Hillcrest Happenings!!

August 14 – August 18,2017


Start Time: 8:15 a.m. (Students are allowed on campus at 7:55 a.m.)

Break Times: 4 minutes passing time WITHOUT minute bell

Lunch: Approx. 30 minutes

End Time: 3:00 p.m.

•Please note:

  • No outside food or drink is allowed on campus in the mornings.
  • Fidget spinners are not allowed on campus.

•Students may bring a sack lunch to school. Sack lunches must be kept in the student's backpack until lunchtime.

•Please follow the blue pick-up and drop-off lines in the front parking lot. Only buses are permitted in the bus lots.

•If your child is going to be absent the first day of school, please call the Attendance Office at 623-376-3390 as soon as possible.

•Hillcrest is a closed campus. For your child's safety, all visitors and parents are to check in at the Front Office and we can have your student brought to the office for you to speak with.

•Please check our website for more information or to subscribe to our Falcon Notes e-Newsletter:

Immunizations: Students will not be allowed to start school without current immunizations. Please contact the nurse at 623-376-3310.


Students are NOT to use their personal cell phones or other electronic devices WHILE IN CLASS unless specifically directed by the teacher for instructional purposes. All electronic devices, including cell phones, iPods, ear buds, etc.MAY BEused during lunches and passing time, as well as before and after school. The use of cell phones in the classroom without teacher permissionat any timewill be considered a disruption to the learning environment and will follow the progressive discipline steps.


Regular Full Day Schedule

Moment of Silence/Pledge/HMSTV 8:15-8:25am

1st Period 8:25am-9:16am

2nd Period 9:20am-10:11am

3rd Period 10:15-11:06am

4th Period 11:10am-1:10pm

1st Lunch 11:10am-11:40am

2nd Lunch 11:40am-12:10pm

3rd Lunch 12:10pm-12:40pm

4th Lunch 12:40-1:10pm

5th Period 1:14pm-2:05pm

6th Period 2:09pm-3:00pm


Nurse: Ellen Momeyer


Use of crutches on campus requires a note from the student's Physician and the school does not supply any medical equipment.

The only medications that students can carry on them are: Epi pens and inhalers with aform from the Health Officewhich parents and the RN sign.

Per DVUSD policy, the nurse cannot administer any medicine (including lotions and cough drops)unless parents/guardian supply the medicine to the Health Office in the original container with a signed medication instruction form.


Co-Presidents: Heather Hardy & Kim Blaser


We are excited to kick off the new school year! We have fun activities for the kids to enjoy!!

Look for the PTSA membership form and T-shirt swag order form in your back to school packets coming home. Send in your order with a check made out to Hillcrest PTSA to the office and we will fill it for you!!

Come to our first meeting to learn more about our Hillcrest PTSA. It's Wednesday August 23rd from 6:30-7:30 in the Media Center!!

Thank you for your continued support! We couldn't do it without you!


Publicity Coordinator: Denise Parrino

Contact: .

Welcome back! Our publicity committee has hit the ground running in support of Hillcrest Middle School and education. We work together all year long to find ways to connect to our community. We have many opportunities for you to offer your support through partnerships, advertising, and the donation of supplies or even cash. Please contact Denise Parrino with any questions or to see how you can join in to connect our community with education.

JUST ONE MOMENT OF YOUR TIME . . . We all want our students to have the best opportunities possible, so this is a great way to jump in and help out, simply by grocery shopping. We would really appreciate each and every one of you taking the few minutes it takes to sign up. Please share with other friends and family members to really incorporate our community. It is a brief and rather straightforward process that can make such a huge difference in the lives of our 1000+ students.

Please follow the instructions to join Fry’s in their support of Hillcrest Middle School!

PLEASE NOTE: Before you can link your Fry’s V.I.P card to an organization, you must have an email address.

STEP 1: Creating an Online Fry’s Account

**NOTE: If you already have an online Fry’s account, skip to#2

*Go to

*Select ‘Create an Account’.

*Under Sign-In information, enter your email and create a password. (Write down your email & password—will need it in step 2)

*Select ‘Use Card Number’.

*Enter your Fry’s V.I.P Card Number, last name and postal code.

*Under ‘Select Your Preferred Store’ enter your postal code.

*Select ‘Find Stores’.

*Choose your store then select ‘Create Account’.

*You will then be prompted to check your email for a confirmation email.

Click the hyperlink in your email to finish creating your Online Fry’s Account.

*Continue to step #2 to register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program of your choice.

STEP 2: Register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program

*Go to

*Select ‘Sign-In’.

*Enter your email and password then select ‘sign in’. (This will be the email and password you created in step 1)

*Select ‘My Account then select ‘Account Settings’ from drop down menu.

*Click ‘edit’ under Community Rewards. If prompted, enter personal information.

*Under Find Your Organization: Enter Hillcrest Middle School or the school code 80398

*Under Select Your Organization: Select box next to your organization

*Then select ‘save changes’.

*If you have registered correctly, you should now see your organization information listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page.

Dear Falcon Families and Friends, Our Classroom Community… Online!

What a wonderful community of learners we have in our classroom this year! I’m so excited to help our students learn and grow. I have registered our classroom on DonorsChoose.org, an amazing website where individuals can contribute to public schools. Throughout the year, I will post requests for resources that will help make your child’s time at school even more engaging, dynamic, and enriching.

All About ABS!

My students need 3-in-1 AB Wheel Roller Kits to increase their core strength!

My Project

We need 3-in-1 AB Wheel Roller Kits to increase their core strength The AB roller kits will provide my students with the opportunity to build their CORE muscles. The materials will help them develop CORE muscles which creates a solid base for their bodies. Functional CORE training is about power, strength and stabilization.

The donations for this project will improve my classroom by providing another station for students in our Fitness Room.

The CORE training will teach their muscles to work together efficiently and effectively. It will also help students tighten and flatten their tummies.

With increased CORE strength, students will be able to prevent injuries and help them tighten the abdominal structure involved in movement.

Thank you for your support!


Mrs. Kuntz (Physical Education Department Chair)


Hillcrest Athletic Coordinator: Shad Greaves


Hillcrest’s 7th grade athletics are a member of the North Valley Middle Level conference. 8th grade athletics are a member of the Deer Valley K8 Conference.

The sports offered at Hillcrest are as follows:

Fall SportsWinter SportsSpring Sports

Volleyball (B/G)Basketball (B/G)Baseball

Cross Country *Wrestling *Softball


*No Cut (Participation may be limited)

2017-2018 Approved Athletic Fees

7th/8th grade athlete: $60 per sport ($120 maximum per athlete)

Family: $300 maximum per family/household*

*A family or family household is defined by the United States Census Bureau for statistical purposes as “a householder and one or more other people related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.”

2017-2018 Middle School Athletic Event Admission Prices


All DVUSD students with school ID…………FREE

Family Pass (10 Punches)…..$20.00


Cafeteria Manager: Renee Flagler


The Falcon café would like to remind you that our fresh fruit &vegetable salad bar is included with all combo lunches. If you desire to only purchase the salad bar the saladcart

price is $1.50.

Don’t forget about our monthly features. Every month we offer two items every day. This month is the premade Crispy chicken salad, made fresh every day and the goldfish grilled cheese sandwich. They are also part of the combo lunches along with chocolate, skim, or 1% milk.

One more thing. Our sides, the fruit and vegetable, are a required part of your lunch so please choose one or both. Refusal is not an option. Thank you and Bon appetite!


Please take a moment to take this survey to help our school identify ways to improve. The purpose of this survey is to listen to our parents’ opinions about our school. Please read each statement and choose the response that most closely matches your opinion. Your responses will be completely confidential. Your feedback will be used to identify school needs through theAdvancED(click for more information)accreditation process. Thank you for helping us make our school a better place for your kids! We appreciate your feedback.

(cut and paste link into your browser)


  • Sponsors:
  • Sponsors: &
  • Sponsors: &
  • Sponsor:
  • Sponsor:


We are partnering with The Be Kind People Project for our Character Education.

Check out The Be Kind People Project's website at:

Your support bringscharacter education, fun, exercise and encouragement to our

studentsand our school.

  • August Tenet-Be Supportive

August Community Members -

Bus Drivers and Crossing Guards

  • September Tenet-Be Respectful
  • September Community Members
  • October Tenet – Be Responsible
  • October Community Members
  • November Tenet - Be Thankful
  • November Community Members
  • December Tenet – Be Honest
  • December Community Members
  • January Tenet – Be Positive
  • January Community Members
  • February Tenet-Be A Friend
  • February Community Members
  • March Tenet – Be Considerate
  • March Community Members
  • April Tenet - Be Encouraging
  • April Community Members
  • May Tenet – Be Helpful
  • May Community Members


MONDAY, August 14

Volleyball tryouts @ 3pm

TUESDAY, August 15

Volleyball tryouts @ 3pm

WEDNESDAY, August 16

Rita’s Ice @ all lunches for $3.00

Volleyball tryouts @ 3pm
THURSDAY, August 17

NJHS Meeting @ 7:30

FRIDAY, August 18