Proposed title of courseProposed start date of course
Course convenor[1]
Date of BSMS Academic Board approval
Proposed Fees
Proposed Entry Requirements
Market research report, financial case, BSMS scrutiny
Please confirm that a market research report is attached to this proposal as an appendix. ☐
Please confirm that a financial case is attached to this proposal as an appendix. ☐
Please confirm that the relevant BSMS Academic Board minutes extract is attached to this proposal as an appendix. ☐
Please confirm that suitable publicity information has been provided to the Marketing and Communications departments of the universities ☐
Internal signatories for approval / Signature / Date
Director(s) of Postgraduate Study or Course Convenor.
Head(s) of School. This signature confirms that the proposal complies with the existing School Strategy, or is a departure
Once complete, please send an electronic copy of this form to the Secretary of the Portfolio Approval Committee(University of Sussex) and the Secretary to the Portfolio Planning Group, University of Brighton), ensuring that all signatures have been obtained and that all fields are complete. The form should be received two weeks prior to the date of the Committee meetings.
Brief academic rationale for the proposed course (300 words maximum)This section should provide evidence of academic rationale and include the relationship to the school’s teaching and learning strategy and current portfolio.
Please detail any elements of the proposal that will require resources in excess of normal provision at either the University of Brighton or University of Sussex, including the outcomes of discussions with facilities and IT Services as appropriate
Please summarise the funding source for the proposed course, staffing costs and student number intake details (cross-reference to appended financial case as necessary)
Does the proposed course involved delivery beyond your School? If so, please provide details of the School(s) involved and the modules to be delivered, including an estimate of the numbers of students from other Schools who will take these modules. This applies to both new and existing modules
Proposed mode of study
Please confirm basis on which course will be delivered (Part time/Full time/both):
If proposing a part time mode of study, please supply a brief rationale:
Proposed structure of full time variant (Please delete if not required)Teaching block / Module title / Module type (core or option) / Module convenor / Credit weighting and FHEQ level / New or existing module
Teaching Block[2] 1
Term 1
Teaching Block 2
Term 2
Dissertation element
Note: Please ensure that the credit structure and total comply with the Academic Frameworks of the University of Brighton and University of Sussex.
Part time variant (Please delete if not required)Year 1
Teaching block / Module title / Module type (core or option) / Module convenor / Credit weighting and FHEQ level / New or existing module
Teaching block 1
Term 1
Teaching block 2
Term 2
Year 2
Teaching block 1
Term 1
Teaching block 2
Term 2 andResearch dissertation
Note: Please ensure that the credit structure and total comply with the Academic Frameworks of the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex.
For UoS ADQE Office use only
Confirmation of complianceAll sections of the form have been satisfactorily completed / Yes/No
The proposal complies with the Academic Framework / Yes/No
The course has the appropriate number of course convenors / Yes/No
The intended start date is considered to be realistic / Yes/No
Additional comments
Required signatories for approval / Signature / Date
ADQE Manager
PVC (Teaching and Learning)
For UoB Quality and Standards Office use only
Confirmation of complianceAll sections of the form have been satisfactorily completed / Yes/No
The proposal complies with the Academic Framework / Yes/No
The course has the appropriate number of course convenors / Yes/No
The intended start date is considered to be realistic / Yes/No
Additional comments
Required signatories for approval / Signature / Date
Quality and Standards Manager
PVC (Teaching and Learning)
Joint Approval and Review Board May 2015 (Version 1.0)
[1]There should be a single identified course convenor for each new proposal. The course convenor must be a member of UoS or UoB staff.
[2] Teaching blocks might align with Semester or terms at either University