Brain Pop Video Lesson (Reduce Reuse Recycle) Grades 2-3

Aim: What are endangered species?


-Smart board

-Brain Pop Jr. video onEndangered Species(Under conservation)

- Place Nonfiction books on “Endangered Species” on display for grade 2.

- Some more Earth Day books to show the Dewey decimal numbers to grade 3.


- habitat= a place where a plant or animal lives

- Extinct= no longer living

- Endangered Species = living things that are close to becoming extinct

- Reserve = Special areas of land where people cannot build

- Conserve = to save or protect from loss or harm


- To create awareness about endangered species as part of helping the planet

-To excite students interests in informational books about Earth Day and Endangered Species

-To teach finding/locating nonfiction books using the Dewey decimal system (for grades 3 and up)

Before Viewing Activities


Say, “In addition to pollution, another problem facing our planet is that of Endangered Species.” Ask;

1. What do we mean by Endangered Species?

(Plants and animals that are close to becoming extinct or dying out)

2. Why it is important to protect the endangered species of plants and animals?

Acknowledge students responses then review the importance of E.S as follows.

  • Endangered species of plants and animals are important to our survival.Animals, plants, and humans depend on each other for their survival. Lets say if worms go extinct (which will probably not happen), then birds wouldn't have their most reliable food source. This would cause the birds also to go extinct. Then animals that depend on birds for food will die out. And then it would come to us, because birds and animals are also a reliable food source to us humans.
  • Some animals eat up other animals and keep their population or number from growing too much. For example Wolves in Alaska eat Caribous. If those wolves go extinct, what will happen to the population of Caribous?
  • When forests are cleared to create space for buildings, many species of trees and plants become endangered.Scientist’s research has shown that many plants and trees can be used in the preparation of medicines to fight diseases. Additionally, many nimals and birds depend on them for food.

Introduce the Brain pop movie on Endangered Species.

Say, now we will watch a brain pop movieto lean more about Endangered Species and how can we protect them.

After Viewing Activity:

-Do the online easy and hard quiz and give participation points.

-Play the online game about endangered species.

-Show books on Endangered species and tell students theDewey number to help them find them on the shelves. (Grade 3 and up)

-Point second graders to books on display about topics related to Earth Day.