UAB Report (9-21-12)
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
BOR Mandated Five-Year Program Review
- Academic deans and campus directors finalized the AY13 schedule.
- Programs will receive the documents next week.
Program Student Learning Outcomes in Catalog
- Draft memo sent to chairs of UAB, GAB and AAC.
“New or Revised Lab Fee Request” Deadlines
- Proposals for new or revised lab fees for Spring2013 classes must be submitted to OAA by October 19, 2012.
Lab/Course Fee Task Force
- Membership drive in progress.
General Education Assessment Task Force
- Membership drive in progress.
List of Active Academic Courses w/OAA Approval Dates
- Update in progress.
Change of Department Name
- The College of Business and Public Policy proposal to revise the existing Department of Public Administration to the Department of Public Administration and Public Policy has been submitted to the statewide Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- University Regulation R10.02.040 states “The President must approve the establishment, elimination, or major revision of certain academic units unless such authority has been delegated. Academic units requiring president’s approval are those units in which faculty hold tenured or tenure track positions or which deliver one or more degree or certificate programs.”
Status of programs going up though Statewide Academic Committee (SAC) and Board of Regents (BOR)
- Retail Management Undergraduate Certificate (BOR September meeting)
- Bachelor of Arts, Legal Studies; Associate of Applied Science, Paralegal Studies; Undergraduate Certificate, Legal Nurse Consultant Paralegal; Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Paralegal Studies (BOR September meeting)
- BS, Health Science, Health Educator track and Pre-professional track (Approved by SAC and will be on a later BOR meeting this fall)
Policy Advisory Committee
In Progress
- Course Repeats (UAB/Approved by GAB on August 24)
- Catalog Year and Course Prerequisites (UAB/GAB)
- Posthumous Degrees (UAB/Approved by GAB on August 24)
- International Coursework Evaluations (Forthcoming to Faculty Senate Executive Board)
- Program Suspension and Deletion Process (Forthcoming to academic boards)
- Standards for MOAs/MOUs (Provost/Deans)
Institutional Accreditation: