For information on committees please visit
Committee Name: □ Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee □ ACCESS Committee
Capital Metro recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regard to filling vacancies on Board Advisory Committees. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent Austin’s diverse community, including citizens of all ethnic groups as well as people with disabilities.
- In which geographic area of Austin do you reside? ______
- Ethnicity: ______
- Gender: ______
- Do you have a disability? Yes No
- Do you or your employer have business dealings with Capital Metro which might present a conflict of interest? Yes No
- Serving on a Board Advisory Committee can be time consuming. Does your schedule allow attendance at all regularly scheduled meetings? Yes No
The Board Advisory Committee members are required to file an annual statement of financial disclosure and to adhere and sign an acknowledgement of the Capital Metro Code of Ethics.
- Do you agree to comply with these requirements, if applicable? Yes No
Describe any qualifications or expertise that relate to your interest in serving on an advisory committee.
It is suggested you submit a cover letter and resume with your application. Please submit your application to the Business & Community Involvement Department, Attention: John-Michael Cortez, 2910 E. 5th Street, Austin, Texas78702. You may also contact Capital Metro to receive assistance or to discuss your application by calling 369-6058.
Your application is public information under the Texas Open Records Act. It will be kept on file for twelve (12) months.
Reasonable accommodations and equal access to communication are provided upon request.
Return to: Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Business & Community Development
2910 E. 5th Street, Austin, Texas78702
Phone: (512) 369-6058
Fax: (512) 369-6072