australasian neuroscience
nurses association
Brisbane, Queensland, Novotel Hotel
Annual General Meeting MinutesThursday Sep 10th 2015Meeting Opened: 1115hrs – 1220hrs
Chair: Sharryn Byers
Secretary: Kate Lin
- Attendance: Sharryn Byers, Kylie Wright, Linda Nichols, Kate O’Dea, Christine Holland, Lynette Wallace, Mary Lomas,Jennifer Blundell, Sandra Krpez, Diane Lear, Mahlah Watchman,Leigh Arrowsmith, Tania Lawrence, Caroline Gareiks, Robert Jensen, Bruse Keown, Candice Barter, Joan Crystal, Stephen Yu, Rimma Kats, Anne Marie Watson, Nanette Nunlist, Analiza Rimando, Jane Raftesath, Kylie Tastula, Colin Woodhouse… (70 in total)
- Apologies: Vicki Evans, Barbara Lester
Proxy: Antoinette David, Jolina Watson, Melissa Bartley, Melissa Drury, Alison Punch, David Tsui, Catherine Hardman
- Confirmation of previous minutes:Jenni BlundellSeconded: Linda Nichols
- Business Arising from the previous minutes
- ANNA involvement in Neuroscience Education Program 2014-2015
- Wed payments
- Should ANNA take over neuroscience nursing programs. Other associations do this e.g Aboriginal Health, College of Remote Area Nurses, Emergency Nurses.
- Covered in President’s report to follow
- Call out to members who would be interested to assist in this concept to inform executive
- Reports
- President
The legal and fiscal management of not for profit associations continues to change with possibly the biggest change relating to the Executive committee. While always aware of the legal responsibilities of managing ANNA as President it is now apparent that legally the Executive Committee is seen as a Board of Directors. Fortunately, this does not require a change in fiscal management but does create an increased awareness of ensuring the Executive Committee members do not become vulnerable to personal liability. ANNA continues to have sound processes for fiscal management with PAMS (Professional Association Management Services). There are three signatories to authorise payments with either the Treasurer or President of ANNA and the Managing Director of PAMS, Stephen Lake required to authorise payments. Any expenditure by members of the Executive Committee must be approved and documented in the minutes of Executive Committee meetings held monthly. Authorisation of expenditure cannot be approved by the person seeking reimbursement. Additionally ANNA participates in independent audit processes, further details in the Treasurers report. ANNA holds insurance to protect the voluntary committee members in the course of ANNA work, eg car accident on the way to a meeting, as well as insurance to protect ANNA against financial misappropriation. These examples are to highlight that ANNA is a well administered association.
Another significant change is increasing difficulty in gaining sponsorship for ANNA. Despite sending out over 70 sponsorship prospectus to companies there has been minimal interest even considering we determined Brisbane as the location because prior sponsors identified it would be a preferred location. One of the reasons companies have reported is that nurses are not seen as the decision makers in equipment purchasing. The changes to sponsorship guidelines also has also contributed.
Change to branch structure
This year has seen the dissolution of the ACT and New Zealand branches. The Executive Committee recognises the impact of voluntary work that is required to run a state branch and we are happy to consider alternatives that may improve state based activities including geographical realignment. See appendix 1
ANNA was also approached by Movement Disorder Nurses regarding affiliation with ANNA. A memorandum of understanding is being developed and the recommendation from the Executive Committee is that a specialty branch be established. The Movement Disorder branch will comply with the same financial regulations as mentioned above. This is an exciting development and I am confident the members will agree it is important that nurses caring for patients with neurological or neurosurgical diagnosis are welcome members of ANNA. This will also see enhancement of education delivered via the ANNA website. A memorandum of understanding is being developed. See appendix 2.
Life membership Nominations
Two nominations for life membership have been received and full CV’s will be available at the AGM.
- Jennifer Blundell was a founding member of ANNA and has worked in Executive and State based committee positions including Editor, Australasian Journal of Neuroscience, 2004-2006. Currently, Jennifer continues to be active within ANNA as Archivist and a judge at the Annual Conference. Jennifer has presented at ANNA conferences 11 times since 1993 and at the World Federation Neuroscience Nurses conference in 1997 as well as contributing via publications in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. The Louie Blundell prize has also been established, in memory of her mother Louie Blundell, for the best paper by a student. Nominated by Sharryn Byers and Kylie Wright. See Appendix 4
- The second nomination is for Harriet Chan. Harriet has been a member of ANNA since 1990 and held various positions at the state level since 1995 including State Delegate, Treasurer and committee member. Harriet has contributed to the ANNA professional standards in both the second and third editions and has published in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. Nominated by Christine Carroll and Debbie Wilkinson. See appendix 5
As Webmaster in association with Heidi Good an enhanced website is under development which will include internet payment for membership and activities. A member’s only section will also be included. We had hoped to launch this earlier, but was unable to progress due to health issues. ANNA Facebook page is at 445 likes from across the world. Have you seen the question posed by a member regarding GCS frequency? If not pop onto the Facebook page and add your comment. Together we make a difference!
Conference 2016 / NSA Proposals
The Neurosurgical Association of Australasia has approached ANNA regarding collaboration. At this stage the NSA has two proposals including conference co-location and management services provision. The contract with PAMS will expire in 2017 so the next Executive can consider the latter proposal prior to a decision.
One of the significant advantages to the co-location proposal is that the NSA will guarantee sponsorship in 2016 of $15000 compared to $5500 this year. While the location of the conference in 2016 has been determined future meetings would be determined collaboratively. Currently the proposal has separate sessions for ANNA and NSA presentations with the offer of guest speakers already engaged by the NSA at no cost to ANNA. There is also a generous offer to assume a significant portion of the administrative duties which will free up ANNA executive members.
One of the disadvantages is the potential for loss of identity of ANNA as a standalone association. Loss of delegates to NSA sessions would also need to be managed. As the social events would be shared there was also some concerns around networking.
From the perspective of the President I find this an encouraging and progressive step. Economies of scale will be increasingly important as the sponsorship dollar becomes harder to attract and in order to keep costs to a minimum for members. There is also the opportunity to have access to a broader range of high quality speakers including the NSA guest speakers. Like any opportunity it needs to be well managed to minimise risks. Certainly we would need to speak with the Australian New Zealand Association of Neurologists to present a balance of experts from both the medical and surgical fields. See appendix 3
Future Planning
A project to be developed is the consideration of ANNA in sponsoring a delegate from less affluent countries in the Australasian area. This year we have offered a free registration to a delegate from Malaysia and the Executive would like to develop a formal process where this can occur on a yearly basis and potentially attract commercial sponsorship of this initiative. Further work needs to occur.
University of Tasmania, School of Health Sciences has made a formal request to develop a memorandum of understanding to the mutual benefit of ANNA and U Tas. This is to be pursued post conference when my health is expected to improve.
Positions Vacant 2016
2016 sees the completion of two terms of office for Kylie Wright (previously Secretary and now Vice-President) and myself as President/Webmaster and Public Officer. Neither Kylie nor I will be standing for re-election with the exception of the position of Public Officer which I am happy to continue for a further year.
Members should be considering how their skills can support the association in these roles and also what skills can be gained in these roles. Please feel free to speak with Kylie and myself regarding these roles and how we plan to assist in the transition. The President/Webmaster roles are currently combined but do not need to be, certainly in terms of workload these roles should be separate.
The Journal Editor, Treasurer and Conference Convener positions may also be available.
Appendix 1
The members of ANNA support the realignment of states to facilitate improved communication. The configuration to be determined at the State Delegates meeting
Appendix 2
That members of ANNA support the development of speciality groups such as Movement Disorders that share the same purpose as ANNA, that is to facilitate and foster the advancement of neuroscience nursing thus enabling optimal patient centred care achieved through the provision of opportunities to network, access to resources, promotion and support of a neuroscience speciality. Any group will be members of ANNA and comply with the ANNA Constitution.
Appendix 3.
That members of ANNA endorse a co-location of ANNA and the NSA in 2016 as a trial to determine feasibility for continuation. That subject to a satisfactory outcome of 2016 ie financial viability and enhanced program that frequency of future co-location be determined by the Executive Committee giving consideration to equity of location.
Appendix 4
That members of ANNA endorse Life Membership for Jennifer Blundell.
Appendix 5
That members of ANNA endorse Life membership for Harriet Chan.
- Treasurer
- Achievements of 2014-2015
- Current financial position to June 2015
- The future
- Clearer understanding of role and responsibilities
- Ongoing PAMS continual financial management
- Annual review PAMS, Melbourne to discuss ANNA’s position
- Monthly financial reports available
- Online account monitoring
- Ongoing updates to ANNA
- The 2014-2015 saw the closure of operations of the New Zealand and ACT branches of ANNA.
- NSW, VIC, SA, QLD and WA are the remaining state branches still operating.
- Cash: $90,378.74
- Other Current Assets:$36,187.17
- Receivables:$ 2,200.00
- Fixed Assets:$ 5,649.63
- TOTAL:$134,433,91
- Total Current Liabilities:$ 2,293.11
- Total Members Funds:$33,663.09
- Equity:$78,084.55
- TOTAL:$134,433,91
- Ongoing monitoring of income and expenditure
- Monitor conference funds
- Follow up concerns and issues from a financial point
- Secretary
ANNA Membership Profile – 30th Jun 2015
Active Members / Jun-15 / Oct-14 / Mvmt
LIFE / 10 / 10 / -
M / 225 / 201 / 24
Total members /
/ 211 / 24
Active Members / ACT / NSW / QLD / VIC / TAS / SA / NT / WA / NZ / Other / Total
LIFE / - / 3 / 1 / 5 / - / - / - / - / 1 / - / 10
M / 3 / 100 / 16 / 51 / 2 / 11 / - / 28 / 11 / 3 / 225
Total / 3 / 103 / 17 / 56 / 2 / 11 / - / 28 / 12 / 3 / 235
Mailing List / Jun-15 / Oct-14 / Mvmt
ML / 950 / 926 / 24
Total / 950 / 926 / 24
- Journal Editor
- Published May & October
State Reports – See Appendix 7 for full report
- ACT- Closed 2015
- NZ- Closed 2015
- QLD -From a Queensland perspective the year has been a challenge. Keen to get QLD branch growing and to have own epilepsy clinic running and a new clinical educator.
- VIC- public transport not helping for education session and reduce meeting numbers to once per year.
- WA- AGMlike today in the middle of the session may be used in the future. Asking for badges for new members. Increase education events for nurses and recruit more members.
- SA- no majoy plan for this year, looking for opportunity next year.
- TAS: Nil Branch
- NT: Nil Branch
NEW BUSINESS / Comments / Outcome/Action
- Movement and Disorder Chaptor Parkingson’s Nursing
- Welcome Kate Lin to secretary role
- The President and the Vice president role vacated 2016
- Treasurer and conference convenor for re-election 2016
- Life membership nominations
- Scholarship for financially disadvantaged country
- Collaboration with NSA
12 months mentorship offered by current ones
- Suggest to stay on one more term
- Can look at Skype meetings in the future, reduce cost
- Can have members from every state for the executive board
- Look formalizing this scholarship for international attendees
- Need to meet the criteria and ANNA covers the registration only
- Pam dose the back stages services: banking and etc.
- Not fair for current executives to make decisions, will leave for the new executives to decide
- NSA can source international speakers at no cost to ANNA
- 1500 dollars guaranteed sponsorship from NSA
- Venue for next year meeting has been decided in Sydney, everything else can be negotiated
- Passed unanimously by all present
- Welcome nominations
- Passed unanimously by all present
- SB to follow up
- Passed unanimously by all present
Business without Notice
Next AGM 2016 TBC
Meeting closed: 1220 hours
Appendix 7
NSW State Delegate Report:
The NSW Branch has done some recruiting into our executives we now have on board Pip Spiers and Kylie Whittam.
We held a combined Neuro Conference with ANNA and RPA last November which was very well received. Our numbers were small, only 35 registrants, but the feedback was overall quite positive. We did a combination of practical sessions and face to face presentations with 8 different skills stations being run in the afternoon. We are going to look at trying to do this every 2nd year maybe.
We held our AGM this year in June in combination with an education evening in which we invited one of our Neurosurgeons to debate the topic of Vertebral Artery Dissection with 2 Osteopaths (both the president and vice president of Osteopaths NSW) It was a lovely interesting debate to say the least!
We plan on holding another education evening later in the year at the Concord hospital looking at some more Neurological disorders.
SA State Delegates Report
SA Branch AGM was held on 2 July 2015. A quorum of 2 current members attended the AGM. Stephen Yu (Lyell McEwin Hospital) has volunteered to remain as the State delegate for SA in the next calendar year while Mahlah Watchman (Calvary Hospital) has agreed to take on the role of Secretary. Treasurer’s position is intentionally vacated at the moment pending further direction from the Executive Committee.
There were a number of neuroscience activities in 2014. Some of them were organized by member of ANNA. Unfortunately, there were no changes in membership in 2015. No strategy had been put in place at this stage for 2016 in view of the inauguration of the newly built Royal Adelaide Hospital (scheduled opening in 2016) and the planned configuration and merger of a number of neuro/stroke units among the metropolitan hospitals.
Professional Neuroscience Activities in 2014
Brain Injury Awareness Week – in conjunction with Sammy D Foundation at Flinders Medical Center – 11-17 August
Trauma Management Week at Lyell McEwin Hospital – 25-29 August
Brain Tumour Awareness Week at Flinders Medical Center – 26 October – 1 November
VIC State Delegates Report
This year has been a quiet one, with difficulties in maintaining a regular meeting schedule and organisation of venues and speakers.
Our only meeting this year has been the AGM on 8 July 2015.
This meeting was held at St Vincent’s Private Hospital at the Fitzroy Campus.
Rhiannon Carey presented her Tonnie Koenen Prize Winning Paper entitled Defying the Odds of Gravity: the Case of the sinking skin flap. This prize is awarded for the paper presented during the Australasian Neuroscience Nurses’ Association’s Annual Scientific Program in May 2014 that makes a significant contribution to the practice of neuroscience nursing.
This year in collaboration with the Education Department at St Vincent’s Private we have had 2 Twilight Seminars.
The Neurosurgical Twilight on Cerebral Aneurysms was held on Monday 18th August 2014
- Ms Rhiannon Carey RN, CNS gave an overview of cerebral circulation
- Mr Christopher Thien presented in Neurosurgical intervention
- Mr Carlos Chung Presented on Neurovascular intervention -Coiling and stenting.
- Ms Georgina Lademann RN presented on nursing care, pre and post neurovascular intervention and the Cath Lab experience
The Spinal Surgery Twilight was held on Wednesday 5th August 2015
- Ms Nicole King RN Clinical Educator, gave an overview of spinal anatomy and physiology
- Mr Yuan Wang presented on Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery
- Mrs Vicki Gill Physiotherapist presented on the do’s and don’ts post lumbar surgery to facilitate early mobilisation and independence.
- Ms Alison Magee RN presented on Nursing management
As no office bearers were required to change this year, the current personnel remain the same.
After some discussion, it was decided that all future meetings would be held at St Vincent’s Private as this is a central venue and easy for members to get to with an aim of having 2 meetings a year and 2 Seminars.
The branch finances are very healthy due to fewer people requesting scholarship funding.