Executive Board:Ronald Tidwell III, RES, AAS, RMA Past Pres.
Bill Jones, RMA
Jack Manion, RES, RMA
Deanna Aspedon, AAS, RMA
Chris Morlan, AAS, RMA
Robert Prine, RMA
Ronald Tidwell III, RES, AAS, RMA President
Todd Reynolds, AAS, 1st Vice-President
Jennifer Archer, RES, RMA , 2nd Vice-President
Norma Steventon-Bierens, RMA, Secretary
Vickie Berntsen, Treasurer
4035 E Harry St
Wichita, KS 67218-3724 / Twitter @SCKIAAO
Phone: (316)660-5464 Fax: (316)660-5479
June 30, 2016
Luciano’s Restaurant
216 W Main, Mulvane
6:30 – 8:00 Dinner and Social
8:00 – 8:30 Business Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Ronald E Tidwell, III, President.
Business Meeting
The minutes of the May 26, 2016 meeting were reviewed by Ronald E Tidwell, III, President. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Vickie Berntsen, seconded by Chris Morlan. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by Vickie Berntsen, Treasurer. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Ronald E Tidwell, III and was seconded by Jack Manion. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
Ronald E Tidwell, III, President gave the Committee Reports.
Event’s Committee report – the next IAAO meeting will be in July 26th and the speaker will be KHP. We will send notification via flyers and e-mails. IAAO Courses to be sponsored this year are 112, 102 & 181.
Vickie Berntsen moved to accept the committee reports, and seconded by Jack Manion. Motioned carried.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Ronald E Tidwell, III, President swore in Patrick DeWitt, President Elect. After which, Patrick DeWitt, President swore in the officers and executive board members present. Remaining members and officers will be sworn in at a later date.
Ronald E Tidwell, III, made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Vickie Berntsen.
Meeting adjourned.
SPECIAL NOTE: This meeting was not recorded.