Borg Board of Directors

Alfred Byron, Pres.

Dean Olafson, V. Pres.

Craig Thorfinnson, Sec/T.

David Hartz

Doug Wessels

Bob Thomasson

Susan Vivatson

Medical Director

Dr. Susan Thompson

Private Room Rates

$2,300 per month


Trudy Wippler

Duane and Jeanne Halldorson

Richard & Janyce Bjornson

Merle & Barb Ault

Tom & Margaret Lorenzen

Gladys Dalzell

Doris Steinolfson

Gaylene Massey

Don and Julie Heuchert

Irvin and Gladys Hammer

Arvid and Darlene Knutson

Ruth Parnell

Jack and Joneen Richards

Becker Farms

Sibbie and Emily Kristjanson

Kenneth Olson

Tom and Mary Mann

LaVoy and Joyce Olson

Mary Lou Hartje

John and Kathleen Johnson

Gary and Susan Atwood


A one-year sponsorship of “The Pioneer” is $10.00. Please make designation to the ‘Pioneer.

Resident e-mail address ~

List resident name in

subject line



Deb Vivatson, NP resigned as Borg Home’s Medical Director when she started a new job out of the area. We are grateful for the professional care she provided at Borg and for her willingness to help in any way. Dr Susan Thompson, Altru Cavalier accepted the position as Borg Medical Director. Dr Thompson continues to make routine rounds at Borg. We are so fortunate to have such tremendous support from medical staff. Thank you Dr Thompson and Deb Vivatson, NP.

Years of ophthalmology service at Borg ended with the retirement of Dr Meredith Clark, OD. Dr Clark and his wife Susan did eye exams, visited, and brought delicious treats semiannually for many years. Thank you and best wishes to Dr Clark and Susan.

After years of daily use, the whirlpool tub is being replaced. A new whirlpool tub is scheduled to arrive this week. Plans are underway to change the institutional bath area into more of a relaxing spa area to enhance resident life at Borg.

We welcome Sharon Laxdal, NP as Interim Administrator and Pam Byron, RN as Administrator. Thank you for your leadership in caring for the Borg residents and staff. We wish you well in your positions here.

Wishing you a Joyous Thanksgiving

Check or for the latest news.


You can stay in touch with a friend or family member at Borg through e-mail correspondence. Skype is also available to allow visits through the internet. Residents can be contacted at borgmail@polar by using the resident’s name in the subject line. If you have questions, you can contact the Activity Department by using the above address with activity department in the subject line or use



Visitors often comment on the shiny floors and a feeling of home here at Borg. Our Housekeeping and Maintenance staff contributes to that with their daily work. Main areas and resident rooms are maintained with scheduled cleaning and each day is a busy one. The new flooring installed on first floor this year was waxed to maintain the new look for a long time to come.

From our laundry crew:

If you are considering clothing as a gift for your loved one at Borg this Christmas, please avoid wool or hand wash items and consider comfort and easy care in your choices . Wishing you a Happy Holiday season.

Denise, Bonnie, Misty, Melissa,

Gail, Becky and Brooke


Christina Bata of Adams has been hired as Borg’s new dietitian. She has made changes to update menus and to provide more fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. She has also worked to provide in-service training in the Dietary department.

We wish you and yours special times with your family during this upcoming holiday season.

Sherrie, Bonnie, Joyce, Rose and Stephanie

Borg Auxiliary News

Four lucky winners of the raffle at the Borg Auxiliary Bazaar on October 3 were awarded four beautiful handmade items. Winner of the large quilt created by Eldean Newell was Katie Kemp of Grand Forks. The gorgeous framed china painted picture made and donated by Grace Gunderson, a resident of Borg, was won by Barb Mayo of Cavalier. Vergil Ritter created a cuddly afghan which was won by Vicki Hill, and the crocheted rag rug made by Betty Einarson was won by Kally Werven of Cavalier. Eldean, Vergel and Betty are members of the auxiliary.

The support from the surrounding communities, not only in patronizing the bazaar, but also in donating food and bazaar items and their time in setting up and working at the event is greatly appreciated by the residents and staff of Borg as well as by the auxiliary members. One highlight of the afternoon was singing "Happy Birthday" to several auxiliary members who celebrated birthdays that week--especially those who observed ones in the mid eighties to nineties to 101 years. Some of the charter members of the auxiliary are still active, even at 101, but daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters of those founding members have joined in to continue the work begun in October, 1966.

Funds raised by the auxiliary help support activities and projects at Borg. The past year more lightweight TVs and two lift chairs were purchased for use by the residents. Flowers for the flower beds and a new grill for picnics were also purchased for the residents' enjoyment.