Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School

Band Boosters Meeting Minutes 05/05/15

The meeting was called to order in the Theory Room at 7:03 PM on Tuesday May5, 2015 by President Linda Begley.

Secretary’s Report: (Amy Zajac)

The minutes from the 04/14/15 meeting were read and approved by a committee and are posted on the website. Volunteers to read these minutes are Heidi Ewing and Kathy Drinko.

Treasurer’s Report: (Mary Brumbaugh)

Checking Account:Endowment Savings:

Balance as of 04/30/15: $ 54,601.10 Balance as of 04/30/15: $10,057.70

Deposits: $ 1,036.00

Disbursements: $ (739.82)Uniform Replacement Savings:

Balance as of 04/30/15: $ 65,194.94

Balance as of 04/30/15: $ 54,897.28

Adjusted Balance: $ 56,667.63

Pancake Breakfast: $ 10,575.34

Pay Pal Account

Balance as of 04/30/15: $ 962.87

Band Fees: (Paula Hradisky) There is nothing to report at this time.

Student Accounts: (Heidi Ewing)

Heidi reported per responses she got, at this time $205 will be used for the band banquet. About half of the seniors answered regarding their funds at the end of the year. The balance at the end of April is $8,694.55.

Program Committee Reports: (GinaKoziol)

Box Office/Ushers: (Theresa Fallon) CYWS is going on now.

Chaperones: (Carolyn Karkosiak and Sheri Fenton) Two chaperones are needed for Memorial Day.

Drum Line: (Sharon Gallagher and Michelle Shively) There is nothing to report.

Hospitality/Game Snacks: (Sharon Gallagher)

Sharon has snacks for the Memorial Day parade. There will be a water table at both the Broadview Heights and Brecksville parades. 8th grade night snacks are handled.

Flagline: (Theresa Fallon and Barb DelRoso) Flagline is currently looking to purchase new tops.

Newsletter: (Michelle Shively) Michelle was not present.

Webmaster: (Janice Schenk) There was nothing new to report.

PSO: (Rose Jonovich) The group will be meeting this Thursday. A volunteer has been found for next year.

Publicity: (Michelle Cline) The committee chair is open for next year.

Sr. Night: (Paula Hradisky) The committee chair is open for next year, but Paula will help the new person next year.

Uniforms: (Denise Eder/Julie Luber/Cheryl Dunphy/Lori Losi) There is nothing new to report.

Decorations: (Jackie Ross) The decorations are up for the concert this week.

Ways and Means Committee Reports: (Kathy Richards)

Athletic Program: (Michelle Cline and Lori Losi).

There is nothing new as this is done for the year. We will need an assistant for next year to help sell ads.

Program Layout: (Michelle Shively) Michelle was not present.

Program Sales: (Julie Gicei) There is nothing to report.

Ford Drive One: (Nancy Randall and Deb Karpowicz) Kathy Richards will call Walt regarding next year.

Citrus Fruit Sales: (Kathy Drinko and Lynn Robie)

Kathy reported they are exploring the option of on-line sales.

Endowment/Patrons: (Heidi Wessel)

Heidi reported there are endowments coming in. Patrons are now January to December. We may have a volunteer to chair this next year. Heidi reported she did not get the senior email, but others in the group did. Mr. Wyse will follow up on this.

Spirit Wear: (Rose Jonovich and Dina Packard)

The question was asked if the Marching Bee could be used on spirit wear. We have to explore this option.

Disney Raffle: Dina Packard reported 170 tickets had been sold.

Music in Our Schools: Linda Begley reported the date for next year is March 12, 2016.

Band Director’s Report: (Mr. Wyse/Mrs. Astey)

Mr. Wyse would like to buy new instruments this year to replace some of the aging ones we have. He would like to specifically buy Euphoniums and Baritones (one style is for concert season and the other is for marching season). CYWS is going on currently. Auditions for next year are May 20. The Spring Concert is May 7. There will be a Senior recognition that night, along with an advocacy for music in the schools. There will be comments from the seniors running on the screen as to what band has meant to them. The students will turn in their uniforms after the concert. Commencement band will start to practice after the concert. Commencement is June 6, at 1:00. Applications for leadership for next year will be due May 22. The banquet is next Monday. Percussion auditions are May 13, and 8th Grade Night is May 14. May 25 is the Memorial Day parades. Leadership will be announced on May 29, and Final Exam information is posted on line. The band will have approximately 280 members next year.

President’s Report: (Linda Begley)

At 8th Grade Night, Spirit Wear will raffle off a few “vintage” items.

Old Business:

Gina Koziol motioned to vote in the following slate of officers for the 2015-16 school year: Linda Begley-President, Amy Zajac-1st Vice President, Kathy Drinko-2nd Vice President, Heidi Ewing-Secretary, and Mary Brumbaugh-Treasurer. Dina Packard seconded. A vote was taken. The motion was passed.

New Business:

Linda Begley motioned to create a new officer position of Assistant Treasurer, and Kathy Drinko seconded. A vote was taken. The motion passed.

Linda Begley motioned that Katie Churchin fill the newly created position of Assistant Treasurer for the 2015-16 school year. Kathy Drinko seconded. A vote was taken. The motion passed.

The Assistant Treasurer will be listed under the Treasurer as an officer position.

Linda Begley motioned to create an Alumni Committee. Katie Churchin seconded. A vote was taken. The motion passed.

Gina Koziol said the original drum major is living in Chippewa Place in Brecksville. We have invited her to the band concert, but her health has prevented her from attending. John Reagan is going to try to interview her for BEE-TV. We are hoping to present part of the interview at the band concert.

Linda Begley reported Grace Kubera has found new tops for Flagline. She has ordered a sample.

Linda Begley motioned to let the Flagline buy the tops, and Kathy Drinko seconded. A discussion of how this expenditure was not covered in our original budget for the year. The total is approximately $3, 00.00. A vote was taken. The motion passed.

Mr. Wyse would like to purchase new instruments this year. Gina Koziol motioned to use funds to purchase new instruments. Ann-Marie Wilson seconded. A vote was taken. The motion passed.

Linda Begley spoke about the banquet, and encouraged parents to attend.

The June meeting is a potluck, and the new officers are installed.

A motion to adjourn was made by Dina Packard, seconded by Ann-Marie Williams.

Adjourned: at 8:04 PM

Respectfully submitted by Amy Zajac 05/31/15