Brant Masters, Past Masters & Warden’s Association
Thursday January 21, 2016
President, WB Fred Sebring called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Regrets; VWB Fred Topp, RWB William Martin and WB Michel Hodgson.
The minutes of the Dec. 2015 Annual Meeting, were read and with no errors or emissions, they were moved for adoption by RWB Don Elliott, 2nd by WB Allan Durnford and carried.
Committee Reports;
The Secretary reported that he had spoken with VWB Fred Topp, concerning the new Regalia for 2016 and confirmed that he would order same, if so directed. The President did so confirm and VWB Topp would be contacted.
RWB Don Elliott returned VWB Howard Misner’s Grand Steward Regalia, to be stored and reused as needed.
WB Durnford reported a positive balance of $14.60.
District Communications;
A discussion took place as to who the Brant District Web Master and Chairman of Communications was for 2016, the Pres. would check into this matter.
The Secretary reported that he had presented complimentary Membership cards to B Russell Mannen, J.W. and B Lucas Bertran, S.W., both of Burford Lodge No.106.
Treasurer’s Report;
It was moved by WB Paul Johnson, 2nd by RWB Don Elliott, that the Treasure’s Report, as presented, be adopted, carried, report attached.
New Business;
WB Durnford recommended that the President proclaim WB Don Wolan, 2nd Vice President as per the nomination and electronic voting, by the Executive, the Pres. did so proclaim WB Wolan 2nd Vice.
A discussion took place concerning the amount of the Regular and Life Membership fees. It was moved by RWB Don Elliott, 2nd by VWB Gary Mudford, that the fees remain the same; $ 10.00 for Regular and $ 40.00 for Life Membership, the motion carried.
It was moved by RWB Don Elliott, 2nd by WB Don Wolan, that the Annual Assessment, for the District Lodges, remain the same; $ 150.00 for the District Hospitality Room, at Grand Lodge and $ 100.00 for the Regalia Fund, the motion carried.
It was moved by RWB Don Elliott, 2nd by WB Allan Durnford, that the Postage and Ink bill of $ 168.50, presented by the secretary, be paid, motion carried.
Adiscussion took place concerning the date for the Master’s Night in 2016. It was confirmed by the President, that pending a by-law change,a combination Masters and Warden’s Night would be held on November 17, 2016 at Scotland Lodge No. 193.
The Secretary presented the quote from Signs and Awnings, for the replacement of the letters, “M” and “O” on the sign at the Children’s Safety Village; he commented that the quote of $ 175.00 had been reduced to $ 150.00, by the contractor.
A discussion took place concerning the date of an additional Executive Meeting, it was confirmed by the Pres., that pending permission from Lynden Lodge No. 505, an Executive Meeting would be held on September 15, 2016, the secretary would confirm the date with Lynden Lodge and send copies of the revised agenda to the District Lodges and the Executive.
WB Wolan gave an update on the District Display Case; he noted that the case should be ready for delivery in 3-4 weeks and that all was in line with the proposed budget. He would also make revisions to the brochure to include donations, totalling approximately three million dollars per day, made by the different coordinate bodies of Free Masonry.
Having no further business, the meeting was called for adjournment by RWB Don Elliott, carried.