Boy’s Physical Education Syllabus
Teacher: Ben Householter
Phone: 574-259-5257 ext. 341
Course Goal: To develop healthy students that practice healthy habits and to provide these students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities with the hope that each student will find an interest in something they can pursue as a lifelong activity.
Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student will:
1. Recognize the importance of maintaining physical fitness.
2. Describe how the mind and body functions as one in physical
3. Interpret rules and game strategies of various sports.
4. Use sport equipment safely and correctly.
5. Work cooperatively and communicate effectively with others
6. Acquire and develop sport skills that can be used in
recreation throughout a lifetime of physical fitness.
7. Recognize physical activity as an opportunity for fun,
self-expression, and creativity while exercising.
Grading: Letter grades will be issued according to the regular Marian grading scale and will count as a class towards your GPA. Grading will consist of written tests, skill tests, class work, participation, and appropriate dress. A cumulative point total will be tracked over each quarter. Quarter Grade Breakdown: Tests, Participation, and Attitude – 60%, Dressing and Preparation – 40%. A letter grade will be given based on the Marian grading scale (Refer to page 5 in the Marian Handbook).
Points: Dress and participation for each day of class is worth 20 points and usually totaling 100 points per week. Tests are worth 100 points. You must be dressed in the entire P.E. uniform and participating in the day’s activities to receive the full 20 points for the day.
Common point deductions: No socks – 5 points
No shirt or no shorts – 5 points
Participation tardy – 5 points
Not following instructions or participating 5–20points
No tennis shoes – ‘no dress’ – zero for the day
No uniform – ‘no dress’ – zero for the day
Automatic Quarter Failure: Four ‘no dresses’ in a quarter is automatic failure for the quarter. Since physical education is a participation class, students need to be dressed to participate. If they are not dressed, they cannot participate in class to earn a grade. For each non-dress day, the student will lose a percentage of the total dress grade at the end of the quarter. One no-dress will result in an 86% (B), the second no-dress will result in a 76% (C) and so on. On the fourth no dress, the student will receive a 59% or (F) for the quarter. Every no dress after (4) will result in more loss of points.
Absences: Students that are absent from PE must complete a written make-up assignment for each day that they are absent. This must be completed within one week of the absence or it will result in a zero. Sick or injured students must be accompanied by a parent note, however; this only excuses the student for one day of activity only. If the student is going to miss consecutive days of PE, then a doctor’s note is required. Serious injuries or illnesses will also require a doctor’s release to return to activity. Again, any student that does not participate for any reason, including absences or injury, must complete a make-up assignment for each day missed.
Uniform: The standard Marian High School Physical Education uniform can be purchased in the bookstore and must be worn everyday. Athletic socks and non-marking clean tennis shoes must be worn. Your name should be written in permanent black marker on the back of your shirt and on your shorts so it is easily identifiable to the teacher and other students. Your name on your uniform helps to prevent theft and mix-ups with other student’s uniforms. The instructor will check each day for the student’s name on their shirt and shorts. Students are not allowed to share uniforms and you should only wear your uniform. If you are caught wearing someone else’s uniform, you will be given a detention and a “no dress” for not having your own uniform.
Dressing Time: All students must be inside the locker room before the tardy bell rings. If a student is not in the locker room before the bell, they will be sent to the attendance office for a detention. Five minutes will be given at the beginning of class to change into the uniform and about ten minutes before the end of the period will be given to clean up and get dressed. After the five minute dress period, the students will be told to head into the gym to get into their assigned attendance spots. If a student in not in his attendance spot the entire time for attendance, the teacher will issue that student a preparation tardy. After getting dressed at the end of the class period, student are to remain in the locker room until the bell rings.
Jewelry: No rings, watches, or bracelets may be worn during class.
Lockers: PE students are not the only students that use the PE locker rooms. As much as we would like to believe that theft does not happen, it can and will occur. Students will be able to leave their entire PE uniform in the locker room in a locker with a Marian distributed combination lock. There is a $5 deposit fee for the use of the lock for the entire year. At the end of the year, if the same lock is returned the money will be returned.
Responsibility: You are responsible for your belongings. Theft will happen and has happened every year. The best way to avoid theft is to put your name on your clothes, make sure your locker is closed and the lock is locked. It does not hurt to double check. You should never give out your lock combination to anyone. That is not being responsible. If your lock is stolen, you will not be issued another one and the school will keep your $5 deposit. In addition, you will need to store your belongings in your locker in the school hallway and bring them to class each day. Locks and lockers do not magically open. I only give out the combination of the lock to the owner of the lock. I will not give out your combination to another person. If your clothes are stolen, you will need to purchase a new set of clothes from the bookstore. You can not share clothes. Even if you lose your clothes the last week of school, you will be expected to buy a new set. It is not responsible to just leave your clothes in a locker without a lock. Your clothes surely will be stolen and you will be expected to buy a new set. You are the only one to blame if your belongings are stolen. Be responsible.
Locker Room Guidelines: Students are expected to keep the locker room in a neat and orderly fashion.
Gum, candy, or other food should not be consumed or brought into the locker room.
Dispose of trash properly.
Rough housing or horseplay is not tolerated.
Use proper language; profanity is not tolerated.
Gym Rules: Please Be:
Responsible for your words, actions, and work.
Respectful to all individuals, equipment, and materials in the gym.
On time, prepared and ready to participate.
If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be administered cumulatively:
1st offense:Verbal warning
2nd offense:30 minute detention with Mr. Householter
3rd offense:30 minute school wide detention with Mr. Morin
4th offense:30 minute school wide detention and phone call home to parents
Any serious violations can result in direct referral to administration and parent notification at the teacher’s discretion. Remember, fair is not always equal and equal is not always fair.
I understand and agree to the rules stated in the class syllabus. I also understand the disciplinary actions that will be taken should I choose to break any of these rules.
Student Signature______Date______
I have read and discussed the above class syllabus and disciplinary plan with my son and understand the course of discipline that will be taken should my son choose to break any of the rules.
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Email if available______