CSIS 10A String (and Function) Drills

1.  The following code has a function call in it:

int main( )


string name;

char grade;

int score;

score = easy ( name, grade );

a)  what is the name of the function? ______

b)  What are the arguments? ______

c)  What are the data types of the arguments? ______

d)  What is the return type? ______

e)  Write ONLY the first line of the function (the head or prototype) below:

2.  The following code has a function call in it:

int main( )


float z_score, ans;

int myAge, n_years;

char grade;

ans = rent (z_score, myAge, grade, n_years );

a)  what is the name of the function? ______

b)  What are the arguments? ______

c)  What are the data types of the arguments? ______

d)  What is the return type? ______

e)  Write ONLY the first line of the function (the head or prototype) below:

3.  The following code has a function call in it:

int main( )


string title, book1, book2;

float interest;

display_ledger ( title, book1, book2, interest );

a)  what is the name of the function? ______

b)  What are the arguments? ______

c)  What are the data types of the arguments? ______

d)  What is the return type? ______

e)  Write ONLY the first line of the function (the head or prototype) below:

4. What are the outputs of this code?


string s1 = “abra”, s2 = “cad”, s3;

s3 = s2 + s1;

cout < s1 < endl;

cout < s3 < endl;

s1 += s3 ;

cout < s1 < endl;

cout < s2 < endl;

5. Write a function called concat4 it accepts 4 string variables as arguments and returns

a string that contains all four of the arguments. For example, concat4("one","two","3","4");

returns the string "onetwo34"

6. Write a function called first that accepts 3 string variables and returns the string that comes first in the dictionary. For example first("fun","program", "create") returns the string "create"

7. Write a function called middle that accepts 3 string variables and returns the string that comes between the other two in the dictionary. For example middle("fun","program", "create") returns the string "fun"

8. Write a function called greeting that accepts a string for language (english, spanish, japanese, or chinese) and displays a greeting in that language (hello, hola, konichiwa, ni hao)

9. Write a function convert that takes a person’s firstname, initial and lastname and returns their fullname in last, first, MI format. For example convert ("Joe", "P","Cupertino"); returns the string "Cupertino, Joe P"