Dear Applicant

Re: Head Teacher / Principal Designate for Youth Achievement Foundation

Thank you for applying for an application pack for the above position.

Please find enclosed the following:

  • Application Form – on line form supplied separately
  • Job Description including Person Specification
  • Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
  • Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
  • General Information on UK Youth
  • Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy Statement

Applications should be made on the application form provided – separate CVs will not be considered. The Application Form and EO Monitoring Form should be sent to me at the above address, to arrive by noon on the 1st March 2013. Please mark the envelope “Private – addressee only”. Applications will also be accepted by email sent nterview date and location to be confirmed.

Due to our limited resources if we have not contacted you within 21 days after the closing date unfortunately your application has not been successful on this occasion. We would like to be able to write to every UK Youth applicant individually, but must use our limited HR resources carefully. We hope you understand our policy on this matter.

Please note that successful applicants for vacancies with UK Youth will be required to have a Disclosure and Barring Service check as a condition of employment.

We are delighted you have chosen to apply to us and wish you every success with your application.

Yours sincerely

David Watts

Operations and Centre Manager

Job Title:Head Teacher / Principal Designate for Avon Tyrrell Youth Achievement Foundation

Department:Youth Work

Location:Youth Achievement Foundation, Avon Tyrrell, Bransgore, Hampshire

Reporting to:National Youth Achievement Foundation Manager

This post will initially be as Head Teacher within UK Youth but, if the current Free School application is successful, will become Principal from September 2014 and will be funded directly by central government. In this event, the post-holder will report to the Board of Governors of the Free School, which will continue to operate as a Youth Achievement Foundation. In all practical senses, the main duties and responsibilities of the post will remain the same.

To have responsibility for the internal management, organisation and operation of Avon Tyrrell Youth Achievement Foundation by undertaking the following tasks:


  • Implement UK Youth’s educational philosophy for the all-round development of each learner within a stimulating and orderly environment.
  • Review the intended learner target group and identify their likely priority and other needs.
  • Ensure the development of a meaningful and effective curriculum based on vocational relevance, practical activities and identified issues to successfully address these needs.
  • Ensure suitable accommodation for the range of curriculum areas.
  • Appoint Learning Mentors capable of delivering the range of curriculum areas.
  • Allocate specific responsibilities to individual Learning Mentors, including learner personal development, accreditation, learner monitoring and evaluation.
  • Arrange staff training in the range of accreditation used within the curriculum.
  • Develop and deliver appropriate staff induction, support and supervision.
  • Establish, in consultation with staff, evaluation techniques for both curriculum and students.
  • Be responsible for identifying those learners who have Special Educational Needs and where necessary, making provision for them.
  • Keep abreast of current educational thought.


  • Act “in loco parentis” in respect of all learners in the Youth Achievement Foundation.
  • Involve learners in the development of the Youth Achievement Foundation through a ‘learners’ Forum’.
  • Provide support to and be approachable by staff, learners and parents.
  • Ensure the physical safety and health welfare of the learners.
  • Ensure the soundness of the fabric of the school building and grounds so that the safety of those working within is not endangered.
  • Ensure that the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act are met.
  • Have overall responsibility for day to day discipline in the Youth Achievement Foundation.
  • Be responsible for ‘Public Relations’ with parents, press, the community and others.
  • Encourage staff development and promotion in order to enhance the career prospects of the staff and the level of job satisfaction for their benefit and that of the Youth Achievement Foundation.


  • Implement the Youth Achievement Foundation strategy, as determined by the Directors and Trustees of UK Youth.
  • Advise and work with the line manager on the formulation of policies and their implementation.
  • Provide advice to the line manager on the formulation of the annual and projected yearly budgets in order that the Youth Achievement Foundation secures its objectives.
  • Ensure compliance with all statutory and regulatory obligations for independent schools.
  • Deploy staff in an efficient manner.
  • Ensure the efficient management of available resources.
  • Ensure efficient communication throughout the Youth Achievement Foundation and with appropriate external organisations (e.g. Department for Education and OFSTED).
  • Ensure effective links with Integrated Working Teams and use of Common Assessment Framework
  • Support recruitment, training and development of all staff
  • Oversee the coordination and work of voluntary staff


  • Keep the line manager and Directors aware of events in the Youth Achievement Foundation, through attendance at meetings and the submission of written reports.
  • Ensure that proper decisions of the Directors and Trustees are put into effect as efficiently as possible.
  • Provide information about the Youth Achievement Foundation to parents and others.
  • Ensure that a satisfactory level of attendance is maintained by learners and staff.
  • Have overall responsibility for the security of the Youth Achievement Foundation and its contents.


  • Liaise with the Local Education Authorities, schools, academies and other commissioners as necessary.
  • Assess the efficiency of the Youth Achievement Foundation and those working in it against established criteria.
  • Delegate as necessary and appropriate to ensure that the duties required to fulfil the above demands and responsibilities are properly carried out.
  • Work closely with managers of the National Youth Achievement Foundation programme to ensure good practice and act as an exemplar across all other Youth Achievement Foundations.
  • Give presentations about the work of the Youth Achievement Foundation.
  • Take reasonable care for his/her own health and safety and for that of others who might be affected by his/her work, as required by law and described inthe relevant operating procedures and policiesfor his/her area of work. This will include carrying out risk assessments as appropriateand promptly bringing any concerns to the attention of the line manager.


People:YAF Staff

Supply Teachers

Freelance Contractors from time to time




Equipment:Equipment, facilities and resources relevant to the jobholder’s delivery of YAF activities and responsibilities


The jobholder is responsible for working with a wide range of individuals and organisations, often at senior levels. These include:

Chief Executive, Directors, Managers and other staff within UK Youth

Trustees of UK Youth

UK Youth’s network of external organisations

Vice-Presidents, Ambassadors, VIP supporters and key funders

Department for Education and OFSTED

Local authority officers and head teachers of schools and academies

Consultants and agencies involved in fundraising and PR

Potential and existing donors including Government departments, Trusts, Foundations, companies, other organisationsand individuals

Head Teacher / Principal Designate for Avon Tyrrell Youth Achievement Foundation

Person Specification

Essential / Desirable
Qualified teacher (PGCE) / X
Educated to Degree level / X
Level 3 qualifications in English, Maths and ICT / X
National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) / X
Assessor qualifications A1 and A2 / X
Internal Verifier qualification V1 / X
Training qualifications / X
Full driving licence / X
First Aid qualification / X
Child protection training / X
Behaviour management training / X
Qualifications in Youth Work / X
Minimum of five years’ post-qualification teaching experience / X
Minimum of three years’ experience within a special educational needs or an alternative provision setting / X
Proven track record of motivating and working with young people including disadvantaged and challenging young people / X
Ability to deliver and train others in the delivery of: Functional Skills and a range of personal development accreditation / X
Ability to deliver and train others in the delivery of a range of vocational accreditation, including accreditation from the following range of subjects: music technology; hospitality and catering; construction; land-based studies; enterprise; sport and leisure. / X
Proven track record of motivating and working with staff in an educational setting / X
Experience of leading a school or department through OFSTED inspections / X
Experience of timetabling / X
Considerable experience of mentoring and / or offering pastoral support / X
Experience of controlling and working within budgets / X
Experience of promoting equality of opportunity in the workplace / X
Empathy with the needs of young people / X
Ability to show flair and initiative and to motivate and lead a team in the development of an exciting new alternative provision and special Free School / X
Good IT skills, including word processing, use of Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and other software packages, experience of using databases, web sites and safety software / X
Excellent time, workload management and organisational skills / X
Excellent interpersonal, customer care, and communication skills and experience of communicating successfully with a range of people and external agencies / X
Discretion, good judgement and experience of dealing with sensitive information / X
A pro-active approach, self-motivated and enthusiastic with initiative and commitment to achieving results, working efficiently with little supervision and promoting the organisation at all times / X
Flexible approach to work including willingness to take on tasks outside the normal remit and to work irregular hours, travel and make overnight stays away from home / X


UK Youth is striving to be an equal opportunities organisation. In order to help us monitor our compliance with our Equal Opportunities policy, we would be grateful if you could complete this form and return it to us. We will separate it from the rest of your papers and it will not form any part of the selection process.

Please tick the appropriate box for each question

What is your gender?Male Female

How would you describe your ethnic origin?


White British White Irish

Any other White background Please specify:______


White & Black Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian

Any other Mixed background Please specify:______

Asian or Asian British:

Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi

Any other Asian background Please specify:______

Black or Black British:

Caribbean African

Any other Black background Please specify:______

Chinese or other ethnic group:


Any other Please specify:______

Are you a disabled person?Yes No Prefer not to say

To which age group do you belong?

Under 25 25-35 35-50 Over 50

Thank you for your help


UK Youth is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all and to challenging barriers and stereotypes that prevent this, in every aspect of our work. This applies to: the services we provide; the selection of staff, volunteers and trustees; our relationships with members, suppliers, customers and supporters; and to our internal processes and procedures.

UK Youth aims to provide equality of access to our services by: ensuring that they are appropriate and relevant to the personal development needs of all participants; providing opportunities for personal development that reflect the diversity of our society; and focusing on the principles and practices of participation and inclusiveness in service development and delivery.

With regard to selection procedures, we aim to ensure that people are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and that nobody receives less or more favourable treatment on the grounds of: race; colour; nationality; religion or belief; ethnic or national origin; age; gender; marital status; sexual orientation; or disability. We are committed to ensuring that all employees have equality of opportunity and aim to give them access to regular training/development to help them to progress, both within and outside the Organisation.

Processes and procedures are designed to be clear, consistent, fair and compliant with Equal Opportunities legislation and with our Equal Opportunities Policy. We monitor and review them regularly.

We are committed to making this policy effective and to bringing it to the attention of all those involved with UK Youth.



UK Youth is the largest non-uniformed National Voluntary Youth Organisation in the UK with a network comprising 41 local member groups in England representing the major county and metropolitan areas and the National Members – Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. A total of approximately 7,000 local youth groups, clubs and projects affiliated to the local member groups and some 750,000 young people primarily in the age group 14 to 25 are active within the network which is staffed by some 40,000+ volunteer and part time staff.

UK Youth has a high reputation within Government Departments and has twice been in receipt of lottery funding in the £1,000,000 bracket.


UK Youth exists to develop and promote innovative non-formal education programmes for and with young people – working with them to develop their potential.

Our work addresses three important themes:

  • Raising the aspirations of young people, often far beyond the boundaries of their existing experiences and expectations
  • Helping young people realise their potential through voluntary youth work programmes that start from the motivational interests of young people and promote learning
  • Ensuring that young people achieve formal recognition for the learning and achievements they gain as part of their youth work.

Charitable Objectives

Youth Work Development

Our special contribution to the development of youth work will continue to be our focus on the personal and social development of young people in the UK whose potential can be better realised through non-formal education routes. We seek to apply the principles of effective youth work to the contemporary interests and needs of young people via programmes that offer accredited learning outcomes. We aim to be a partner of Government departments and agencies in the UK, Europe and further afield in promoting coherent opportunities for and with young people. We will also take a central role in promoting such opportunities through appropriate agencies throughout the country.


Our ability to achieve our Mission is dependent on our relationships with a wide variety of similarly minded organisations. Our role will be to provide support to our networks by:

  • Promoting our youth work programmes to an expanding base of users
  • Establishing and encouraging high standards and promoting common policies and approaches in the delivery of youth work
  • Supporting UK Youth members in the delivery of youth work programmes
  • Co-ordinating UK Youth members at a regional level to respond to political and legislative changes

Advocacyfor Youth Work

Directly, and with key partner organisations, we will work to create an environment in which youth work is valued by advocating the social and economic benefits of high quality youth work, and publicise the distinct contribution that youth workers make.

We will focus on:

  • Programmes developed by UK Youth
  • Perception of youth work
  • Policy development
  • Participation of young people

Enabling Objectives

Revenue Generation

We will develop, and build on, a comprehensive package of revenue generation activities that will involve:

* Grants and contracts from central and regional government

* Income generated from the sale of youth work services and products

* Events, targeting of major trusts and a strategic approach to the corporate Sector and individual donors.

Building an Effective Organisation

We will run an organisation that is both efficient and effective in the day-to-day and strategic management of its operations

Responsive Governance

We will establish and maintain structures and processes of governance that are effective in the way that they represent the major stakeholders in UK Youth and meet the highest standards of the Charity Commissioners.

Training to support the delivery of our programmes and the achievement of our objectives as well as the participation of young people will be themes across all areas.

Chair:William Crothers

Chief Executive: Charlotte Hill

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy Statement

UK Youth aims to promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential. UK Youth welcomes applications from diverse candidates. Criminal records will be taken into account for recruitment purposes only when the conviction is relevant. As UK Youth meets the requirements in respect of exempted questions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, all applicants who are offered a role as an employee, volunteer, trustee or consultant, will be subject to a criminal record check from the Criminal Records Bureau before the appointment is confirmed. Where the nature of the role requires a Standard or Enhanced Disclosure, this will include details of cautions, reprimands or final warnings, as well as convictions. An offence will not necessarily bar you from the role. This will depend on the particular role, the offence(s) and on the circumstances and background.

Chair:William Crothers

Chief Executive: Charlotte Hill