Topic: Form Days: 8

Subject Area: Art Grade: 4

Coils can be connected to build sculptures.
Glazes are only used on ceramics. / Understand:
There are a variety of ways to use coils to create artwork.
Glazes are used for different purposes and appearances. / Do:
Create a sculpture using the coil method.
Use underglazes and overglazes on a ceramic sculpture.

Standards: 9.1.A; 9.1.B; 9.1.C; 9.1.H

Concept: Coil Method / Concept: Glazes / Concept:
Lesson Essential Questions:
What is a coil?
How do you create a sculpture using the coiling method? / Lesson Essential Questions:
What are the characteristics of an underglaze?
What are the characteristics of an overglaze? / Lesson Essential Questions:
Coil-a rope-like piece of clay that is used to make ceramic sculptures.
Merge-joining two pieces of clay together while rubbing until seemless. / Vocabulary
Underglaze-A glaze that has a matte finish. It can be used alone, but is usually covered by a clear overglaze for protection.
Overglaze-A glaze that has a glossy finish. / Vocabulary