The Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, 125 S. Walnut Street, Slatington, PA 18080.
Presiding: Daniel Stevens: President of Council
Recording Secretary: Bryon Reed, Council Vice-President
The meeting was called to order by President Stevens at 7:00 P.M. with the following in attendance:
Galen Freed None Mayor Niedermeyer Linda Steets William Stein
Bob Steets Ed Healy Carol Gildner Dwight Moyer
Bryon Reed George Moyer Kris Burek
Daniel Stevens Robert Stettner Art Koran
David Schnaars Russell Hallman Ed Ziegler
Gwyneth Neff Melvin Gildner Lou Yurasits
Paul Hoffman Mark Queen Gordon Giannotti
(American Legion Members)
NOTE: A Special Executive Session was held on Monday May 7, 2012 at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of the session was to discuss litigation issues and the Borough’s legal responsibilities under the agreement with the Slatington Borough Authority.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – None at the present time
Councilor Schnaars requested a moment of silence for a former Councilman Barry Farber, and for Future Focus Member Leslie Glanz.
President Stevens noted that the Resolution pertaining to “Rules and Regulations of Good Conduct” are posted on the wall, to either turn off their cell phones or silence them, and he also reminded everyone about the procedure for signing in for attendance and for addressing the Council. He then clarified the following: when a motion and a second is on the floor and he asks for questions, this request pertains only to Council; there are no questions accepted when a motion is being considered. Any questions on the agenda items may be made during the Visitors Section. The only exception is when any items which are not on the agenda on which action is taken or items that were not discussed at a committee meeting.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – After a correction to the minutes were noted, Councilor Freed made a motion seconded by Councilor Schnaars to approve the April 9, 2012 Council Meeting Minutes and the Workshop Meeting Minutes of April 16 & 23, 2012. President Stevens declared the motion passed following a Voice Vote, All Ayes Nays None.
COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (Agenda and Non-Agenda items)
Agenda Items:
George Moyer- 231 Main Street, stated that at the last meeting he spoke to Council about the cost of the sewer digester. He said that he noticed on the expense sheet that the borough roughly spent $20,000 on pumping last month. George asked if they were doing anything to try and keep this cost down. President Stevens said that the pumping has stopped and the lid has started floating again. George also asked Council about the resolution he asked them to look into pertaining to apartment inspections. Councilor Neff told him that they were still looking into this.
Carol Gildner-528 Pine Street asked Council about the problems they were having a few years ago with their fuel pump and how some of the fuel wasn’t being accounted for. Ms. Gildner wants to know if there is anything being done to resolve this problem. Councilor Hoffman said that he believes that it wasn’t being unaccounted for, they were just seeking proper usage logs. Carol said that she knows there was a discrepancy between the meters and the log sheets. Councilor Hoffman added that he knows there was a discrepancy on what departments were writing on the log, however he believes that the problem is now under control.
Gordon Giannotti-149 Main Street, asked on behalf of the Legion if the flags are going to be posted on the Main Street before Memorial Day. President Stevens said that they will be out before the holiday.
Mel Gildner- 528 Pine Street, asked if tax payers can pick and choose when they can pay their utility bills to the Borough, he added that more specifically he is interested in knowing if there is a list in the Borough office with names of people who get their garbage service shut-off for non payment. He added and if that is the case why don’t they shut off the water service as well. President Stevens said that he is not aware of such a list, but explained that the reason the service is stopped is because the Borough can not shut off their water service because they have a well. Mr. Gildner asked if 238 Chestnut Street was ever hooked up to the Borough’s main. Vice President Reed explained that all of the double homes in town are hooked up that water goes in one side of the home and sewage comes out the other. Mel asked why the Borough dug up 238 Chestnut Street, Vice President Reed explained that during the PENNVEST project there was a missed lateral hook-up due to mistiming with the home owner, and there was an agreement made that it would be done at a later date.
Ed Ziegler- 138 N. Walnut Street, suggested that the Borough install an additional flashing light on North Walnut Street.
Art Koran - 119 East Washington Street, asked about the letter the American Legion received from the Borough regarding moving the “Welcome to Slatington” sign. He asked if the sign was going to be moved to the other side of the street. President Stevens explained that the reason they are moving the sign is because it currently sits on private property and the town isn’t allowed to plant or install lighting near the sign, so they have decided to move the sign down to County property and it will stay on the same side.
The reports of various committees, officials and officers are on file in Borough Hall and are available for public inspection.
Councilor Freed made a motion seconded by Councilor Steets to approve payment of the
bills and transfers as presented by the Treasurer. President Stevens declared the motion passed
following a Roll Call, voting as follows:
Daniel Stevens Gwyneth Neff None
Bryon Reed Bob Steets
Galen Freed David Schnaars
Paul Hoffman
Mayor Niedermeyer noted the following: April 25- He attended the Venture Group Meeting at the trail head building; he said that the roof is finally finished, but they are having a problem with the inspector,
he won’t approve the building. He said that he is going to be meeting with Julie Harhart and the State to try and rectify the problem. April 30 - He attended the Northern Valley Board of Director’s Round Table Discussion; he said that they are asking for money. He also noted that the new cameras are installed in the Police Department and at the playground; he said that they did a great job installing them and that the picture is very clear.
A. Highway
1. Councilor Freed spoke about the estimate that he has for the bucket truck, he said to get the
truck up and running would cost roughly $4,126.33. He said at the Workshop Meeting it
was discussed instead of putting the money into the old truck, we should look at getting a
newer used truck. He added that the truck we currently have is a 1981 and the Borough has
gotten a lot of use out of it, so he believes it is now time for a newer truck. He said that he
knows of a place that has a lot of bucket trucks and he is going to take a ride to go look at
2. “Adopt a Flag Program”- Councilor Freed made a motion seconded by Vice-President
Reed to approve the purchase of 10 flags at $25.00-flag and pole each. President
Stevens declared the motion passed following a Roll Call, voting as follows:
Daniel Stevens Gwyneth Neff None
Bryon Reed Bob Steets
Galen Freed David Schnaars
Paul Hoffman
B. Public Safety
1. Councilor Hoffman asked since he was unable to make the Workshop Meeting if there were
Any comments from the letters that were sent out concerning the installation of the 4 stop
signs. Councilor Schnaars said they were all positive at Second and Washington and no one
showed up for the Fourth and Franklin. Councilor Hoffman made a motion seconded by
Councilor Schnaars to authorize the office to advertize the ordinance amendment and re-
Draft the ordinance amending for the addition of four (4) stop signs, 2 at Second and
Washington 2 at Franklin and Fourth. President Stevens declared the motion passed
following a Roll Call, voting as follows:
Daniel Stevens Gwyneth Neff None
Bryon Reed Bob Steets
Galen Freed David Schnaars
Paul Hoffman
2. Councilor Hoffman said he has an additional item that was added late; which is a discussion
regarding the requirement of Article 147 Sub Section F from Community Leasing Partners
requesting acknowledgement by the Borough of Slatington that the Slatington Volunteer
Fire Department is in fact their primary fire service and has been for years and will continue
to be so, also authorizing the Fire Department to enter into an agreement with them.
Councilor Hoffman said that he is looking for a motion authorizing the president of Council
to act as the authorized representative to sign off on this. Councilor Hoffman said that the
Fire Department is looking to advertise in Thursday’s paper and hold a public hearing to
meet the requirements of the lease documents. Vice-President Reed said that the ladder
truck is not paid off yet, which is costing a bundle of money. Councilor Hoffman said that
the Fire Department loan to the bank is paid off. Vice-President Reed said that the Borough
loan from the Sewer Fund is not paid off yet, which comes from their Fire Allocation;
Councilor Hoffman agreed. Vice-President Reed suggested that the fire company should
pay off their loan to the Borough before they purchase another one. Councilor Hoffman
stressed the fact that none of this money will come from the Fire Budget. Vice-President
Reed said that if the Fire Company has the extra money to purchase another vehicle they
should be able to put more money on the loan from the Borough. President Stevens said that
a couple years ago it was discussed to purchase another used vehicle and inquired as to
whatever happened with that. Councilor Hoffman said that the funding that was available
was not being used and we have been unable to find any funding agreements or something
similar to that for a used vehicle.
Councilor Neff asked if this truck was a necessity; Councilor Hoffman said it was. President
Stevens asked if the truck has been ordered and Chief Weaver replied that yes it has been
and it is being built. A lengthy conversation took place on the purchase of a new truck.
Councilor Hoffman made a motion seconded by Councilor Freed for adoption of Resolution
Section 147 (F). President Stevens declared the motion failed following a Roll Call, voting
as follows:
David Schnaars Daniel Stevens Bob Steets
Paul Hoffman Bryon Reed Galen Freed
Gwyneth Neff
3. Councilor Paul Hoffman submitted a letter of resignation stating that he will be resigning at
the adjournment of the May 14, 2012 Council Meeting, because he will be moving from the
Borough on June 1, 2012. Councilor Steets made a motion second by Councilor Schnaars to
accept the letter of resignation with regrets from Paul Hoffman. President Stevens declared
the motion passed following a Voice Vote, Six Ayes, No Nays, and One Abstention
C. Human/Community Services
1. Councilor Schnaars has a request from Robert Stettner concerning the replacement of a score
card box at the disc golf course. He said that in the past there have been mail boxes but they
have been consistently stolen over the years, so they are looking for a more permanent
design. Councilor Schnaars made a motion second by Councilor Steets to approve the
request for the purchase of a new scorecard box in the amount of $135.00 for the Disc Golf
Course at Victory Park. The Parks and Recreation Commission will pay for the box out of
Proceeds from the tournaments. President Stevens declared the motion passed following a
Roll Call, voting as follows:
Daniel Stevens Gwyneth Neff None
Bryon Reed Bob Steets
Galen Freed David Schnaars
Paul Hoffman
2. Councilor Schnaars noted the $100.00 donation that the Borough received from Mrs. Dolores
Rowland in memory of her husband and that it be used at the new Memorial Park.
3. President Stevens stated that last year the Borough purchased a drinking fountain for the
park, and the Borough crew poured the foundation and the pipe is already in so it will be
installed shortly.
D. Finance
1. Councilor Neff made a motion seconded by Councilor Freed to approve the Per Capita
Exoneration List as presented. President Stevens declared the motion passed following a
Voice Vote, All Ayes Nays None.
2. Resolution R-10-12 – Confidentiality for EIT - Councilor Neff made a motion seconded by
Councilor Freed to approve Resolution R-10-12. President Stevens declared the motion
passed following a Roll Call, voting as follows:
Daniel Stevens Gwyneth Neff None
Bryon Reed Bob Steets
Galen Freed David Schnaars
*Councilor Hoffman was absent from the room when this motion was voted on.
3. Councilor Neff explained that Centax is only going to be collecting delinquent taxes for the