Brinkley Chapter 9

Pgs 231-256

“Jacksonian America” 1828-1848

Essay Prompts:

1.  The Era of Good Feeling (1816-1824) marked the appearance of issues that transformed American politics in the next 20 years. Assess the validity of this generalization.

2.  How did Two of the following contribute to the reemergence of a two party system in the period 1820 to 1840?

Major political personalities States’ rights Economic issues

  1. The Jacksonian Period (1824-1848) has been celebrated as the era of the "common man." To what extent did the period live up to its characterization?

Key Terms to Memorize:

1)  “Corrupt Bargain”
2)  Expansion of Suffrage
3)  Universal Manhood Suffrage
4)  Alexis de Tocqueville
5)  Popular Campaigning
6)  Andrew Jackson
7)  Second Party system
8)  Exposition and Protest
9)  Peggy O'Neal-Eaton Affair
10) Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Sequoia
11) Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
12) John C. Calhoun
13) Tariff of Abominations, 1828
14) Henry Clay
15) Kitchen Cabinet
16) Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
17) States’ rights
18) Hayne-Webster Debate
19) “Liberty and Union, now and forever one and inseparable”
20) “Our Federal Union it must be preserved.”
21) “Trail of Tears” / 22) “The Union, next to our liberty most dear.”
23) Rotation in Office
24) Spoils System
25) Democratic Party
26) Whig Party
27) Nullification crisis
28) The Bank War
29) Nicholas Biddle
30) Martin Van Buren
31) Panic of 1837
32) Hard Money
33) Soft Money
34) Locofocos
35) Roger Taney
36) Specie Circular
37) Election of 1840
38) “Tippecanoe and Tyler too”

Brinkley Chapter 9

Pgs 231-256

“Jacksonian America” 1828-1848

Specifics of Chapter:

1.  Read the introduction carefully: 1831 Alexis De Tocqueville visited the United States. What reflections did he note about America?

2.  Read the introduction carefully: The author makes a number of assertions about Jackson- list them.

3.  What is his point?

4.  Carefully read and outline the section “Rise of Mass Politics” reflect key ideas of how and why the Electorate expands in this period.

5.  According to Author, how are party politics transformed as exemplified by Martin Van Buren- make a list of developments:

6.  Outline Section “President of the Common Man”

  1. What policies of Jackson give the appearance he cares for the “Common Man”

7.  Outline the Section page 238-242 and address the following:

  1. Calhoun’s Doctrine of Nullification
  2. Martin Van Buren’s role in party organization
  3. Peggy O’Neil Eaton/Eaton Affair
  4. Hayne-Webster Debate
  5. Nullification Crisis
  6. Tariff of Abominations 1828
  7. Nullification Resolution
  8. Force Bill and Clay compromise

8.  What happens to the five Civilized Tribes and what about the Seminoles?

9.  Why does Jackson hate the BUS?

10.  What is Soft Money?

11.  Outline the Bank War

12.  Carefully Outline the Whig beliefs side by side with the Democrat’s beliefs- include constituents.

13.  Election of 1836- Van Buren wins but has problems with the Panic of 1837 what were the ramifications of this economic problem?

14.  Election of 1840 is called the Hard Cider Campaign, why is this significant?

Read the section “Where Historians Disagree” “The Age of Jackson” page 236-237.

Outline this section and clearly identify the Author’s, books and interpretations presented regarding Jackson and his age.