Tender Summary: Ile Soleil Hotel Development



Tender for lease of Hotel development on Ile Soleil demarcated as parcel S8713.

Ref. No.

This tender is referred as 2020DC/003-2012/Sey2020/IleSoleil


The tender is open to Seychellois citizens and companies with 100% Seychellois shareholding, foreign investors and companies and partnerships of both Seychellois and foreign investors.


The Government of Seychelles through the 2020 Development (Seychelles) Limited (“Company”) has earmarked and designated the plot as registered as parcel S8713 on Ile Soleil for hotel development. The Companyinvites private developers to lodge their application for lease of the plot for this proposed development. The company has mandated the Seychelles Investment Board (“SIB”) to administer the promotion of this tourism development.

Place of delivery/performance

Ile Soleil, Seychelles

Submission of tenders

Tenders should be completed in English and placed in the tender box at The National Tender Board, Maison De Mahe, Victoria, Seychelles,

Address for all correspondence

All documents pertaining to this tender should be addressed to The Chief Executive Officer, Seychelles Investment Board, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, Tel : +248 4 29-55-00, Fax : +248 4 22-51-25, please kindly use the reference number above when compiling and preparing documents for the tender.

Opening of tenders.

Tenders will be opened atThe National Tender Board, Maison De Mahé, Victoria, Seychelles, at2.00pm, on 24thJanuary 2013.

Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the event.

Purchase of tender dossier

The tender dossier can be obtained from the office of the Seychelles Investment Board on 2nd Floor at the Caravelle House. The document will be at a fixed, non-refundable fee of SR5, 000 OR US$500 payable by cash, banker’s cheque, swift or telegraphic transfers, any payment by cheque should be made out to the 2020 Development (Seychelles) Limited. Payment by bank transfer is possible. The deadline for purchase of tender documents is at 3:00 p.m, on Friday 23thNovember 2012..

Description of project and location

Ile Soleil is a reclaimed island on the South Coast of Mahé. The island has a total area of approximately 123,000m². The island is to be developed under the “Nouvo Zil Nouvo Lavenir” concept that was displayed in the Expo 2020 inspiring on the Seychelles 2020 vision.

The area demarcated for the hotel development amounts to 29,920m² with the sea as the main view. The hotel can be targeted as a transit hotel with its close proximity to the Seychelles International and domestic airport. The structure of the hotel is permitted at a ground and ground plus 2 floors.

Other developments as proposed under the development covenant of Ile Soleil are; private residential, condominiums, commercial, light artisanal developments and Government support services of a school and a hospital.

Submission and conditionS of Tender

When tenders are to be submitted they must be addressed to the office of the Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles National Tender Board and must ensure the following:

  1. Tender documentsare completed and submitted in English.
  1. Award of lease shall be from the date of formal letter from the 2020 Development (Seychelles) Limited notifying the Applicant of the terms ofoffer.
  1. Forms of bid are included and should be fully completed and returned with the applicant’s submission.
  1. The forms will allowapplicants to present to the evaluation committee details required to evaluate their proposals in a comparative manner and are designed so as to give the participants a guide of items to consider in making an offer.
  1. However,it is encouraged that applicants also consider other items and detailed information they foresee of significance for the proposed development and to include these into their offer.
  1. Offerswill be valid for a period of two (2) calendar months from the Date of Opening of the bids. During this period, offerswill remain firm.

Any material adjustments will not be permitted during the appraised period. However, the successful bidderswill be allowed to withdraw bidsprior to being awarded with the offer.

  1. Bidders shall bear the cost of preparing all bids’ documents. Expenses incurred in the preparation of bids and related matters will not be reimbursed.
  1. Bids received after the deadline prescribed below, shall be rejected and returned Unopened to the Bidder.
  1. All tenders should be addressed to The Chief Executive Officer,Seychelles National Tender Board, Maison de Mahé, Victoria, Mahé, Seychellesand submitted before 2.00pm, onThursday24thJanuary 2013.

Tenderopening and Tender evaluation method AND criteria

Tenders will be opened at 2:00 p.m, on Thursday 24th January 2013.All bidders are invited to attend the tender opening ceremony. Technical proposals shall be handed over to the members of the Tender evaluation committee for technical evaluation. Financial Offerswill remain in the custody of the National Tender Board for public opening after completion of technical evaluations.

Only technical proposals that have attained a score of 65 and above will proceed to the opening of their financial offers. An evaluation system favouring Seychellois investments and joint ventures (the higher the Seychellois shareholding the higher the score) over 100% foreign investments has been devised and is elaborated in the tender dossier.

Evaluation of bids received will be weighted on their merits in two stages, technical and financial evaluations. The technical and financial evaluation will each have an equal weight of 50% that will contribute to full % of the bid.

Currency Bid

The bids must be priced in Seychelles Rupees (SR).

Conditions of sub-Lease

The conditions of the sub Lease agreement to be applied are enclosed as part of the tender documents. All necessary documents for the execution of the sub lease shall be executed by the Attorney-at-law of the Company at a cost of 1.5 % on the total value of the land which shall be payable by the promoter.

Clarification of bidding documents

A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notifythe SIB in writing toThe Chief Executive Officer, Seychelles Investment Board, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles, Tel : +248 4 29-55-00, Fax : +248 4 22-51-25 or email

  1. Prospective bidders shall submit requests in writing for clarification at least 7 (seven) working daysprior to bid closing date specified in Clause 34 (i) of the ITB.
  2. All clarifications issued by SIB shall be in writing.The replies to such queries and additional clarifying information shall be communicated to all the participants of the tender.
  3. All clarifications shall be sought and/or provided only as specified in Clause 13 of the ITB. SIB shall not be responsible for any clarifications sought and/or provided in any other manner of whatsoever nature.

Contacting the Seychelles Investment Board

No bidder shall contact the Company, SIB,its employees or any of its memberson any matter relating to the bid, from the time of the bid opening to the time the contract is awarded.

Any effort by a bidder to influence the decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison, or contract award may result in the rejection of the bidder’s submission.

Pre-Bid meeting

A Pre-Bid meeting will be organized to advise bidders of the bid-preparation and submission process.

It is COMPULSORY to attend the pre-bid meeting. Bidders who do not attend (or do not send a representative to attend) the pre-bid meeting will be disqualified. Bidders will be formally notified of the date for pre-bid meeting after the deadline for purchase of tender document has expired. The pre bidding meeting is set for 29thNovember 2012 at 2 pm.


Plot Data
Plot Number / S8713
Area (m2) / 29,920m²
Location / Ile Soleil, East Coast of Mahé Island
Infrastructure / Government will provide permanent infrastructure up to plot boundary bysurfaced road and electricity supply).
For potable water, the development must have adequate measures to be self-sufficient during the drought seasons.
Un-surfaced road currently available and potential bidders will be given early entry/access to the plot if necessary. Such request should be addressed to the Chairman of the 2020 Development (Seychelles) Limited.
Use and Development Guide (C : Compulsory and O : Optional)
Permitted use / Tourism Development that must include a hotel project
Development Guidelines / Ground and ground plus 2 floors.
Successful bidder will have to indicate its measure of project sustainability through provision and approaches of rainwater harvesting, desalination plant.
25m offset from high water mark (East coast) no development zone.
25m – 45m offset zone from high water mark (East coast) Ground Floor structures only, maximum area for footprint coverage 20%
Remaining plot area, permitted structure ground floor plus 2 floors maximum 35% footprint coverage.
% of coverage includes all paved areas, incl parking and roods.
Lease Details
Lease type / Full Lease
Period and validity / 70 years from signature of lease document
Eligibility to tender / Seychellois, foreigners and partnership of both
Minimum Rate of offer / SR3035/m2 (approximately USD 228/m2) plus financing of the cost of building the STP for the whole island by the Company; the costs will not exceed SR 12.5 million (approximately USD 939 849.62), payable upon completion of the promoter’s development.
Payment / Lease should be paid for the full duration of the lease up front. The amount is non-refundable after execution of the lease.
Other Specific conditions / Project should be completed in 4 years from the date of execution of the lease.
Development will be subjected to penalty and charges for any delays in performance and/or completion of project.
Payment Conditions of the Lease / Upon acceptance of proposal promoter should pay 20% of the bid amount by 28th February 2013.
The balance 80% of the bid amount should be paid not later than 30th June 2013.