functional therapies

Booking policy for functional therapy classes:-

  1. Entry to all classes is via an initial consultation to ensure correct care is given and exercises adapted for you before participating in a group class. It may be appropriate for more than 1 session and will be discussed on an individual basis.
  1. Classes to be paid in advance by cash/cheque only (payable to Sam Chamberlain) on a 1/2-term basis (number of weeks varies) at £13 per class. This must be paid for at the end of the current booking in advance for the next 1/2 term. If payment has not been received by the first week of term a £10 admin fee will be incurred. Cheques can be sent to me at 24 Tresco Rd, Berkhamsted, HP4 3JZ
  2. ALL classes are NON transferable
  1. If unable to attend your regular class (for whatever reason) you may attend another class, subject to availability, within that 1/2 term period. If you are unable to do so in the time period specified the class is non-transferable into the next 1/2 term. However if no notification of missing a class is given in advance you will forfeit this right
  2. If you wish to make up a missed class this must be done in writing via email informing me of your preferred class choice & date.
  1. If you are unable to attend your regular slot please inform me by email so the place can be made available to another client wanting to make up a class.
  2. If you wish to come on an occasional basis & are not a regular attendee there will be a £16 “drop-in” fee. It is not possible to guarantee a place in a class of your choice in this instance. This is only for clients who have been assessed & attended previous classes – NOT NEW CLIENTS. If you regularly attend a class & wish to come to a 2nd class in the week you will be charged £13
  3. If before a new 1/2 term period you know you will be absent for more than 50% of the sessions you may pay a £5 retainer per class and not be charged the full £13 fee (NB. This is not applicable retrospectively). This will ensure you keep your place for the next 1/2 term. If you prefer to “drop in” you will be charged a £16 fee per class. However this will not guarantee your regular place in class for the next half of term.
  4. If a decision is made not to attend a half-term course it cannot be guaranteed a place will be available for the subsequent course. A place for next course can only be reserved by full payment.
  5. Any request for refund due to long term ill-health or major surgery will be discussed on a case by case basis.
  6. During the reduced summer timetable all classes once booked, are paid in advance, non transferable to other clients (or the following 1/2 term) & non-refundable if unable to attend.
  7. In the case that any additional classes are organised throughout the year these are an additional cost to the standard term. Therefore, you are not able to use these to “make-up” classes not attended during any previous courses.

I have hereby read and agree to the terms of the class booking system:



April 2017