Section One: Multiple choice(20 Marks)
Clearly record an answer for questions 1 – 20 by marking your choice using a blue or black pen or a B or 2B pencil. Each question is worth one mark.
Suggested working time for this section is 30 minutes.
1. What is the most appropriate source of fuel for replenishing energy stores after a 50 minute Fun Run:
a) Fat
b) Fibre
c) Protein
d) Carbohydrate
2. Which of the following factors does not act upon a golf ball in flight is
a) Gravity
b) Circumduction
c) Air Resistance
d) Point of Contact
3. Which of the following does not form part of the axial skeleton?
a) Pelvis
b) Skull
c) Spine
d) Sternum
4. When the softball player grips the bat, the movement action required at the finger joints is
a) extension
b) inversion
c) flexion
d) plantar flexion
5. Ligaments connect what two structures?
a) muscles to bone
b) cartilage to bone
c) bone to bone
d) muscle to tendon
6. An ice skater performing a glide would be predominantly concerned with
a) Linear motion
b) Angular Motion
c) Sanding motion
d) General Motion
7. A force is defined as:
a) Something which will always result in motion
b) Any influence which alters or tends to alter the state of motion of a body
c) Any external pushing or pulling of an object
d) The summed components of several working muscles
8. As a swimmer leaves the blocks during the dive phase of their event, the movement of the feet is?
a) Extension
b) Inversion
c) dorsi flexion
d) plantar flexion
9. The average velocity of a 400m runner would be :
a) Greater than that of a 100m runner
b) Less than that of a 5000m runner
c) Greater than 800m runner
d) Less than that of a 200m runner
10. There are three types of muscle tissue responsible for bodily functions: skeletal, smooth, cardiac. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Skeletal muscles pull on bones of the skeleton to create movement. They are responsible for all our involuntary movements
b) Smooth muscles move internal organs of the body. The action of smooth muscles is voluntary
c) Cardiac muscle is the muscle of the heart itself. The heart is not under our conscious control and therefore is involuntary
d) Smooth muscle cells are striated in appearance and found in the intestinal walls, blood vessels and diaphragm
11. Which statement/statements below are correct in relation to features common to all muscles?
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (i) and (iv)
c) (iv)
d) (ii) and (iii)
i) Muscles can shorten or contract and thus become thicker
ii) Muscles will increase in size or atrophy when activity levels are increased
iii) Muscles will waste or hypertrophy during a period of inactivity
iv) Muscles will increase in size or hypertrophy when activity levels are increased
12. All muscle contains a mix of red and white fibres. The major differences between the two fibres type are related to:
a) Red fibres (slow twitch) contract at a faster rate than white fibres (fast twitch)
b) White fibres can contract repeatedly for prolonged periods
c) Red fibres are larger than white fibres and therefore generate greater force
d) White fibres (fast twitch) fatigue more easily than red fibres (slow twitch)
13. The Vessel which carries blood from the Heart to the Lungs is known as the:
a) Aorta
b) Pulmonary Artery
c) Pulmonary Vein
d) Ventricle
14. Which of the following does not make up part of the heart
a) Alveoli
b) Ventricle
c) Septum
d) Tricuspid valve
15. The baseball pitch is a movement pattern which results in the summation of velocities from segment to segment. Which body part would you expect to have the greatest velocity during the pitching motion?
(c)elbow .
16. Acceleration is defined as the:
a) Rate of change of distance
b) Speed of an object in a particular direction
c) Change in angle of projection
d) Rate of change of velocity
17. Angular velocity is the rate of change of angular position and is usually expressed in
a) Degrees per second
b) Metres per second
c) Kilometres per hour
d) Kilowatts
18. Which energy system if the fastest to resynthesise ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
b) Aerobic Energy System
c) Anaerobic Glycolysis
d) Aerobic Glycolysis
19. Which of the following correctly shows the chemical breakdown of ATP to produce energy:
a) ADP + PC > ATP
b) ATP > ADP + Pi
c) ATP > CO2 + H2O + ADP + energy
d) ATP + lactic acid > energy
20. The muscle fibre distribution measured in the gastrocnemius muscle of an elite marathon runner is likely to contain what ratio of white and red muscle fibres?
a) 60% white and 40% red
b) 50% red and 50% white
c) 80% red and 20% white
d) 20% red and 80% white
Section Two: Short Answer
Question 1
(5 Marks)
Define and give an example of the following terms then compare the two
Acute response to exercise (2 marks)
Chronic response to exercise (2 marks)
Comparison of the two(1 mark)
Question 2
(4 Marks)
Question 3
(7.5 Marks)
Label the following diagrams
Muscular skeletal system
Question 4
(6 Marks)
Label the physiological pathway of oxygen from the atmosphere to the muscles.
Question 5
(6 marks)
Complete the table below using the following diagrams of joint movement
D / E / F
G / H / I
J / K / L
Extended Answer
Question 1(15 Marks)
The body uses three food sources to provide ATP and uses three systems to break down ATP to produce energy to meet the demands of different types of physical activity.
a) Describe the three food sources for energy production and state where the fuel from each food source is stored in the body. (3 marks)
b) Describe the three energy systems that use ATP to produce energy for activity.
(6 marks)
The amount of ATP that is supplied to the muscles is determined by the intensity and duration of the activity.
c) Discuss when the three energy systems are utilised during exercise. Use a graph of the percentage of energy contributed by each energy system over time to illustrate your answer. (6marks)
Graph: The contribution of the three energy systems during exercise.
Question 2
(15 marks)
Pictured below are the World Record Holders for the 100m, 400m and 3000m track athletics events.
100m / 9.69 seconds16 August 2008
Beijing,China / Usain Bolt / Jamaica
400m / 43.18 seconds
Sevilla, USA / Michael Johnson, United States /
3000m / 7 minutes
20.67 seconds
Rieti, Italy / Daniel Komen, Kenya /
a) The genetic make up and characteristics of these athletes is both different and similar in many ways. Through your knowledge of Anatomy & Biomechanics, explain in detail as many of these characteristics as possible and explain how each athlete could not and would not excel at each others events.
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