7th Grade ELA Syllabus 2016-2017

Mrs. Boyer


Course Description: In Seventh Grade English Language Arts, students continue to develop an appreciation of written and spoken language. They expand their use of descriptive words and complex sentences, as well as their choices of modes of writing. Throughout seventh grade, students increase their ability to critique constructively their own work as well as the work of others. Students use oral language, written language, and media and technology for expressive, informational, argumentative, critical, and literary purposes. Students use the stages of the writing process to write clear, coherent compositions that develop an idea or tell a story.

Reading and Literature

  • Students will read and analyze a variety of literary texts such as poetry, drama, short stories, novels, and nonfiction to acquire an understanding of the conventions of each form.
  • Students will read and analyze a variety of informational texts to develop an understanding of organizational structures, such as cause and effect or comparison-contrast, and graphic features, such as diagrams and illustrations that are typically found in nonfiction.
  • Students will acquire new vocabulary and use it effectively in reading and writing.
  • Students will recognize and trace the development of the author’s argument for and against an issue.
Reading Across the Curriculum
  • Students will read the equivalent of one million words per year from a variety of subject areas.
/ Writing
  • Students write to prove, report, and describe. An emphasis is placed on organizing logical arguments with clearly expressed related definitions, theses, and evidence.
  • Students will use technology to research topics and to produce various products such as essays and presentations.
  • Students will learn and apply the rules of Standard English in written and oral language.
Listening, Speaking, and Viewing
  • Students will participate in effective oral interaction with the teacher and with other students.
  • Students will listen to and view various forms of media in order to gather and share information, persuade others, and express ideas.

7th Grade GRADING:
Summative Assessments:
Tests/Projects/Essays/Performance Tasks / 40%
Formative Assessments:
Quizzes/Performance Tasks/Vocabulary Checks / 25%
Daily Work:
Journals/Portfolios/Conventions Studies / 25%
Interactive Notebook/Warm-up/Exit ticket / 10%

Materials needed:

-2 Folders

-Pens (red, blue and green), pencils,

-1 highlighter

-2 Spiral Notebooks (1 for each semester)

-2 Glue Sticks

Turning in work:

LATE WORK / MAKE-UP WORK: Students are required to turn assignments in on time. Students who turn in late assignments will be subject to partial credit. Students who miss assignments because of an absence will have an opportunity to make up missed work. Students are given one calendar day for each day absence + one day to turn in the work. It is each student’s responsibility to check with the teacher about any make-up work.

Scheduled Help Sessions:

The language arts department offers free tutoring every Monday morning from 8:15-8:45. You can find the tutoring schedule on the ECMS.

Where do I go to find agendas and assignments?

You can access my blog on the ECMS website, click on Faculty/Staff, scroll down to your grade level, then click on my name.

**NOTE: This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change in order to accommodate class and individual needs. Students will be made aware of any changes that may occur.

I have read Mrs. Boyer’s syllabus.

Parent signature:______

Printed Parent Name:______