Draft minutes of the East Hanney Parish Council meeting – 5th July 2017

  1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt (Chairman), Cllr J Long, Cllr D Kirk.

Apologies for absence were received from: Cllr P Aram, Cllr Stewart Scott, District Cllr M Barber

In attendance: G Langton (Clerk), County Cllr A Fitzgerald-O’Connor, J Stagg (Editor – Hanney News),

Marion Carter, Amanda Curtis (both East Hanney).

  1. Members Declarations of Interest.

No members declared an interest in any items on the agenda.

  1. To confirm: The minutes of the meeting held in June 2017.

A number of typographical errors were noted. Action Clerk

The minutes were otherwise approved Cllr Long (p), Cllr Kirk (s).

The Council noted that the minutes would be signed by the Vice-Chairman at the next meeting of the Council and the minutes of the May meeting would be presented for sign-off by the

Chairman at the next meeting of the Council. Action Clerk

  1. Update on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda.

Noted street sweeping had not yet been arranged. Action Clerk.

Noted Oxfordshire Home Carers were not responding to the Clerk’s efforts to contact them.

The Clerk reported that a villager had volunteered to pick litter, but that this was a young person. Noted this could raise issues with employing an under 18-year old. Action Clerk to contact the volunteer

and ascertain how this could be done.

Cllr Triffitt reported that the Black Horse bus shelter had been repaired, the Clerk noted that some remedial work on rotten woodwork was also required and would be invoiced in the near


It was noted that a group of volunteers organised by the Clerk had topped up the playground bark- fill. The Clerk reported that the shingle on Berry Lane path not yet been replaced.

The Clerk confirmed he had submitted the PC’s document to the Inspector regarding the

appeal against the refusal of planning permission for four new dwellings on Ebbs Lane.

  1. To receive: Public Participation Period.

J Stagg asked on behalf of Becci Lawson – leader of Hanney Youth Club – for the PC to fund the Hall rental for Club so it can continue. The Clerk confirmed that the PC had funded the first 3 months of use and that WHPC had funded the 2nd 3 months. The Council agreed to consider

this as a substantive item on the August Agenda. Action Clerk.

  1. To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).

District Cllr M Barber wrote to the Clerk to confirm that he was seeking clarification from the Thames Valley Police Superintendent regarding the Neighbourhood Policing allocation of the


County Cllr A Fitzgerald-O’Connor reported as per the attached paper below.

Additionally, Cllr Kirk sought clarity on the lack of funding for St Jame’s School fittings and equipment. It was noted that the Vale Academy Trust had taken responsibility for the school from the County Council and that they were responsible for supplying the equipment required and that it was not right that villagers were asked to raise money to pay for the equipment. Cllr O'Connor would seek more information from the Academy Trust and report back to a future


  1. To consider: playing field waste bin emptying.

Clerk noted the cost of emptying the bins and the costs of extra bins, the company that emptied the dog bins would undertake the emptying for £3.98 per bin. The Council resolved to consider the possible installation of new bins at its August meeting. The Council resolved to engage the

services of Bin-it to empty the waste bins. Cllr Long (p), Cllr Kirk (s). Action Clerk.

  1. To receive: an update on a meeting with Bovis Homes concerning possible proposals for Dews

Meadow (land north of Summertown) and other options for the future use of the land.

The Clerk reported that a meeting had been arranged with a representative from Bovis Homes

on the 6th July 2017. This would be reported on at the next meeting of the Council.

  1. To receive: update on works at Kings Leases.

The Council noted that the proposed layout of the field had been published in the July edition of Hanney News and requested feedback from villagers. M Carter recommended that the field be sprayed again with herbicide. The Council agreed to consider this at its next meeting. The council considered a field walk a sensible activity to inspect the state of the ground. The Council resolved to publish the proposed layout plan on its website and share via social media. Action Clerk.

  1. To receive: an update from the VWHDC Local Plan 2031 Part 2 working party.

Cllr Kirk reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had been asked to submit the draft Plan and its associated policies to the District Council before the DC’s Local Plan was to be published. The Clerk reported that he had set up a sharable document for the policy

development group.

  1. To receive: letter regarding the state of Halls Lane Bridge.

The Council considered the recent updates, including a report from Mr B Stagg and the response from the County Council. Cllr Kirk considered that the County Council was responsible for carrying out the repairs in the shortest timeframe possible. The Council heard that County Cllr Fitzgerald-O’Connor would seek clarifications and updates to report back to the next meeting of this Council. The Council heard that J Stagg would be continuing to cover

the matter in the editorials of Hanney News.

  1. To receive: communication from Brookside resident.

The Council noted the suggestions for the possible use of Kings Leases and the playing field from a local resident. The Council resolved to consider the matters at future meetings when

appropriate and to thank her for her input. Action Clerk

  1. To consider: nominations for Groundwork Community Awards.

The Council noted the paper. The Council resolved to nominate the Hanneys Flood Group, chaired by Stewart Scott. Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr Long (s).

  1. To consider: organization of the allotments and reimbursing L Hampton.

Cllr Triffitt noted that the borders/extent of each allotment needed more effectively marked. The Council understood this need and resolved to considered how this would be done at a

future meeting.

The Council resolved to donate £25 to L Hampton towards his costs for maintaining the

allotments. Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr Long (2). Action Clerk.

  1. To consider: quotes to remove and replace streetlights on Brookside.

Cllr Triffitt reported the background to the project, noting that the Council had resolved to replace them at an earlier meeting. The Council resolved to replace the lights with 2 round topped 1.2 ‘Nelson’ bollard lights and one ‘Buckingham’ lamp on a 4m pole to be sited by the post box as per the quote from Gemma Lighting. The Council requested that the Clerk await the second quote he had obtained but approved the project at £2000 plus VAT. Cllr Long (p),

Cllr Kirk (s). Action Clerk.

  1. To consider: acquisition of an A3 colour printer.

Cllr Kirk introduced the item, he noted the cost of using commercial printers and that currently members of the Council were supporting the printing needs of the Council. The Council noted the need for a printer that could work in A3 format (and smaller). The Council resolved to continue this discussion at its next meeting and called for all to bring estimates of the amount they print

as evidence of usage. Action all.

  1. To receive: invoices paid since last meeting and current statement of account.

The Council received the payments and receipts. Cllr Triffitt noted the high cost of purchase of a notice board for Kings Leases and commented that for compliance with existing standing orders on financial regulation it should have been approved in advance by the Council before any agreed purchase by any councillor. The Council resolved exceptionally to approve the payment of the submitted invoice on this occasion, but that this would not be acceptable in future. Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr Long (s). Action Chair to reiterate the rules to all members of the Council.

The meeting closed at 10.09pm.

Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()1