BOZZA Lettera di supporto

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Subject: Letter of endorsement for e-MOTICON project - Alpine Space Programme, Lead Partner Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE SpA (Italy)

Dear Sir / Madam,

INTERREG Alpine Space Program (AS) 2014-2020, financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has included calls for proposals addressing transnational cooperation for the area of the Alps among the others on the priority axis 2: Low Carbon Alpine Space.

Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE SpA is Lead Partner of a competitive project, inside the 2nd call for proposal, called e-MOTICON “– e-MObility Transnational strategy for an Interoperable COmmunity and Networking in the Alpine Space” .

Name of institution (Comune), represented by XXXX (role XXXX),

declares to support

the general aim of the project e-MOTICON that foresees an interoperable and transnational strategy for the diffusion of charging network for electric vehicles by favoring interoperability as well as stations connected in a European and transnational roaming circuit.

From our perspective, we strongly believe that the project e-MOTICON is coherent with our strategies and policies and it will be capable to support the further development of e-mobility at national and transnational level on the basis of the partnership structures and the project objectives, activities and forecasted results.

On this basis, Name of institution (Comune) declares hereby that it will endorse the project as stakeholder and it is interested in the outcomes of the project itself.

Moreover, Name of institution (Comune) declares to be interested in contributing the project with the following activities:

•  to support the project providing information on local policies on e-mobility and E-CS;

•  to support e-MOTICON to build a participated strategy and give feedback on its application;

•  to actively participate into the networking activities among Public Administrations;

•  to be interested in tutoring activity on E-CS planning;

•  to develop e-MOTICON Memorandum of understanding.

Yours faithfully,

signature of representative of the instituition