Satisfaction survey

We are committed to working with our partners to provide services that enable vulnerable Queenslanders to improve their lives. To help us achieve this, each year we survey our stakeholders to gauge their level of satisfaction with the services we offer and find out where we can improve.

2014 survey results executive summary

There were 387 (57%) responses to the department'sStakeholder Satisfaction Survey 2014. They consisted of:

  • 68 who identified as working within the Queensland Government;
  • 20 as working in government in another jurisdiction;
  • 287 as working for a non-government organisation; and
  • 12 who identified as ‘other’.

The overall satisfactionwith the department in the 2014 survey, for the calendar year 2013, was 78%. This result is consistent with human service agencies both in Australia and internationally. This would indicate our stakeholders are relatively happy with their relationships with the department and the work we do.

Of the approximately 700 NGOs approached to participate 22% completed the survey. 107 (27%) of these NGOs stated they had the most departmental engagement with Brisbane Region, followed closely by South East Region at 102 (26%). The service area with the least engagement was Complaints and Review with 13 (3%). The majority (83%) of these organisations have contact with the department on a frequent basis, approximately once a month.

Overall NGO stakeholder satisfaction with the department’s performance in 2013 was 76% (50%).

72% of departmental stakeholders stated they provide services to Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people and 64% to people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Overall 79% departmental stakeholders were happy with the department’s strategic focus in 2013 with 84% of stakeholders indicating overall satisfaction with our practical advice. Overall satisfaction with stakeholder engagement across the department was 76%. 82% of stakeholders felt the department had a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of their business.

83% of stakeholders responded that our services and products were useful with North Queensland and South West Queensland’s results being 88% and 89% respectively. 80% stated they assisted them to perform their duties, 88% of North Queensland stakeholders said departmental products and services enhanced their capacity to do their job.

Stakeholders satisfaction with the department’s program / investment focus was 77%.

The results of the 2014 survey have been shared with Regions and centrally via the Customer Experience Champions Working Group. Feedback will be useful for development of action plans for continuous improvement and identifying areas of opportunity.

[1]Satisfaction is defined as either Very Satisfied, Satisfied or Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

2014 Stakeholder Survey Results - Statewide
Overall satisfaction: very satisfied, satisfied and neither satisfied not dissatisfied / 78% / 84% / 76%
Strategic Focus:our ability to synthesize information, our up-to-date knowledge, degree to which we are outcomes focused / 79% / 88% / 76%
Program/Investment Focus: our ability to develop and manage program responses that are robust, evidence-based and represent value for money / 77% / 85% / 74%
Stakeholder Engagement: quality and effectiveness of our internal and external stakeholder engagement / 76% / 79% / 74%
Quality of departmental services and products: our services and products are useful and meet client needs / 80% / 86% / 78%
Collaboration/Co-design: meetings are effective and assist in timely decision making / 81% / 84% / 81%
  • All Stakeholders (n=387)
  • Government (n=100)
  • Non-Government (n=287)