Bremerton Soccer Club

General Membership Meeting

November 22, 2013 – Hampton Inn, Bremerton, WA

At 6:00 p.m., Board President Steve VonHeeder welcomed all members and coaches for attending the General Membership meeting. The reception and meeting was held at the Hampton Inn Kitsap Room, Bremerton, WA. Steve thanked everyone for attending.

At 6:16, Steve called the General Membership Meeting to order. Board Members present included Steve Von Heeder, President, Jeremy Smith, Director of Fields, Brian Burdick, Director of Coaching & Competition, Deanna Wiggins, Webmaster, Dan Bell, Secretary, Ioanna Cossack, Treasurer.

Steve reviewed some changes made in the last year, and talked about some upcoming events and plans. This included West Sound FC is refurbishing the two dirt soccer fields at Pendergast Park. WSFC is replacing the dirt fields with field turf. These fields will be the home fields for WSFC. Also, Bremerton Soccer Club wants to become a feeder program for WSFC. Finally, the BSC Board members want to look at different options for practice fields so the game fields at Mountain View Middle Schoolwill maintain in good condition.

Year Ahead 2014

o July 15 RMAs-These will need to be renewed every year and the NSYSA and WSYSA profiles need to match or the RMA will not go through.

o May 1 Fall season registration opens

o July 1 Late registration starts (increase in registration fees)

o July Exact date TBD. Referee Clinic/ Coaches Clinic

o July 15 Team Formation (need to have coaches identified here)

o July 22 Coaches Meeting

o August 1 Practice Start (Exact details to be determined by Coach)

o August 9 NSYSA League Scheduling meeting (Teams will be placed in their divisions here, Fall schedules are usually finalized 2 weeks after this meeting)

o Sept. 6 First Game of Fall 2014 Season

All of the coaches were recognized for their assistance and hard work this year, each new coach was awarded a jacket with the BSC logo and the returning coaches had the choice of a jacket or a gift card, as appreciation from the Club

o Nomination & Election of New Board Members

Steve announced the resignations of the following positions: Secretary and Registrar. He opened the floor for nominations and explained that Jeremy and Jeni Smith will be transferring to a new duty station for the Navy so their postions will be open.

o Positions Needed:

Vice President




Director of Fields

Director of Coaching/Competition

Director of Equipment

November 22, 2013 Minutes

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Vice President: Steve nominated Deanna Wiggins as Vice President. The motion was seconded and it passed unanimously.

Secretary: Steve nominated Chris Urrutia as the position of Secretary. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Registrar: Steve nominated Dawn Vonheeder as the position of Registrar. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Treasurer: Steve nominated Shannon Bayne as the position of Treasurer. The motion was seconded and Matt Bayne opposed. The nomination passed.

Directors of Fields:Steve nominated Jorge Hernandez as Director of Fields. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Directors of Equipment: Steve nominated Matt Bayneas Director of Equipment. The motion was seconded and it passed unanimously.

Director of Coaching and Competition: Brian Burdick wanted to stay as Director of Coaching and Competition. Steve nominated Brian Burdick as Director of Coaching and Competition. The motion was seconded and it passed unanimously.

Webmaster: Steve nominated Chuck Deforrest for Webmaster. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

List of Officers/Board for 2014 Season

President - Steve Vonheeder
VP - DeAnna Wiggins
Treasurer –Shannon Bayne
Secretary –Chris Urrutia
Registrar –Dawn Vonheeder
Webmaster –Chuck Deforrest
Director of Equipment –Matt Bayne
Director of Fields –Jorge Hernandez
Director Coaching & Competition –Brian Burdick

There will be a Board Member turnover meeting at Bremerton School District Administration Building. Time, Date and Room number TBA. Information will be posted on Facebook and the website.

Other Business: The idea was brought up about providing scholarships to players that would need them. Steve said that we are not at place yet with our budget, but is open for that idea at a later date. Fundraiser scarf sales was an idea Chris Urrutia brought up. The questions were brought on how the club would do this. Finally, Chuck Deforrest brought up ideas about updating the current pictures on our website and to add a section on our website called the coach’s corner.

The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

Minutes by Dan Bell