Partner Engagement Pro-forma
Fedcap is a New York City-based non-profit organization providing a wide range of health and social assistance programmes in the areas of Occupational Health, Disability Services, Substance Abuse Treatment, Employment, Education and Training, and Economic Development across nine States in the US. With an annual turnover of $250 Million and a staff of over 3000, Fedcap provides direct services to support over 100,000 vulnerable people every year.
Fedcap’s occupational health and work flagship programme, WeCARE, serves all New York City “Back to Work” participants claiming health as a reason for their unemployment. WeCARE is built on a biopsychosocial approach that includes comprehensive assessments for all claimants by certified occupational medical physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and social workers. Our professionals determine functional capacity and develop wellness plans to support return to work. Wellness plans, in turn, are managed by Key Workers until claimants are well enough to return to Vocational Rehabilitation. For those with serious long term health or disability barriers, participants are assisted with application for Federal Disability benefits.
WeCARE has been operation since 2005 and has worked with nearly a half million participants giving it a sound evidence base for a Work and Health Programme adaptation.
Over the last 12 months Fedcap has engaged with UK commissioners and policy makers to develop a UK operating model. With this in mind, Fedcap is inviting expressions of interest from organizations with a history of success in supporting customers with health and disability barriers back to work. We are particularly interested in those organizations with a track record in comprehensive assessment, case management and health related interventionsto help us build and operate a compelling new model based on WeCARE for the DWP’s Work and Health Programme and other related contracts.
Fedcap have recently been fully accredited through the DWP SAaP process with a low Financial Risk Rating.
Read more about our work at:
Please direct your Expression of Interest to our consultant partners by 4th November 2016
We look forward to hearing from you!
Organisation Information
Your organisationRegistered Company/Charityname:
Trading name (if different):
Registered address:
Website address:
Company registration and/or charity number:
VAT registration number:
DWP Passport:
(please indicate whether you are approved, awaiting approval or have not applied)
Contact Name and Job Title:
Contact Tel no (office)
Contact Tel no (mobile)
Contact Email address
Organisation overview
Legal status of your organisation
Public Limited Company
Social Enterprise
Other (please specify): / Private Limited Company
Consortium/SPV / Registered Charity
Public Sector
Number of Employees
0 - 9 / 10 - 49 / 50 - 249 / 250 - 499 / 500+
Please confirm there will be no further subcontracting by your organisation
Yes, I confirm there will be no further subcontracting by my organisation
No, we will require further subcontracting to deliver this contract (please explain briefly below)
Financial information
If requested, could you provide three years’ audited accounts or prepared financial statements?
Yes / No
If No, please provide the reasons why not:
Current Delivery Information/Track Record
Key areas of service deliveryEmployment and Welfare
(e.g. DWP/JCP, Local Authority, ESF, Self-Employment (NEA) etc.) / Education and Skills
(e.g. Skills Funding Agency etc.)
Advice Services
(e.g. IAG, Next Steps, financial / legal services) / Criminal Justice and Offender Employability
(e.g. OLASS, NOMS, ESF etc.)
Healthcare / Health Related (e.g. Condition Management, specialist provision, comprehensive assessment) / Other (please specify)
Track Record
Please give 3 examples of contracts you have delivered in the last 3 years, comparable to this provision.
Contract Name
(including funding body) / Brief description of contract
(including: client groups, delivery dates) / Contracted Performance Measures / Performance against Contract
Client Groups
Please list/describe the client groups your services are specifically designed to meet.
Delivery Locations
Area(s) of interestPlease indicate below the areas you wish to deliver in (Lots based on the DWP Framework Lot boundaries)
Lot 1- Central England
Lot 2 – NE England
Lot 3 – NW England
Lot 4 – Southern England
Lot 5 – Home Counties
Lot 6 - Wales
Current delivery infrastructure
Please specify delivery infrastructure (by town)
Geographical area (by local authority) / Specific delivery locations (by town)
Nature of location (permanent / temporary)
Please specify the relevant local authority areas. / Please specify the relevant towns in each local authority area.
Where applicable, please indicate additional geographicdelivery locations you would consider.
Please explain briefly how you would implement and manage any geographical expansion of services.
Please indicate the services you have experience of or are accredited to deliver.Skills (tick boxes)
Skills Assessments
Basic skills English
Basic skills Maths
Basic skills ICT
Foundation Learning
Vocational training - please list the sectors you cover, for example retail
Industry Certified Training e.g. CSCS, - please list all the courses you provide and the awarding bodies
Other –please provide further details
Careers Advice/IAG
CV writing, development and covering letters
Work experience placements
Volunteer placements
Jobsearch / interview techniques
Self-employment / enterprise support
In-work support / mentoring
Links to employer vacancies
Attitude and Behaviour
Motivation/Work placements
Motivation / confidence building courses
Offending behaviour programmes
Attitudinal Skills
Debt advice / management
ID & Bank Accounts
Money Management
Housing advice / management
Community Engagement
Access to housing
Benefit advice / management
Gambling advice / support
Family advice / support
Relationship advice / support
Carer advice / support
Childcare advice / support
Reducing re-offending support
Offending disclosure advice
Condition management
Support for people with learning difficulties
Support for people with mental health needs
Support for people with physical disabilities
Alcohol misuse advice / support
Drug and substance misuse advice / support
Dual diagnosis
Sexual health advice / support
Additional Areas of Need
Foreign Nationals
Domestic Violence
Women specific services – Life skills
Other – please specify
Has your organisation had any contracts terminated over the last three years?
If ‘Yes’, please give details and reasons below
Technical Capabilities
OverviewPlease give a brief overview of your organisation including areas not covered elsewhere in this questionnaire. For example, you may include your unique selling points, your organisational values and top strengths.
(Max. 300 words please)
Please tell us how you effectively engage and retain participants on employability programmes? Please give at least one example of strong engagement activity, particularly with voluntary groups.
(Max.300 words please)
Health Conditions, Disabilities and Long Term Unemployment
Please describe your experience of supporting clients with health conditions, disabilities and those who are long term unemployed.
(Max. 300 words please)
Local Services
Please tell ushow you work collaboratively with other stakeholders to ensure the harmonisation of local services. What is your approach to working with local stakeholders and how will this enable the Work and Health Programme (or other employment programmes) to become a fully integrated local service.
(Max. 300 words please)
Has a receiving or administrative order or winding up order been made against the organisation or an individual, or has a winding up order been passed or a receiver, manager, administrator equivalent been appointed? / Yes NoIf Yes, please provide more details:
Have any of the directors or senior managers of the organisation been found guilty of fraud, been involved in any company which has had a winding up order or had an administrator appointed, or been disqualified from being a director? / Yes No
If Yes, please provide more details:
Are there any legal proceedings in progress, including bankruptcy or winding up petitions, that may affect the performance of contract obligations and has the organisation been prosecuted under EU or national law in the last 3 years? / Yes No
If Yes, please provide more details:
Has the organisation ever failed to fulfil any obligations regarding payment of payment of UK taxes, social security obligations, possession of a licence, or membership of an organisation where the law of the state required it? / Yes No
If Yes, please provide more details:
Name of person completing the form:
Position within the organisation:
Date completed:
Fedcap Partner Engagement Pro-forma Oct 16