«Vitebsk confectionery factory "Vitba"invites to cooperation the distributor and wholesale companies.

Our enterprise has been working for 26 years and is the leader in Belarus on manufacture of dry breakfasts and also one of the most significant enterprises of the republic on waffle and confectionery production (it is in the five of the largest manufacturers of confectionery products of the Republic of Belarus).

Vitebsk confectionery factory "Vitba"offers to the delivery confectionery and dry breakfasts in the assortment of more than 150 names of production in various packing and prepacking.

Production is being produced according to the codes ofmarketable nomenclature of foreign economic activity:

1905329900 «Waffles, waffle small rolls, waffle pies, waffle puffs»;

1905321900 «Wafflesticksofconfectionery(net mass is more than 85 g), waffle small rolls, waffle pies, waffle puffs (net mass is more than 85 g)»;

1905321100 «Wafflesticksofconfectionery(netmassisup to 85 g), waffle puffs (net mass is up to 85 g)»;

1905311900 «Biscuit»;

1904103000, 1904109000, 1904101000 «Ready breakfasts».

The full information about the produced production can be read in our price-list and also on a site <

The enterprise is equipped with the modern equipment. For production manufacturing under a trade mark "Vitba" is used the best raw materials meeting world requirements.

The quality management system is certificated on conformity to the requirements of international standard СТБ ISO 9001-2009 in National system of certification of the Republic of Belarus and DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 in German system of accreditation.

The enterprise offers flexible conditions of cooperation with an individual approach to each client. The system of discounts depending on volumes of the purchased production, terms and repayment terms are applied. We render logistical services in goods delivery. Shipment is made on the terms of EXW-Vitebsk. We consider other terms of delivery according to the will of our partners. Customs registration of production is made at the expense of the enterprise.

Industrial complex production has repeatedly been awarded high awards and became the winner of the international competitions: «Product of year"," Choice of the year","the Best goods of the Republic of Belarus","the Best goods of the Republic of Belarus in the market of the Russian Federation» "," the Best product of the international exhibition of foodstuff of "Prodekspo" in

Moscow ».

Wehopeformutually beneficialand successful cooperation!

«Vitebsk confectionery factory "Vitba"

Republic of Belarus, 210038 Vitebsk, Korotkevicha Str, 3.

Reception room: tel./fax: (+375212)57-89-72, 58-50-80.

Our site:


Depty CEO: Oleg Anatsko

Tel./fax: ( +375 212) 48-75-82, 48-70-93.


Head of department of external economic activity: Viktor Stryzhonok