Harnett County Schools

Graduation Project

Brief History of the Graduation Project

·  West Coast Schools began implementing the Graduation Project nearly twenty years ago.

·  North Carolina has been researching this idea since 1997.

·  North Carolina passed the policy “Student Accountability Standards/Graduation Requirements” in March 2006.

·  The Graduation Project is now required as an Harnett County exit standard for the Class of 2010 and beyond.

Statement of Purpose

·  Connect content knowledge, acquired skills, and work habits to real world situations and issues.

·  Implement skills such as computer knowledge, employment skills, information-retrieval skills, language and writing skills, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

·  The keys are knowledge, skills, and performance.

·  Allow the opportunity for students to explore an area of interest and to expose them to real-world situations.

Benefits of the Graduation Project

·  Promotes the learning and practicing of skills and knowledge that ensure the students will be able to function in higher education, the workforce, and life.

·  Engages the students in computer skills, information retrieval skills, language skills, and problem-solving skills.

·  Encourages business, industry, and community involvement.

·  Requires the students to be creative and innovative.

·  Provides students with a performance assessment that enables them to show what they know and can do in a variety of ways.

·  Allows the student to apply content knowledge to real-world situations.

·  Demonstrates how students can plan, develop, prepare, track, and present their own thinking and resulting product.

·  Compels the students to use many literacy skills such as identifying, selecting, analyzing, and evaluating information.

·  Builds the students’ confidence so that they can succeed in today’s competitive and technological world.

·  Fosters increased self-esteem and self-confidence to complete an in-depth project.

·  Allows the opportunity for students to share their work with others both in and outside of school.

·  Creates a positive sense of accomplishment and reinforces the value of learning.

·  Allows the students to experience a “LEARNING STRETCH”

For More Information of the GP, visit: www.ncpublicschools.org/graduationproject/

Graduation Project Components

1.  An inquiry-based research paper

2.  An application product that is an outgrowth of the research

3.  An oral presentation before an adult panel of judges

4.  A portfolio containing records and reflections of the journey through the project

*These are referred to as the 4 P’s (Paper, Product, Presentation, and Portfolio)

North Carolina Graduation Project Guidelines

·  The Graduation Project must be student-generated

·  The Graduation Project must be of sufficient depth to reflect extensive study and research and provide the student a chance to learn about a topic of interest with which there are unfamiliar, a “learning stretch.”

·  The proposed Graduation Project must be approved by the GP advisor, the student’s parents, and the school GP advisory committee.

·  The product must show evidence of knowledge gained in completion of the research experience.

·  The Graduation Project should not require large monetary expenditures.

Expectations of the Graduation Project Implementation

·  All students are expected to successfully complete the GP according to Harnett County Schools guidelines.

·  All parents and students will remain informed throughout the project process.

·  All faculty members are expected to serve as advisors, component judges, and/or panel judges.

·  All judges of the 4 P’s will receive detailed and proper training for their various roles.

·  School results will be reviewed for consistency of evaluation.

Purpose of the Senior Seminar Course

·  Harnett County cares about the success of our students.

·  Harnett County decided to implement a course that would allow the students to have support and time to complete their GP.

·  The Senior Seminar teachers are trained in the 4 P’s and serve as a facilitators to the students.

·  This is a wonderful program that allows the students to succeed.

North Carolina Graduation Project Components

The Paper

·  Five -Eight typed, double-spaced pages in 12-point, Times New Roman font.

·  Two copies of the paper (one for the portfolio and one for grading)

·  Minimum of Six Sources – as well as using at least three different types of sources such as magazines, books, internet, and interviews.

·  MLA Format – one-inch margins, title page, outline, and work cited page

·  Balanced mixture of quotes, paraphrases and the student’s own words

·  NO PLAGIARISM – failure to comply will result in automatic failure of the paper

·  Student-generated visual aid/image

The Product

·  Product must be related to the research field and approved by the Graduation Project Advisory Board and must show a significant learning stretch

·  Students must spend at least 15 hours on the product – must have log of hours and approved by mentor

·  Product must be the work of the student

·  The product is completed under the supervision and guidance of a mentor – a minimum of three meetings is required with the mentor (can be in person, phone, or email)

The Portfolio

·  A documentation of the GP project

·  Table of Contents outlining the portfolio materials

·  Includes all forms signed by student, parent, advisor, and mentor

·  Logs to document time spent working individually and with the mentor

·  Self Reflections that demonstrates the student’s experience

·  Letter of Intent and Approval Form

·  Copy of research paper and product materials

·  Any visual components that will enhance their project evaluation

The Presentation

·  Presents the contents of your research paper as well as an explanation of the product

·  Eight-Twelve Minute time limit

·  Judged on content and delivery

·  Presenter is appropriately dressed

·  Visuals aids to support presentation

Graduation Project Acceptance Contract

My signature indicates that I am aware of the following:

ü  Every student must successfully complete the GP according to Harnett County Schools’ guidelines prior to the completion of their senior year.

ü  Due dates and requirements are non-negotiable.

ü  The GP will be scored using the NC DPI rubrics.

ü  Students will submit a Letter of Intent that must be approved by each student’s parents, advisor, mentor, and school Advisory Board.

ü  Students will meet with their advisor and mentor as well as keep an accurate log of hours working on their product.

ü  Students will be required to write reflections that document their journey through the Graduation Project.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Harnett County Public School System Board of Education, its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers from any injury that may result from participation of the Graduation Project.


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Printed Name Student Printed Name


Date Date

NC Graduation Project Ethics Pledge

I, ______, understand that the Graduation Project in all of its phases is to be completed independently under the supervision and assistance of my Senior Seminar teacher, advisor, mentor, and family.

I understand that if I commit plagiarism in the research paper or falsify the project in any way (exaggerating product hours, lying, forging signatures), I will fail the Graduation Project and will not qualify to graduate.

I understand that I must be responsible in meeting deadlines, completing requirements, and making sure that the required elements are done in a quality manner.

I understand that I must create an original product that is a representation reflecting the learning stretch beyond what I already know and that meets all the criteria outlined in the GP handbook.

I understand that I must independently create a presentation to be given before a panel of judges that clearly details the research and real-world accomplishments of my entire GP experience.

I understand that I must independently design a professional, neat, and creative portfolio that meets the specifications in the GP handbook and that verifies and details the accomplishment in my product hours.

I understand that successful completion of the Graduation Project depends upon meeting deadlines and meeting rubric requirements.

Student Signature:______

Student Name (Printed):____________

Date: ____________

Parent Signature:_________

Parent Name (Printed):____________

Date: ______

Guidelines for Topic Selection

·  Requires cumulative knowledge across grade levels and content areas

·  Allows the student ample access to information yet is narrow enough to make the research reasonable

·  Reflects student interest but is not a subject in which the student is already an expert

·  Challenges the student academically and creatively

·  Uses money carefully

·  Is legal and age-appropriate

·  Utilizes primary research as a valuable component

·  Recognizes that preliminary research may be helpful

*Topics must be approved by the parents, advisor, mentor, and school Advisory Board.

Guidelines for Topic Submission

·  Submit a Letter of Intent detailing the nature of your project

·  Submit a Project Proposal form

·  Gain approval before beginning your project

·  Re-submit if approval is not given

·  Submit Topic Adjustment Form if major changes are made to topic after initial topic is approved

Topic Selection Starter

1.  List five fun things that you want to do at some point in your life.

2.  List three careers that you think that you would enjoy.

3.  List two things you already know how to do but wish you could do better.

4.  List an activity that you wish you had more time to do.

5.  If I could do just one thing before I die, it would be…

6.  What is the best thing in your life right now?

7.  What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

8.  What three events have shaped your life more than any others?

9.  What is the best thing you have ever learned in school?

10.  What is unique about you?

11.  List two people that you admire very much.

12.  What topic/issue are you passionate about discussing?

13.  What do you complain about?

14.  List three topics that you could do that would benefit the community.

15.  List three possible topics that would interest you the most.

Graduation Project Topic Proposal

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Advisor Name: ______SS Teacher: ______

GP Topic: ______

Describe your research and what you want the judges to know when you are finished.

State the essential question to be answered as the result of your research findings.

Describe any previous knowledge/experience you have with the topic.

Describe the “Learning Stretch” that you will achieve.

Describe your product and explain the relationship to the research.

Topic Proposal Continued…

What type of mentor are you going to seek?

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect / potential problem associated with this topic?

Estimate the time needed to complete this project and possible expenditures.

Will you be working with an outside agency as part of a service learning project?

_____ YES _____ NO

*If YES, there are Service Learning Forms to Complete

Will you be job-shadowing as part of your project?

_____ YES _____ NO

*If YES, there are Job Shadowing Forms to Complete

Student Signature: ______

Student Name (Printed): ______

Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent Name (Printed): ______

Date: ______

Graduation Project Topic Adjustment Form
(if applicable)

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Advisor Name: ______SS Teacher: ______

GP Topic: ______

Describe the reason your topic needs to be adjusted.

Describe your new research and what you want the judges to know when you are finished.

State the new essential question to be answered as the result of your research findings.

Describe any previous knowledge or experience you have with the new topic.

Describe the new “Learning Stretch” that you will achieve.

Describe the new Product and explain the relationship to the research.

Graduation Project Topic Adjustment Form Continued…
(if applicable)

What type of mentor are you going to seek?

What do you think will be the most challenging aspect / potential problem associated with this topic?

Estimate the time needed to complete this project and possible expenditures.

Will you be working with an outside agency as part of a service learning project?

_____ YES _____ NO

*If YES, there are Service Learning Forms to Complete

Will you be job-shadowing as part of your project?

_____ YES _____ NO

*If YES, there are Job Shadowing Forms to Complete

Describe why your new topic is more feasible than your former topic.

Student Signature: ______

Student Name (Printed): ______

Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent Name (Printed): ______

Date: ______

Letter of Intent Instructions


·  Limit letter to one page

·  Make sure you format your letter appropriately

·  Provide a clear and detailed explanation of your project topic so that it is easily understood


·  One-inch Margins (top, bottom, left, right)

·  Times New Roman, 12-point font

·  Return Address (Home Address and Date; No Name)

·  Inside Address:

School Name

Graduation Project Advisory Board

School Street Address

School City, State, and zip code

·  Salutation à Dear Advisory Board:

·  Topics To Address:

o  Why you are interested in the topic

o  Statement of how this is a learning stretch

o  Explanation of research topic

o  Explanation of product with details

o  Statement of the relationship between product and paper

o  Estimation of time and cost needed to complete project

o  Pledge of integrity and honesty in all your work

*Refer to the Sample Letter of Intent provided

Sample Letter of Intent Instructions

Using correct business letter format, write a letter of intent (a proposal) to the Advisory Board. Your letter should be well-written, thoughtful, properly formatted, and interesting to read. Write a letter that reflects you! The template below can guide you.

Student Street Address

Student City, State, and Zip Code

Date (Month Day, Year)

School Name

School Street Address

School City, State, and Zip Code

Dear Members of the Advisory Board:

Paragraph one should focus on the research paper and project/product. Also, describe the evidence to be provided for the product.

Paragraph two should be about your interest and experience in the field. Include any personal information that will help the advisory board understand your interest in this topic. This paragraph should also reflect your individual learning stretch.