HELD ON 19thAUGUST, 2014
Councillors M Macmillan & M Holmes(both Renfrewshire Council); S MacDougall, Director of Community Resources; M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; R Naylor, Director of Education & Leisure; S Black, Director of Finance & Corporate Services; and O Reid, Service Manager (Chief Executive’s) (all Renfrewshire Council); B Davidson, Chief Executive (Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce);A McNiven, Chief Executive (Engage Renfrewshire);and F MacKay (Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership).
Councillor M Macmillanpresided.
R McGrath, Welfare Reform Project Manager;C MacDonald, Senior Committee Services Officer; and Y Farquhar, Policy Officer (all Renfrewshire Council); and L Connelly, Vice Principal, Corporate Development (WCS).
D Martin, Chief Executive; and P Macleod, Director of Social Work (both Renfrewshire Council);L de Caestecker, Director of Public Health (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde);D Leese, Chief Executive (Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership); P Tanzilli, Area Commander (Scottish Fire and Rescue);P Martin, Depute Principal (University of the West of Scotland); A Cumberford, Principal & Chief Executive (West College Scotland); A Speirs, Chief Superintendent(Police Service of Scotland); and A Dick, Community Planning Liaison Manager (Renfrewshire Forum for Empowering our Communities).
1. / MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD HELD ON 28thMAY, 2014There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Community Planning Partnership Board held on 28thMay, 2014.
DECIDED: That the Minute be noted. / ACTION
M Crearie advised that some of Renfrewshire’s top workers and best businesses were honoured at the Invest in Renfrewshire Celebrating Success Awards which took place on 17th June, 2014. Three businesses were given Special Recognition Awards on the night for their commitment to helping local people into employment. Doosan Babcock were set to create 266 jobs at a new process engineering centre in Renfrew and were to invest £4.5m in the Renfrew facility. The new jobs were expected to be phased in by 2018.
It was noted that Tesco opened it’s new store in Linwood in August this year and 47 unemployed Renfrewshire residents secured employment with the supermarket with the help of the Invest pre employment training programme.
She updated the Board on the employability agenda which had been agreed by the Partners in September 2013. It was noted that a range of opportunities had been identified with a total of 13 graduates being employed through the partnership but progress was still disappointing as there were four partners who had yet to give any commitment to the programme. However, it was noted that the Jobs and the Economy Thematic Board had been pursuing the matter with the remaining partners and overall it was reported that there was an increased level of co-ordination and co-operation across partner outcomes. Councillor Macmillan stressed that the Jobs & the Economy Thematic Board required to take further action and to look at what the national and larger organisations could do to provide opportunities for young people if they were unable to employ graduates.
Councillor Macmillan advised that a new new strategic investment programme for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley' would transform Renfrewshire’s economy over the next decade. He intimated that the City Deal Investment programme guaranteed to deliver 15,000 construction jobs and 29,000 permanent jobs which would focus on major transport and infrastructure projects, jobs and economic growth, and developing life sciences.
Discussion took place on targeting more disadvantaged groups and M Crearie advised that as part of the “Recruit” Employability Programme it had been agreed that the programme would incorporate a wider Youth Offer of up to 12 months support for young people aged 16-18 who were in need of more intensive support. Reference was also made to the possibility of David Coyne, Head of Business and the Economy for Glasgow City Council assisting with the employability issue and that he should be invited to the CPP Board and Jobs and the Economy Thematic Board.
(a)That David Coyne’s be invited to the CPP Board and the Jobs and the Economy Thematic Board; and
(b)That the updated be noted. / FMacK/Clerk
S Black gave an update on the Tackling Poverty Commission and advised that a further two meetings had taken place. The meeting on 30th May, 2014, focused on health and wellbeing and transitions into work. Commissioners looked at the need for solutions to be based in the community and to have a community asset approach. They also discussed what could be done to address teenage pregnancy and the long term impacts on outcomes for children.
The meeting held on 12th August, 2014 focused on education, attainment and skills. A Cumberford gave a presentation in relation to the final report by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce ‘Education Working for All’ – the Wood report. Reference was made to the recent Joseph Rowntree Foundation report on closing the attainment gap in Scottish Education which had concluded that advice about developing the curriculum, improving educational outcomes for all pupils and inspecting schools should explicitly provide guidance on reducing the link between poverty and attainment; and that lack of data, research and evaluation evidence for schools and local authorities currently hampered progress. It was noted that a call for evidence had been launched on 23rd June. A ‘have your say’ survey was also launched for citizens seeking their views on, among other things, their personal experience of poverty in Renfrewshire. In addition, on 9th July, 2014 a session with third sector organisations within Renfrewshire took place to encourage them to undertake small workshops and facilitated discussions with their service users focusing on the consultation questions.
S Black advised that the meeting in October would focus on income and the December meeting would focus on the cost of living and strategies put in place for families. The Commission were still working towards having a report ready for the end of the year and the recommendations would come to a future meeting of this board and the Council.
DECIDED: That the update be noted. / Noted
F Mackay advised that the document circulated with the agenda had been produced by Glasgow City Council. It highlighted the successful delivery of the Commonwealth Games; secured a lasting legacy for future generations; and marked the completion of more than seven years of planning and painstaking preparations. The legacy plans had helped to transform Glasgow and the surrounding areas for the better and was intended to grow business by improving performance; build careers through training and employment; and transform communities by investing in regeneration. It was suggested that in order to maximise the learning and long term benefit, the document should be circulated to the Thematic Boards for consideration.
(a)That a copy of the document be circulated to the 7 Thematic Boards for their consideration; and
(b)That the report be noted. / FMacK/Clerk
There were submitted and noted the Minutes of meetings of the following Thematic Boards:-
(i)Jobs and Economy Thematic Board held on held on 29thMay, 2014.
(ii)Children and Young People Thematic Board held on 3rd June, 2014.
(iii)Safer and Stronger Thematic Board held on 19th June, 2014. / Noted