Course: 9th Grade Principles of Literature and Composition
Hours: 1 Credit Instructor:Dr.T. N.WilliamsRoom: 261
Textbook: Holt: Elements of Literature
Course Description:
This is an intensive study in critical reading, literary analysis, composition, vocabulary development and grammar to prepare students for more advanced study in literature and language development. This course was designed to facilitate thinking, organizing, and communicating orally and through written expression.
The state of Georgia Standards:
The objectives for the course are based on the standards for the state of Georgia. The topics indicate the broad category and the check mark is an indicator.
Topic: Critical Thinking
Invents solutions to problems using metaphors, analogies, brainstorming, models, and role-playing.
Topic: Reading/Literature
Reads, discusses and analyzes world literature representing diversity.
Analyzes literature according to characterization, mood, tone, plot, and point of view.
Reads, discusses, and analyzes technical literature and general exposition.
Reads and responds to mythology, especially Greek and Roman.
Is familiar with the structural elements of literature.
Judges literature critically on the basis of personal response, technical clarity, or literary quality.
Outside Reading
In an effort to meet the standards for the state of Georgia, the following novels have been selected. Students will need to acquire these novels so they can read independently. Novels for the first nine weeks have been identified. Some of the novels have been read previously, but a deeper understanding of literary analysis and historical implications will be assessed. We will also read editorials, newspaper articles, and magazine features. Students will complete assignments to assess their mastery of their reading which will be a part of their portfolio.
RequiredNovels for the Year
A Lesson before Dying byErnest GainesISBN-13: 9780375702709
$13.00 (Purchase by September3, 2010). Students will begin September 7, 2010
Breaking Through byFrancisco Jimenez ISBN-13: 9780618342488
$ 7.00 (Purchased by November 1, 2010)
Students will begin November 4, 2010
Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
ISBN-13: 9781593080556
$5.00 (Purchased by December 31, 2010) Students will begin January 6, 2011.
A Long Way Gone : Memoirs of a Boy SoldierbyIshmael Beah
ISBN-13: 9780374531263
(Purchased by March 2, 2011) Students will begin March 3, 2010 / The novel list to the left contains that books are required readings for all BESTAcademyHigh School students. All books can be purchased at Barnes and Noble. In the event that a book can not be purchased by a parent/guardian, please make arrangements at least one month in advance with the teacher. The purposes of the required novels are to teach all students collegiate annotation skills and to promote active and engaged reading.
Topic: Speaking/Listening
Improves ability to use standard American English in prepared presentations.
Evaluates messages and effects of mass media.
Presents arguments in orderly and convincing ways.
Adapts words and strategies to various situations and audiences.
Engages in discussion as both speaker and listener, critically and constructively interpreting, analyzing, and summarizing ideas.
Conceives and develops ideas about a topic for the purpose of speaking to a group; chooses and organizes related ideas; presents them clearly in standard American English; and evaluates similar presentations by others.
Uses appropriate criteria to evaluate the messages and effects of mass media.
Perceives and clarifies understanding of verbal and nonverbal components of interpersonal communication.
Topic: Writing/Usage/Grammar
Participates in a writing process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and publishing with emphasis on revision.
Shows progress in mastering grammatical systems and patterns of usage.
Writes in narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository modes with emphasis on persuasive writing.
Adapts writing style to various audiences.
Engages in the research process using appropriate print, electronic, and interview sources.
Attributes information and quotations to their sources
Uses a variety of sentence patterns that emphasize subordination and coordination.
Understands that English usage is shaped by social, cultural, and geographic differences.
Writes for a variety of purposes.
Gathers information from print and nonprint sources; writes orders, descriptions and reports using research; quotes, paraphrases and summarizes accurately; and cites sources properly.
Uses the tools and resources of writers.
Organizes, selects and relates ideas. Develops them into coherent, multi-paragraph compositions.
Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to:
- Obey all rules set forth by AtlantaPublic Schools and BESTAcademyHigh School.
- Come to class prepared to learn.
- Maintain a peaceful, respectful and productive environment for learning.
Behavior Management Plan
First Offense:Warning (depending on the severity)
Second Offense: Conference with the student, parent contact
Third Offense:Administrative referral
Grading Procedures:
Formative Assessments are samples of student work before, during, and after instruction that identify needs and help provide continuous feedback to students which can include journal writing, projects, hands-on activities, quizzes, homework, etc.
Summative/Formal Assessments are major culminating tasks such as projects, research, essays, labs, portfolio, tests, etc.
- The student’s grade is calculated the following way:
Mid Semester/Final Exam 15% (Summative)
Classwork/Homework25% (Formative)
Project20% (Summative)
Assessments/Tests20% (Summative)
Writings20% (Formative & Summative)
- Homework assignments are due when the students enter the door. Homework is not accepted after the bell. The designated heading must be in the upper right hand corner. Homework is worth 5 points and will be graded based on the following.
- Notes tests are given. They will be worth at test grade.
- The students will adhere to the grading scale given in the student handbook.
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F 0-69
End of Course Test Information:
- The End of Course Test (EOCT) is a state mandated series of assessments aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards used to provide diagnostic information to help students identifying strengths and areas of need in learning, therefore improving performance in all high school courses and on other assessments, such as the GHSGT. Any student enrolled in and/or receiving credit for EOCT course is required to take the EOCT upon completion of that course. This is an EOCT course, the results of the EOCT will make up 15% of the students grade. For more information on EOCT’s, please visit
Plagiarism/Cheating Policy:
- Cheating and/or plagiarism are regarded as very serious offenses. Copying or paraphrasing material/text from the work of another student, published from sources (i.e. Cliff Notes, magazines, newspapers, etc.) and/or from the internet without proper documentation constitutes academic theft which will result in a zero and possibly an administrative referral.
- Three ring binder with pockets 2 inches thick or larger
- Red/Green/Purple pen for correcting, Blue or black pens for everyday use
- Loose leaf College Rule paper for turning in assignments
- 5 Subject Dividers
- Single Subject Spiral Notebook for Journal (College Rule)
- Highlighters (Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, etc)
- Post-It Notes (Medium and Small)
- Student Planner
- One Box of Kleenex
- Index cards (200)
1.It is the student’s responsibility to be in class.
2.Work can only be made up if there the absence is excused with a doctor’s note. The student will be given an equal number of days to make up the assignment.
3.If the student’s absence begins the day prior to a test, they will be required to take the exam as soon as they return to class.
Tutorials are held Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Please return this sheet. You may keep the syllabus.
I have read, and I understand these expectations. I am fully aware of the consequences should I fail to meet these expectations; therefore, I will do my best to follow them.
Student’s signature ______Date______
I have read, and I understand these expectations. I am fully aware of the consequences should my child fail to meet these expectations.
Parent/Guardian’s signature ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number______
Parent/Guardian Email Address______
Contact Log
Date/Time / Spoke With / Comment/Concern / Resolution / Notice mailedDate/Time / Spoke With / Comment/Concern / Resolution / Notice mailed