Looking Good

Your Winter 2014


Registered Charity Number 1107499

Sight Service offers support and services for all people who are visually impaired and live in Gateshead or South Tyneside

To the best of our knowledge all articles are correct at the time of going to print. If you know someone who would be interested in receiving Looking Good or if this is inappropriately addressed please let us know.

Chairman’s Report for AGM

I am proud that against a background of uncertainty and ongoing economic difficulty, we have continued, over the past year, to secure positive changes and improvements for people with sight loss living in Gateshead and South Tyneside, But this year it has not been easy, and we were sad to lose several key staff and also sad that we had to give up a part of our Resource Centre in Gateshead to make the necessary cost savings. But we have been really heartened by the support we have received from Gateshead Council, Gateshead NHS Hospital Trust and the Royal National Institute for the Blind and delighted by the various amounts of new grant funding we’ve been able to get.

After a poor start with our charity shop in Jarrow and subsequent move to Gordon Street, that side of our income generating effort is now doing extremely well, and with imminent changes to our Gateshead charity shop – moving from Whitehall Road into Jackson Street, we really hope to emulate that success. Our service users input into fundraising has been excellent and much appreciated and this year for the first time, we had places in the Great North Run and ten people ran for Sight Service. This has bought in much needed funding so many thanks to all the runners. Our annual Sight North East Exhibition again attracted visually impaired people, their carers and professional from all over the north east, with people coming from Derby, Harrogate and even further afield. We will be hosting it again next year, and are perhaps looking at some subtle changes.

I am pleased, as a visually impaired resident in South Tyneside, to note that South Tyneside Council has now asked Sight Service to provide all its rehabilitation services in the borough, and also pleased to note that in Gateshead there are distinct moves to integrate the funding for our low vision/rehabilitation service.

In these trying times, we really appreciate the importance of working together with other organisations, and so it is with particular pleasure I note our excellent working relationships with neighbouring blind organisations, with national organisations and with other local voluntary sector organisations as well as with the local authorities and health organisations.

We have been ‘enabled’ to get a new logo, new leaflets, a new website and an excellent film, all focusing on what we do, who we do it for and what a difference we can make. For many years we have hidden our light under a bushel. Perhaps too busy doing what we do to actually tell everyone what we do. This re branding has given us a real opportunity to look at ourselves, look at our direction of travel and decide how we want everyone else to see us. With the support of our excellent Board of Trustees, our staff and volunteers, our service users, and all our other supporters, I am sure we will together achieve the very best for all people with sight loss in Gateshead and South Tyneside.

One to One Support

You may be aware that Sight Service offers Low Vision and Rehabilitation Services, but did you know that we also offer One to One Support.

Telephone Befriending Service – service users receive weekly, bi weekly or monthly telephone calls from our volunteers.

Home Befriending Service – service users will be matched up with a volunteer who will call to their home with the aim of building up a lasting friendship.

My Guide – service users will be matched up with a volunteer who will assist the service user to get out and about to take part in planned activities with the aim of enabling the service user to gain more independence.

We are seeking volunteers to train to become Befrienders. We are especially keen to hear from you if you have a personal experience of sight loss and would like to volunteer. Please contact Kerry Pattison at our Gateshead office or Sheridan Dixon at our South Tyneside office.

Visual Impairment Awareness Training (VIAT)

The new Comic Relief funded Project “Our Sight Our Future” aims to enable and support visually impaired people in Gateshead and South Tyneside to play a full and active part in planning and commissioning of services.

As part of this project, we are training and supporting visually impaired volunteers to deliver Visual Impairment Awareness Training (VIAT). Once fully trained, our volunteers will be able to offer VIAT Training to individuals and organisations.

If you would be interested in receiving FREE training which will enable you to deliver VIAT Training on behalf of Sight Service, or if you would be interested in attending a VIAT training course please contact us. Visual Impairment Awareness Training sessions can be also be delivered to community groups and organisations, please contact our Gateshead office and speak to either Maxine Munsey or Kerry Pattison for further information.

Our Gateshead Charity Shop has moved

Our staff and volunteers have had a very busy few months helping arrange the relocation of our Gateshead charity shop. From its old location of Whitehall Road, Bensham, we have moved right into the heart of Gateshead to our new location on Jackson Street, doors opened on 23rd October.

We are appealing for donation to help us fill our shop, so if you have any unwanted clothing, shoes and accessories, which are in good clean condition, or any general household goods including small electrical items and small items of furniture, please contact us.

We are also appealing for Volunteers Assistants to help within the shop and Volunteer Drivers (car owners) to assist with the collections of donations. If you are interested in volunteering please contact

Sight Service Annual General Meeting

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 27th November 2014 at 2pm at Sight Service, The Bradbury Centre, Bensham Hospital, Gateshead.

The formal meeting will be followed by presentations highlighting some of the new and innovative work being undertaken by Sight Service.

Youth Group Trip to The Calvert Trust in Kielder

Funding from The Key Fund has allowed our Youth Group to arrange an exciting and challenging break to the Calvert Trust in Kielder from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th November.

5 members of the group, supported by staff from Sight Service will spend the weekend taking part in activities such as Gorge Walking, Rock Climbing, Canoeing, High Ropes, Zip Wires and Orienteering.

By focusing on challenging their own boundaries through outdoor adventure, the group aims to develop their own personal skillsand further increase their confidence.Calvert Trust provides the opportunity to try something new in a safe and caring environment.

Christmas Fair

Monday 8th December form 10.30am till 2pm at Sight Service, Gordon Street, South Shields NE33 4JP. All welcome so come along and have a cuppa and sweet mince pie.

Angel Eyes Employability Project

This new project aims to address issues around the skills and confidences people need to get into work or volunteering, and will link people to an employment mentor who can help with some of the challenges facing people trying to get into work or volunteering. It will also support people with a 2 week work placement. If you would like to be a part of this project either as a mentor helping other people, or as a person wanting to get into work or volunteering, please contact Jonathan Mears on 0191 478 5959 or e-mail

Sight Service (Gateshead) Book Lending Library.

A variety of large print books and tapes/ cd’s are available from our free (donations requested) lending library to borrow and return at your convenience. Sight Service also welcomes any unwanted or used tapes, cd’s or large print books.

Readers at Home Service

Gateshead Libraries and the Royal Voluntary Service are working together to bring the library service to people in their own homes all over Gateshead. This FREE service offers a good range of books, including large print and audio books.

The Readers at Home service delivers to:

  • People in their own homes all over Gateshead
  • Sheltered and Residential Homes and Day Care Centres: this service can be provided to individuals or to a "bookcase collection"
  • Visually impaired readers: we have a large selection of Audio Books and large print books
  • Their service is also suitable for carers.
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital: A ward round for patients twice a week, and a small recreational reading library which is open for staff and patients on Monday and Friday afternoons

Please contact Gateshead Library should you or a relative wish tobe considered for their readers at Home Service onTel: 0191 433 6415

Sight Service Groups and Activities Timetable

Gateshead – The Bradbury Centre

MondayNew Age Curling 10am to 12noon
MondayGentle Exercise 10am to 12noon
WednesdayHistory 10am to 12noon
WednesdayLunch Club 12.30pm to 14.30pm
ThursdayHistory 13.30pm to 15.30pm
FridayFriday Natter 10am to 12noon
FridayBook Club 10am to 12noon (last Friday of month)

Telephone 0191 478 5959 for more information

South Tyneside – Gordon Street

MondaySocial Art 10am to 12noon
WednesdayLuncheon Club 10.45am to 2.30pm
ThursdayMacular Disease Group 2.00pm to 3.30pm (last Thursday of month)

Thursday South of Tyne

Sensory Support Group 1.30 – 3.30 (second Thursday of month)

FridaySouth of Tyne

Sensory Support Group 10am – 12noon (first Friday of month)

Telephone 0191 456 0546 for more information

Learning Opportunities with Sight Service

Sight Service offers a range of varied learning opportunities throughout the year. All courses are based in either our Gateshead or South Tyneside Resource Centres. Qualified tutors, in a friendly and supportive environment, deliver all sessions.

Why not join us, meet up with old friends and make new ones and have fun trying out something new?

We offer courses in the following areas:

  • Local History of South Tyneside – Using a range of resources, including photographs, audio recordings and the Internet, we take a journey through the history of south Tyneside. The perfect opportunity to share your memories, learn things you didn’t know & meet like-minded people.
  • Accessing your Local Leisure Services – It is amazing how many leisure opportunities are available in our local area. Explore your local community and a range of hobbies, access services and activities.
  • Tyneside in Words and Pictures -A Journey using songs, poems, photographs and a range of other resources.
  • Healthy Living- Chair based exercise led by a fully qualified tutor. Tips and ideas on leading a healthier lifestyle.
  • Music Appreciation – A fun look at different types of music including the opportunity to try playing a musical instrument.
  • Basic Cookery Skills – A great chance to pick up tips on healthy cooking.
  • Art and Crafts – We offer a range of possibilities in this area. A chance to let your creative side out!!
  • Mobile Technology. Overcome your fear of technology. Want to know your way around a tablet, learn to send e-mail or explore the Internet? Why not join one of our bite sized beginner sessions.

If you are interested in finding out about any of the courses on offer please contact: Maxine on 0191 4785959 Ext 203 E-mail: or Gordon on 0191 456 0546 E-mail:

Facebook Page

Do you know that we have a Facebook page? Keep up-to-date on the latest happenings here at Sight Service. You will also find a host of useful advice and information on products and services.

Our page is also full of ideas on how you can become involved from volunteering opportunities to joining in group activities. Search Facebook for: Gateshead and South Tyneside Sight Service

New Website Launched

Have you wondered what’s been happening to our website, well wonder no more as we launch our new website at our AGM on 27th November.

It will be packed with useful information about the services we offer and ways in which you can become involved. Visit

Contact details for Sight Service

Gateshead address:The Bradbury Centre, Bensham Hospital, Saltwell Road, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, NE8 4YL

Telephone: 0191 478 5959

South Tyneside Address: 10 Gordon Street, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 4JP

Telephone: 0191 456 0546

E mail.

You can help

Sight Service is a registered charity and depends on outside help for many of its activities. We are greatly helped by our team of sighted and visually impaired volunteers as well as the many people that support us financially.

If you would like to help by: volunteering, fundraising, making a donation, being actively involved with one of our committees, or making a bequest please contact us on 0191 478 5959

If you pay income tax your donation can be worth 25% more to us just by completing and enclosing the slip below with your donation.





I am a taxpayer. Signature......

Please call 0191 478 5959 for queries about sight loss, or for any comments or articles for this newsletter.

Looking Good is a free publication that is produced in large print, Braille, audio and email. We aim to give you news about Sight Service and useful general information.