Grandview Antique Tractor & Machinery Club
Regular Meeting Minutes- 1 -August 26, 2010
Grandview Antique Tractor &
Machinery Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
August 26, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:28 p.m. by Willie Williams, President. Seventeen members and guests were present. Joey Quattlebaum won half the $50 pot. Those preparing and setting up the meal were thanked.
Tommy Williams motioned to accept the minutes as written in the July/August newsletter. Joey Quattlebaum seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report for period ending 8/26/10 was read indicating a balance as of 7/29/10 of $888.01 with income of $15and $124.35 inexpenditures, leaving a balance as of 8/26/10 of $778.66. Joey Quattlebaummotioned to accept the report as presented, seconded by Buddy Barrington. Motion carried.
Membership Report
Charlene Williams gave the Membership Report. Total membership is 37, with 13 Individual Memberships and 12 Family Memberships. To date 16 members are past due. Tommy Williams volunteered to call each member who had not renewed if he could get a list.
Committee Reports
Old Business
The upcoming trail ride was discussed. October 16 was chosen as the date to hold it.
Having a harvest day was mentioned at the July meeting. Tommy Poteet reported that everything had been harvested and perhaps we could discuss this next year at harvest time.
Tommie Poteet advised we need to have a work day to fix plows and pick up rocks. He stated Rickey Jewell had taken a backhoe and cleaned up a lot. It was suggested we discuss further at our next meeting.
Tommie also reported that the planter donated by A. B. Manis had not been picked up. Buddy Barrington stated we also need to pick up a silage cutter and row binder donated by Jeff Holveck.
Willie advised that Tommie Poteet had built a trailer for the club and Tommy Williams had volunteered to paint it.
Everett Passon won first place at the Old Settler’s Parade for his High Crop 8N Ford.
New Business
Willie Williams announced the upcoming September shows.
Due to a number of members desiring to go to the upcoming show in Sulphur, Oklahoma, the decision was made not to have our fall show during Antique Alley. It was suggested we have our show at the upcoming Liberty Chapel show and requested as many as possible attend. Tommie Poteet suggested we call and remind everyone 2-3 days before the Liberty Chapel show.
Tommy Williams advised his band would be glad to play for the residents of the retirement village in appreciation for using their facility. He stated they would consider doing it in October.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business,Joey Quattlebaummade a motion to adjourn. Byron Tye seconded. Meeting adjourned at7:50 p.m.
Charlene Williams
Approved: ______, 2010