account details below or if these have been previously submitted and are unchanged please tick the relevant box.

Bank details previously supplied and are unchanged.

I am new to BUCS / My new bank details are as follows:

Account Holder’s Name: ______

Account Number: ______Sort Code: __ / __ / __

Signed: Date:

Please return form to:

BUCS, 20-24 Kings Bench Street, London, SE1 OQX.

Failure to attach receipts, ‘Google maps’ for mileage claims or to complete BACS details may result in your claim being refused.

Please ensure that claims are submitted within 28 days of the event.

Office Use Only:

Budget Code: Certified Correct: Date:

Approved CEO:______Date:______

BUCS Expenses Claim Guidelines on Reverse..

BUCS Expenses Claim Guidelines

Please ensure all relevant details are completed on the form.

Please indicate on the form if your address / bank details have recently changed to enable us to update your details.

What if I do not have a bank account?

Please provide bank details of someone we can pay on your behalf in the relevant section on the form.


Subsistence may only be claimed where food is not provided by BUCS and when travelling before 8am (breakfast) and after 9pm (dinner). Please check with the event organiser if you are unsure if you are eligible to claim subsistence. The following are the maximum allowances permitted for meals:

£5 Breakfast (only if travel is commenced before 8am in order to reach the event)

£10 Lunch

£15 Dinner (only if arriving home after 9pm / or where an overnight stay is required)

Note that these are amounts that may be claimed up to and are not statutory payments made to volunteers. Receipts MUST be provided for all subsistence claims and failure to submit receipts may lead to a claim being rejected.


Please ensure your mileage is accurate and that any deviations on your journey are noted on your form. BUCS verifies mileage against a ‘Google map’ using journey start and finish postcodes and claims will be adjusted accordingly automatically if found to be incorrect.

BUCS will reimburse mileage at a flat rate of 37p per mile.

A Google map MUST be provided with your claim if it totals over 50 miles. Failure to provide a map may mean your expenses are not honoured.

Cheapest Possible Route

BUCS requests that volunteers travel by the cheapest possible route and tickets should be booked in advance wherever possible. Please note, if it is deemed that an individual has not booked their tickets in advance where dates were published their claim may be reduced accordingly.

Only Standard Class rail tickets will be reimbursed.

Claim Deadline

Expenses claims MUST be made within 28 days of the conclusion of the event. Failure to return the forms to us within this time frame may lead to the claim being rejected.


Once your form is received by BUCS it is signed off by the relevant member of BUCS staff and passed across to the finance department for payment. Expenses are then paid on the next available payment run which occurs weekly. You can usually expect payment within a maximum of 3 weeks of your claim being received by the BUCS office.

Questions & Queries

Please refer any questions or queries relating to your claim to the member of BUCS staff for the relevant sport/event or to the lead member of BUCS staff to which your claim relates.