Chapter X.

Comprehension exercises.

1. Read the following statements. Say whether they are true according to the story, if not, correct them.

1. Children thought their father couldn’t do anything.

2. Atticus was nearly blind in his left eye.

3. Atticus asked Jem not to shoot any alive beings.

4. Calpurnia was the first who saw a mad dog.

5. Tim was a liver-colored bird dog, the pet of Maycomb.

6. Mr. Heck Tate was the sheriff of Maycomb country.

7. Mr. Heck Tate was a head taller than Atticus.

8. Calpurnia asked Jem and Jean to hide in the nearest house.

9. Mr. Heck Tate shoot mad dog.

10. Tim Johnson was the dog of Miss Maudie.

2. Arrange the following sentences in the proper order according to the contents of the text.

1. Jem was football crazy.

2. He pushed his hat to the back of his head and crossed the street.

3. Calpurnia rinsed her hands and followed Jem into the yard.

4. Calpurnia stared, then grabbed us by the shoulders and ran us home.

5. Every wood door within our range of vision was closed tight.

6. She went up to the front steps and banged on the door.

7. His belt had a row of bullets sticking in it.

8. He made two steps forward, then stopped and raised his head.

9. Miss Maudie walked down the steps with Miss Stephanie Crawford.

10. Jem turned on me.

3. Say who made these utterances:

1. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy”.

2. “There’s life in him yet”.

3. “Don’t you ever let me catch you pointing that gun to at anybody again”.

4. “Well now, Miss Jean Louise, still think your father can’t do anything? Still ashamed of him?”

5. “He’s gone lopsided”.

Vocabulary exercises.

1. Find the Russian equivalents to the following words:

Feeble, tribal, attribute, to buzz, a peril, a touchdown, to squint, a speck, lopsided, range, to rattle, lumber jacket, to twitch, foam, to sniff, a carpenter, rung of a chair, inner rim, invisible force, to dedicate, vehemently, nauseate, to yank, will, ammunition, to pinch, airtight.

2. Find in the text the sentences with the words from the previous task.

3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and expressions:

Оцепенеть, ликовать, исчезать из памяти, меткая стрельба, смиренно, неясно (неотчетливо), выбор, упасть в обморок, пустынный, туловище, ловить воздух, мужественность, не заметный.

4. Make up a situation with the word of previous exercise.

5. Find the English variant of the following sentences in the text:

1. Он составляет завещания так искусно, что никто не может опротестовать их.

2. Нет ничего хуже, чем пустынная чего-то ожидающая улица.

3. Джем задыхаясь ловил воздух как золотая рыбка сжимая свои плечи и дергая телом.

4. Ты в большой опасности.

5. Меткая стрельба – это подарок Бога, талант, нужно много тренироваться для совершенства, но стрельба это вовсе не игра на пианино или, что-то подобное тому.


1.  Answer the following questions:
1. Why were Jem and Jean ashamed of their father?

2. Why didn’t they know that he was “the deadest shot”?

3. Why didn’t Atticus let Jem to kill mockingbird?

4. Why didn’t Mr. Tate shoot the dog?

5. Why did Atticus take the rifle?

2. Comment on followings:

1. “I mean young grown-ups. You’re lucky, you know. You and Jem have the benefit of your father’s age. If your father was thirty you’d find life quite different”.

2. “People in their right minds never take pride in their talents”, said Miss Maudie.

3. “I guess he decided he wouldn’t shoot till he had to, and he had to today”.

4. “Atticus is a gentlemen”.

3. Make the detailed plan of chapter X.