Brevort Township Board Meeting

July 10, 2017


6:00 PM

Board members present: Supervisor Serwach, Clerk Stelzer Bird, Treasurer Olsen, Trustee Orr, and Trustee Litzner.

Community Members present: Daryl Orr, Mark Peterson, Darren Anderson, Steve Bird, Rob Frazier, and Jim Granger.

A reading of the minutes was provided by Clerk Stelzer Bird. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Trustee Orr, Second by Treasuer Olsen. No discussion. Motion passed.

The Treasurer’s Report was provided by Treasurer Olsen. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Trustee Orr, Second by Supervisor Serwach.

Clerk Stelzer Bird read the Bills: A motion to pay the bills as read was made by Trustee Orr, Second by Treasurer Olsen.

Fire Update: Chief Peterson shared that there were a few medical runs, No fires. At their last meeting the equipment was reviewed in good working order.

Sewer/Assessor: No report

Road Report: Black Point and Brevort Lake Road were completed.

Black Point Camp Update:

Phase 1: 2 Grinder Pumps

Phase 2: 2 More Grinder Pumps

Phase 3: 2 More grinder pumps

Total of 6 grinder pumps

·  2 Pumps will maintain 24 houses

·  The phase length can range based on development of the property- years possibly.

·  95% of solids will be removed into a large septic tank before going through the sewer system.

Black Point Owner, Darren Anderson, will monitor his own septic tank- 1 10,000 gallon septic tank

Easement will be given to the Township, Anderson will then deed this sewer project to township afterward completion.

The Sewer Plan was sent to Jay Perrent at DEQ. Letter Provided.

The discharge period could be lengthened by DEQ, if needed in the future to ensure the lagoon does not spill over.

Permit 41 application and supporting documents would be submitted to DEQ by Black Point Camp for review for approval pending the township board’s approval of submission.

Question from Trustee Litzner – Do additional lift stations need to be added? – No, additional lift stations need to be added.

The lagoon will need to be monitored to ensure discharged. Time length for DEQ approval is unknown.

It will be a couple months after implementation before it is turned over the township.

Treasurer Olsen suggested a cover letter from Supervisor Serwach specifying needs of the township which is outlined in Permit 41 be included.

A motion to support the application for Permit 41 by Black Point camp was made by Trustee Orr, Second by Trustee Litzner.

Roll Call Vote: Clerk – Support, Orr- Support, Olsen- Support, Litzner – Support, Serwach – Support. Motion passed. No additional Discussion.

A motion to adjourn at 6:44 PM was made by Trustee Orr, Second by Trustee Litzner.