Bridge Video Supervision


Version 03

Revised May 2014

Table of Contents



1. Application

2. The Primary Operator – Responsibility

3. Documentation – Records that must be kept

4. Bridge Video Supervision Register

5. Requirements if using a Sub-Contractor (3rdparty operator)

6. Driver Accountability – Recording video movement over specified bridges

7. Recording Device and Image Requirements

8. GPS – Bridge Identification Tracking

9. On-Site of Bridge Video Supervision

10. Requested Submission of Recorded Images and Documentation

11. The Audit Process

12. Non-Compliant operator

13. Non-use of Permit

Attachment 1: Quick Reference Checklist

Attachment 2: Bridge Video Supervision Register (Template)


The following are definitions for terms used in these Bridge Video Supervision Conditions. Refer to the definitions in the Road Traffic Act 1974 and any subsidiary legislation to this Act for the meanings of any terms not defined in this section. If a definition in the Road Traffic Act 1974 or the subsidiary legislation conflicts with a definition in this section, the definition in this section prevails for the purpose of these Operating Conditions.

“Bridge”: means a structure that can be driven over and includes a bridge, overpass, ramp, tunnel, culvert, causeway or similar infrastructure.

“Carriageway”: means a portion of a road that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, and includes the shoulders, and areas, including embayment’s, at the side or centre of the carriageway, used for the stopping or parking of vehicles; and, where a road has 2 or more of those portions divided by a median strip, the expression means each of those portions, separately.

“Dividing strip”: means an area or structure that divides a road lengthways into separate carriageways, but does not include a nature strip, bicycle path, footpath or shared path.

“Median strip”: means any physical provision, other than lines, dividing a road to separate vehicular traffic proceeding in opposing directions or to separate 2 one-way carriageways for vehicular traffic proceeding in opposing directions.

“Permit”: means a permit issued under Part 4 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002, which these conditions form part of.

“Primary Operator”: means the business name or person’s name that is listed on the permit as the operator.

“Vehicle”: means a Restricted Access Vehicle to which these “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions” apply.

“Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)”: means a Special Purpose Vehicle to which these “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions” apply.

“Specified Bridge”: means a bridge specified on the permit as a bridge that, when being crossed, requires video supervision in accordance with these “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions”.

“Sub-Contractor”: In relation to Bridge Video Supervision means a business or person who is engaged and/or contracted to conduct Bridge Video Supervision on behalf of the primary operator

“3rd Party Operator” Has the same meaning as Sub-Contractor.

1 Application

1.1 These “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions” form part of any permit that is issued to a Restricted Access Vehicle and a Special Purpose Vehicle, where the permit specifies that it is issued subject to the “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions”.

1.2 These conditions are in addition to any other conditions stipulated on the permit.

1.3 For the purpose of these conditions, where the permit specifies that it is issued subject to Bridge Video Supervision Conditions, the operator nominated on the permit shall be deemed as the primary operator.

2 THE PRIMARY OPERATOR – Responsibility

2.1 For the purpose of Heavy Vehicle Accreditation and Compliance Audits, the primary operator nominated on any permit, where the permit specifies that it is issued;

  • Subject to Bridge Video Supervision Conditions, and
  • Where crossing of a specified bridge has been listed,

Shall be considered the party responsible, to ensure compliance is attained, in relation to these Bridge Video Supervision Conditions, and

2.2 Must conduct regular internal reviews to monitor compliance of their Bridge Video Supervision recordings and entries made into their Bridge Video Supervision Register to ensure completion and accuracy.

  • In the case where an internal non-conformance is identified, the primary operator is required to document the non-conformance and any corrective action taken to address the non-conformance.


3 DOCUMENTATION – Records that must be kept

3.1 The primary operator must develop, maintain and keep the following Bridge Video Supervision records and documentation, in electronic and/or in hard copy version;

  • Procedures and Processes
  • Role and Responsibilities
  • Bridge Video Supervision Register
  • Recorded Video Movement over Specified Bridges
  • Training Record

3.2 Procedures and Processes

The primary operator must develop written procedures and processes to define how the operator will comply with the Bridge Video Supervision Conditions.

3.3 Role and Responsibilities

The primary operator must identify and record the role and responsibilities of any person(s), and /or any sub-contractor (3rd party operator), who is engaged or contracted by the primary operator, to administer or conduct bridge video supervision, on their behalf.

3.4 Bridge Video Supervision Register

A primary operator who is issued any permit or notice where Bridge Video Supervision Conditions form part of that permit and where the permit specifies that it is issued subject to “Bridge Video Supervision Conditions”, must record all Bridge Video Supervisions on the,

  • Bridge Video Supervision Register.

The primary operator must complete an entry in the Register for every permit issued, where the permit specifies that it is issued subject to the Bridge Video Supervision Conditions, whether that permit is used or not.

3.5 Training Record

It is the responsibility of the primary operator, who has engaged or contracted any driver to perform Bridge Video Supervision, to maintain a training record and ensure that the driver has been provided with appropriate training and has a proficient level of understanding in,

  • The requirements associated with Bridge Video Supervision Conditions,
  • The use of video recording camera/equipment installed in the Vehicle.
  • Their role and responsibility as a driver, in recording bridge video supervision over specified bridges, and
  • The procedures and processes developed by the primary operator, to achieve effective compliance associated with Bridge Video Supervision Conditions.


- Details to be recorded and maintained

The following information must be recorded, completed and kept in the – Bridge Video Supervision Register for a minimum of twelve (12) months from the expiry date as specified on any permit issued, where Bridge Video Supervision is a condition of permit.

Note: An electronic Excel version of the Bridge Video Supervision Register Template is available for download on the Main Roads WA Website.

Permit and Trip Details

  • The permit number issued
  • Start date of trip
  • Location at start of trip
  • End date of trip
  • Location at end of trip

Vehicle and Trailer Details

  • Registration of all vehicles and all trailing equipment used

Driver Details

  • The full name of the driver who is engaged or sub-contracted to conduct the Bridge Video Supervision

Load Details (Not required if using a Special Purpose Vehicle - SPV)

  • Detailed description of load being transported

Pilot Details

  • The name and corresponding pilot accreditation number of all pilots engaged to escort the RAV.

Sub-Contractor (3rd Party Operator) Details

  • The details of sub-contractor and their driver’s full name (if used)


If using a Sub-Contractor (3rd Party Operator)

5.1 In the case where the primary operator has engaged a sub-contractor (3rd party operator) to conduct Bridge Video Supervision, then only that sub-contractor (3rd party operator) and the vehicles that have been nominated on the issued permit, can conduct the Bridge Video Supervision.

5.2 It is the responsibility of the primary operator who engages or contracts a sub-contractor (3rd party operator), as nominated in the permit, to ensure that the sub-contractor (3rd party operator);

  • Is made aware of their role and responsibilities associated with Bridge Video Supervision Conditions as a sub-contractor (3rd party operator),
  • Meets the requirements of Bridge Video Supervision Conditions when conducting Bridge Video Supervision.
  • Has a video recording device that complies and is fixed and located in the vehicle in accordance with the condition 7

5.3 It is the responsibility of the primary operator to obtain the original recording(s) in a common compatible format, of all specified bridge crossings and for the appropriate documentation to be recorded in the Bridge Video Supervision Register and for the appropriate storage of the recording(s), when Bridge Video Supervision is undertaken by a third (3rd) party operator.

6 DRIVER ACCOUNTABILITY - Recording Video Movement over Specified Bridges

6.1 At the start and prior to commencing any permitted trip where Bridge Video Supervision is specified as a condition of permit,

The driver must clearly state and record on the video recording device,

  • Their full name
  • The relevant permit number being used
  • The trip start time and date
  • The start location of trip
  • The end location of trip

For example: “John Smith….. Permit number 555555……time 7am….. On the 16th June 2013….leaving Bedfordale Road Train Assembly Area….going to Albany Wharf”

6.2 The driver must also record the required information in sub clause 6.1 at the start of the trip and on any other day where the same permit number has been used.

6.3 The crossing of the Specified Bridge must be recorded continuously on a recording device from the point of approach to the point of exit until the vehicle combination or SPV is fully clear of the bridge.

6.4 The driver must clearly identify as far as practicable, all bridges to be crossed, as specified in any permit where the driver is required to conduct Bridge Video Supervision, by clearly stating on the video recording device;

  • The specified bridge, by referring to the bridge number, bridge name or crossing point; and
  • The name of the road.

6.5 Unless otherwise specified, the vehicle must be driven on a road over a Specified Bridge -

(a) as close as practical along the centre of the bridge;

(b) with the exclusion of all other vehicles from the carriageway/s

(i) in both directions, or

(ii) in the direction of travel, where there is a median strip or dividing strip, that cannot be crossed, separating traffic in both directions.

(c) At a speed THAT MUST NOT EXCEED 10 km/h.

6.6 Unless otherwise specified on the permit, a vehicle must not be driven across a bridge unless it is accompanied by a minimum of two (2) pilot vehicles, each driven by an accredited pilot who is an authorised person.

6.7 Once the vehicle combination or SPV is fully clear of the bridge, prior to ending the recording, the driver or rear pilot must announce that the vehicle is clear of the bridge, followed by similar confirmation from other parties, should they be required in the bridge crossing.

6.8 In addition to sub-clause 6.6, the road geometry must be taken into account when determining the number of accredited pilots that will be required to affect full closure of all traffic lanes to enable compliance with sub-clause 6.5.

Note: There is no restriction to operators who wish to record their trip continuously throughout the entire journey. In the case where the operator is to be audited, then prior to the audit, the operator must clearly identify and index on the requested video prior to being audited by Main Roads Western Australia, all bridge supervisions undertaken during the trip,.

7 Recording device and image requirements

7.1 The operator must mount the recording device for hands-free operation in or on the front of the vehicle:

(a) In such a way as to meet the requirements of regulation 263 of the Road Traffic Code 2000 “Drivers to have uninterrupted and undistracted views etc”;

(b) As close as practical to the horizontal centreline of the vehicle; and

(c) So that the recording device records a clear field of vision of the path directly in front of the vehicle and the bridge during the crossing.

Note: To meet the above requirements, the recording device may need to be remotely located from the image capture lens. Operators are encouraged to seek advice from a Department of Transport (DoT) Certified Engineer if they are unsure as to the appropriate mounting position of the device.

7.2 The recording device must record while simultaneously overlaying on the image:

(a) the date and time of the crossing;

(b) the vehicle speed;

(c) an audio recording of the driver statement, in accordance with clause 6, and

(d) the latitude and longitude measurement specifications of bridge location (optional)

7.3 The image recorded from the recording device must be of such reasonable quality to enable clear viewing of the crossing.

7.4 The recording device must be maintained in good working order.

7.5 All recorded footage of Bridge Video Supervision must be retained by the primary operator for a minimum period of twelve (12) months from the expiry date as specified on any permit issued, where Bridge Video Supervision is a condition of the permit.


8.1 Where a primary operator is assured that the recording device being used,

  • has GPS installed and is operational,
  • displays during replay, the latitude and longitude measurement specifications of bridge locations,
  • complies with all other requirements as specified in sub-clause 7.2 (a), (b), 73 , 74, and provided
  • the driver is proficient in the use of the recording equipment, and
  • the image is recorded continuously during the entire trip,

Then in this case, the driver of the Vehicle or SPV is not required to verbally identify every specified bridge crossing as required in sub clause 6.4.

8.2 Where it is specified in a permit that bridge video supervision is a condition of permit, the driver is still required to communicate by two-way with the accredited pilot(s), to ensure safe and compliant travel across all specified bridges, is achieved.


9.1 A primary operator may be subject to periodic random or triggered “on-site” compliance audits conducted by Main Roads Western Australia, to ascertain if the operator has acted in accordance with Bridge Video Supervision Conditions.

9.2 The primary operator must make available all recordings and documentation in relation to their Bridge Video Supervision, when requested by Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Operations, for audit purposes.

9.3 The permit holder or operator must have equipment capable of playing back all recorded images relating to permits issued to them, and must be able to play back any of these recorded images at the request of a Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Officer, or person authorised to conduct audits on behalf of Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Operations.

10 Requested submission of recorded images AND DOCUMENTATION

Upon request, the primary operator must forward all requested recordings in its original and compatible format and specific documentation made under these provisions, to Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Operations, by no later than the date specified in the request.


11.1 A primary operator who manages or conducts Bridge Video Supervision, may be subject to periodic random or triggered compliance audits.

11.2 In the case where evidence is found during the audit, that the operator has not complied with any provisions listed in the Bridge Video Supervision or Permit Conditions, the operator may be issued a formal Corrective Action Request.

11.3 Should the primary operator be issued a Corrective Action Request then the operator will be given opportunity to respond to the Corrective Action Request within a specified timeframe, by way of formally advising Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Operations in writing, of any affirmative and corrective measures or action taken, or intended to be undertaken by the primary operator.


12.1 A primary operator and any other company or person who has been engaged by the primary operator to conduct Bridge Video Supervision, may be assessed as having not complied with Bridge Video Supervision when they;

  • Fail to conduct Bridge Video Supervision,
  • Record multiple or repeated non-conformances,
  • Fail to address a Corrective Action Request by the due date,
  • Impede, delay or in any way obstruct a Main Roads WA officer or a person authorised to act on behalf of Main Roads WA in conducting a Bridge Video Supervision audit,
  • Fail to produce Bridge Video Supervision recorded images or documentation when requested to do so at the audit,
  • Fail to forward and present requested bridge video supervision recordings and supporting documentation by the due date, and
  • Fail to allow a Main Roads WA officer or person authorised to act on behalf of Main Roads WA, to examine requested recorded images or related documentation.

12.2 Where a primary operator fails to present requested video recordings and supporting documentation for an audit, then the operator may be issued a show cause notification letter.

12.3 Where a primary operator has been subject to a Bridge Video Supervision compliance audit and is subsequently assessed as having not complied with Bridge Video Supervision Conditions, then Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Operations may suspend the issue of any permits to the operator, that are subject to Bridge Video Supervision, until such time as the operator provides evidence to show that the necessary steps have been taken to improve performance and ensure future compliance.

13 Non-use of Permit

13.1 Where a Main Roads Western Australia permit was issued subject to these Bridge Supervision Conditions, and

(a) the primary operator claims that the journey to which the permit applied was not completed, and

(b) no Specified Bridges were crossed, (thus no recorded images obtained), then

The primary operator is required to record the permit number and provide an explanation in their Bridge Video Supervision Register.

13.2 When requested by Main Roads WA, the primary operator may also be required to provide documented evidence supporting such claims, such as in a statutory declaration.