This use of Facilities Agreement is entered effective the __ day of __,20__, by and

between Two Rivers Youth Club ("TRYC") and ______, an individual who

is the team manager or one or more youth softball teams registered by TRYC ("Manager").

WHEREAS, TRYC owns and operates certain youth softball related facilities, including softball fields and batting cages with pitching machines all located at 1700 N. Ridge Road, Wichita, KS (collectively "the facilities").

WHEREAS, Manager desires to use TRYC's facilities from time to time for Manager's team(s)

to practice, and TRYC desires to make its facilities available to Manager under certain terms and conditions set forth below.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and payments described herein, the parties agree:

1. Fees for Use of Facilities. Manager will pay certain fees to TRYC in advance of each use of the facilities, according to TRYC's current Schedule of Fees which TRYC may amend at any time.

2. Limitation on Frequency of Use of Facilities. TRYC has entered similar agreements with other managers. Therefore, use of the facilities is on a "first come, first served" basis according to TRYC's reservation policies and procedures which TRYC may amend at anytime. TRYC retains the right to use the facilities for its own benefit, or make the facilities available for the use of third parties, with such uses having priority over any use under this Agreement.

3. Term of Agreement and Hours of Use of Facilities. The term of the Agreement is March 1 through May 31 of the year first written above, unless earlier terminated as provided below.

4. Other Conditions of Use of Facilities. The team Manager will provide at least one adult (18 years of age or older) to supervise all uses of the facilities. The team Manager and team members shall comply with all provisions of the TRYC Code of Conduct and all other TRYC rules and/or limitations on facilities' use that are posted at the facilities or otherwise made known to the team Manager, all of which are made terms of the Agreement by reference.

5. Termination of Agreement: TRYC may terminate this Agreement at any time during its term if Manager or Manager's team members fails to comply with anyterm of the Agreement, including payment of any fee for use of the facilities, or otherwise violates any TRYC rule, policy or procedure.

6. Manager's Release and Indemnification of TRYC. All uses of the facilities are at Manager's own risk. Manager is responsible for the conduct of Manager's team members while using the facilities. Manager releases TRYC, its directors, officers, agents and insurers from any and all damages arising out of the use of the facilities, except to the extent that such damages are caused by the negligence of TRYC. Manager further agrees to indemnify and hold TRYC harmless from any and all damages suffered by third parties, including but not limited to Manager's team members, arising out of Manager's use of the facilities, except to the extent that such damages are caused by the negligence ofTRYC.

I, the undersigned Manager, have read, understand and agree to all of the terms of the foregoing Use of Facilities Agreement.




By: ______

Title: ______